
dù hé
  • cross a river
渡河 [dù hé]
  • [cross a river] 通过江河

渡河[dù hé]
  1. 第二天,他们需要渡河。

    The next day , they needed to cross a river .

  2. 许多人在试图穿渡河时被淹死。

    Many of them drowned as they tried to cross a river .

  3. 船上满是情绪激动、怒气冲冲的度假者,有些人等船渡河已经等了两天了。

    Boats crammed with hot and angry holidaymakers , some of whom had waited for up to two days to cross

  4. 这时红军强渡了大渡河。

    The Red Army then made a forced crossing of the Dadu river .

  5. 我们乘船渡河。

    We crossed the river in a boat .

  6. 他们乘船渡河。

    They crossed the stream in a boat .

  7. 我们渡河到了瑞典。

    We crossed over the river into Sweden .

  8. 然而,夜间水情已经发生变化,楚军却仍然按照白天的标记渡河,自然他们要失败了。

    but the rising water changed the situation in the night . Yet the Chu army still tried to wade4 across the river according to the marks made in the daytime , so naturally they failed .

  9. 但假如他们同乘坐一条船渡河,遇到风暴的话,他们也会互相帮助,就像一个人的左右手互相配合那样,一点也不会像是仇人。

    But if they were on the same boat and encounter a storm , they would help each other just like one 's left hand coordinates with his right hand , and they didn 't seem hostile to each other at all .

  10. 基于AHP与ANP方法的浮桥渡河方式评估

    Floating Bridge Crossing Mode Evaluation Based on AHP and ANP Methods

  11. 基于MODIS叶面积指数的大渡河流域作物生态需水研究

    Ecological crop water requirement in Dadu River Watershed Based on MODIS Lai

  12. n.战略假装渡河和撤退的战略愚弄了敌人。

    tactics The tactics of pretending to cross the river and of making a retreat fooled the enemy .

  13. 使用GC-MS仪对大渡河和岷江流域的四个不同居群的岷江柏叶精油进行了化学组分研究。

    The essential oil of the foliage from four Cupressus chenegiana populations distributed in Minjiang and Daduhe rivers was analyzed by GC-MS.

  14. 为有效促进渡河工程保障侦察手段的改进和侦察装备的发展,综合运用实时动态定位GPS-RTK(RealTimeKinematic)、超声波测深和数字测图等技术实现数字化江河测量。

    To improve and develop the method and equipment of river-crossing reconnaissance , digital river surveying was implemented with GPS-RTK ( real time kinematic ), ultrasonic sounding , and digital mapping technology .

  15. 为抓住这一机遇,经过一年多的筹备,X水电开发有限责任公司在2004年9月正式注册成立,购买了大渡河一条支流流域的水资源开发权进行水电开发。

    After more-than-one-year preparation , X Hydroelectric Development Co. , Ltd ( briefly called XHDC ) was launched officially in September , 2004 , and it put into production after getting the privilege to develop water resources along a branch of the Dadu River .

  16. 采用VOF模型对大渡河与楠桠河交汇处的护堤工程区及其影响范围进行了三维数值模拟计算分析。

    VOF model was applied to3D numerical simulation and calculation of the dike dam project at the confluence of Daduhe River and Nanyahe River arid its influencing regions .

  17. 在四川峨边大渡河拱桥关键性吊杆中成功布设了FBG应变和温度传感器,提出并实施了现役拱桥吊杆FBG传感器的布设工艺以及布设后吊杆的修复方法。

    The FBG strain and temperature sensors have been successfully installed in some key suspenders of Sichuan Ebian Dadu river arch bridge . The installation of FBG sensors and suspender repair have been exp-lored in-service arch bridge .

  18. 提出了以VHDL语言为手段,用状态空间表示法求解过河问题中的应用,并在Active-HDL环境下实现了模拟和在Cadence环境下实现了综合。安全渡河问题的计算机求解和模拟

    This paper proposes the application of VHDL in solving crossing river problem by state spaces representation , and exemplifies in Active-HDL and Cadence . On the Method of Realizing Solution and Simulation of the Safe Crossing River Problem Through Computer

  19. 位于大渡河流域中游峡谷地段的大岗山水电站也遇到了类似的工程问题,左岸(EL1135-1040m)已开挖建基面上声波检测异常,单孔声波波速偏低。

    Located in the middle of the canyon area in DaDu River DaGang Mountain power station also meet similar engineering problems , left the foundation surface ( EL1135-1040m ) acoustic detection already excavation single-drillhole acoustic wave abnormity is low .

  20. 他试图渡河,但没能成功。

    He was frustrated in an attempt to cross the river .

  21. 普渡河倒虹吸管桥组合结构模态分析

    Model Analysis of Pipe-bridge Combined Structure of Inverted Siphon on Pudu River

  22. 大渡河流域分布式水循环模型开发研究

    Development of Distributed Hydrological Cycle Model for Dadu River Basin

  23. 渡河到上面的建筑群找到入口。

    Cross the river to gain access to upper compound .

  24. 科学开发大渡河建设和谐水电的实践和思考

    Practice and thinking of developing Dadu River scientifically to build harmonic hydropower

  25. 小船渡河问题的实际应用

    On the Practical Application of Problem on the Boat Crosses a River

  26. 大渡河响水岩崩堵溃洪水预测研究

    Prediction of flood caused by rock-fall around Xiangshui sector of Dadu River

  27. 大渡河上游地区景观格局与动态

    Landscape patterns and dynamics in the upper reaches of the Dadu River

  28. 他们正在渡河对吗?

    They are crossing the river , are not they ?

  29. 他们渡河的企图没成功。

    They didn 't succeed in their attempt to cross the river .

  30. 在敌人渡河时我们发起了攻击。

    We started the attack when the enemy were crossing the river .