
dù dù niǎo
  • dodo
渡渡鸟[dù dù niǎo]
  1. 加德纳的继任者阿兰??派弗(AlanPifer)把传统基金会和渡渡鸟联系在一起,说称基金会现在需要锻炼“苗条的身体和发达的翅膀”。

    Alan Pifer , the foundation 's president after Gardner , has likened traditional foundations such as his to the dodo , saying that they now need to develop " slim bodies and well-developed wings . "

  2. 渡渡鸟是一种现在几乎很高雅的鸟。

    The dodo is a bird that is nearly decent now .

  3. 把它拿来。渡渡鸟说。

    ` Hand it over here , ' said the Dodo .

  4. 沙鸡;鸽子;鸽子;已灭绝的渡渡鸟和矾鸫。

    Sand grouse ; pigeons ; doves ; extinct dodos and solitaires .

  5. 你只能从这张照片中得知渡渡鸟的模样。

    You can see what a Dodo looked like from the picture .

  6. 报刊评论家越来越像濒临灭绝的渡渡鸟那样珍贵。

    Critics are looking more and more like dodos .

  7. “当然,”渡渡鸟非常庄严地回答道。

    Of course , the Dodo replied very gravely .

  8. 他和他那臭烘烘的猫还有渡渡鸟

    He and his stinky cat and his dodo bird

  9. 渡渡鸟在17世纪就绝种了。

    The Dodo became extinct in the17th century .

  10. 渡渡鸟的生存能力胜过其他动物!

    Survival separates the dodos from the beasts !

  11. 已经灭绝的不会飞的鸟,与渡渡鸟近缘。

    Extinct flightless bird related to the dodo .

  12. 已灭绝的渡渡鸟和矾鸫。

    Extinct dodos and solitaires .

  13. 渡渡鸟已经绝种了。

    The DODOS is extinct .

  14. 枭鹦与绝种的渡渡鸟的生命历史十分相似。

    Really the kakapo has a very similar life history to that iconic extinct bird the Dodo .

  15. 最后,渡渡鸟说:每人都赢了,而且都有奖品!

    At last the Dodo said , ' EVERYBODY has won , and all must have prizes . '

  16. 但是如果当时人们有动物保护意识的话,就不会造成渡渡鸟的灭绝。

    But if there was one animal protection awareness , then it will not cause the extinction of the dodo .

  17. 但当被问到“谁真正赢了比赛”,渡渡鸟看上去非常困惑,用手指紧贴在他的太阳穴,

    But when asked the question , " who has actually won ? " the Dodo looked puzzled and pressed his finger to his temple .

  18. 阿根廷人很喜欢儿童,几乎到了溺爱的程度。他们推崇自由主义的做法意味着芬兰可以用任何的方式去抓渡渡鸟。

    The Argentinians love children to the point of spoiling them and their liberal approach meant that Finn 's routine was going the way of the dodo .

  19. (由于你在冬天也许会想起来玩这种游戏,所以我占这里告诉你渡渡鸟是怎么做的。)

    ( And , as you might like to try the thing yourself , some winter day , I will tell you how the Dodo managed it . )

  20. 当我们想到灭绝,我们通常想象大型,那些有魅力的生物,比如剑齿虎,毛茸茸的猛犸象或者渡渡鸟。

    When we think of extinction , we usually picture large , charismatic creatures , like the saber-toothed tiger , the wooly mammoth or the even the dodo bird .

  21. 当然啦,渡渡鸟非常严肃地回答,你的口袋里还有别的东西吗,它转向爱丽丝问道。

    ` Of course , ' the Dodo replied very gravely . ` What else have you got in your pocket ? ' he went on , turning to Alice .

  22. 它们跑了大约半个小时,衣服大体上都干了,渡渡鸟就突然喊道:比赛结束了!

    However , when they had been running half an hour or so , and were quite dry again , the Dodo suddenly called out ' The race is over !

  23. 我说的是,能让我们把湿衣服弄干的最好办法,是来个会议式的赛跑。渡渡鸟恼怒地说。

    ` What I was going to say , ' said the Dodo in an offended tone , ` was , that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race . '

  24. 在这种情况下,我建议休会,并立即采取更加有效的措施。渡渡鸟站后来严肃地说。

    ` In that case , ' said the Dodo solemnly , rising to its feet , ` I move that the meeting adjourn , for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies & '

  25. “她,当然是她啦!”渡渡鸟用一个手指头指着爱丽丝说。

    ' Why , SHE , of course , 'said the Dodo , pointing to Alice with one finger ; and the whole party at once crowded round her , calling out in a confused way , 'Prizes !

  26. 这时,大家又围住了爱丽丝,渡渡鸟接过顶针后兑严肃地递给了她,说:我们请求你接受这只精致的顶针,它刚结束这句简短的讲演,大家全都欢呼起来了。

    Then they all crowded round her once more , while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble , saying ' We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble ' ; and , when it had finished this short speech , they all cheered .

  27. 渡渡鸟说:对,为了说明它,最好的办法就是咱们亲自做一做。(由于你在冬天也许会想起来玩这种游戏,所以我占这里告诉你渡渡鸟是怎么做的。)

    ' Why , ' said the Dodo , ' the best way to explain it is to do it . ' ( And , as you might like to try the thing yourself , some winter day , I will tell you how the Dodo managed it . )

  28. 它们跑了大约半个小时,衣服大体上都干了,渡渡鸟就突然喊道:“比赛结束了!”听这话,它们都喘着气围拢过来,不停地问:“谁赢了,”

    However , when they had been running half an hour or so , and were quite dry again , the Dodo suddenly called out ' The race is over ! ' and they all crowded round it , panting , and asking , ' But who has won ? '

  29. 这个问题,渡渡鸟得好好考虑一下才能回答。因此,它坐下来,用一个指头撑着前额了好长时间(就像照片上莎士比亚的那种姿态),这段时间里大家都安静地等待着。

    This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought , and it sat for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead ( the position in which you usually see Shakespeare , in the pictures of him ) , while the rest waited in silence .