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  • 网络strategic encirclement;strategic envelopment;strategic ring of encirclement
  1. 这样的主张有可能加剧某些国家的不安情绪,尤其是印度。印度一直担心中国构建起针对它的战略包围圈。

    Such ideas have the potential to deepen unease in some countries , especially in India , which has long feared strategic encirclement by China .

  2. 美国企图拉拢印度和巴基斯坦,将两国纳入其遏制苏联扩张的战略包围圈,同时美国又希望控制世界范围内的核扩散。

    America tried to draw in India and Pakistan , and tried to control nuclear proliferation in the worldwide .

  3. 在他就任总统时,伊朗的周边形势很严峻,两次海湾战争和阿富汗战争使美国已经完成了对伊朗的战略包围。

    During the period of he assumes the office of the President , Iranian periphery circumstances is very austere , the strategy that Gulf War and Afghanistan war messenger USA have already accomplished to Iranian twice surrounds .

  4. 部落和联盟为了控制战略资源包围地方要塞,展开面对面的冲突。

    The Horde and Alliance will battle head-to-head for control of strategic resources to lay siege to the keeps of their opponents .

  5. 从整个抗日战争看来,由于敌之战略进攻和外线作战,我处战略防御和内线作战地位,无疑我是处在敌之战略包围中。

    Taking the war of resistance as a whole , there is no doubt that we are strategically encircled by the enemy , because he is on the strategic offensive and is operating on exterior lines while we are on the strategic defensive and are operating on interior lines .