
  • 网络strategic competitiveness
  1. 做到以下几点:第一,企业应在企业文化外向性、员工参与性方面加强努力,同时注重顾客需求变化,以促进企业提高战略竞争力、提高创新能力。

    First , enterprises should strengthen corporate culture extraversion and staff participation . Also should focus on customer-orientation to improve their strategic competitiveness and the innovation capability .

  2. 企业的战略竞争力可以用核心能力加以说明,它包括:核心竞争力、产品和服务竞争力、核心业务竞争力三个层面。

    Strategic competitiveness of an enterprise may be illustrated by its core ability that consists of core competitiveness , product and service competitiveness and core business competitiveness .

  3. 信阳木机:核心的战略竞争力&采访河南信阳木工机械股份有限公司王耀西总经理

    Xinyang Woodworking Machine : a Core of the Strategic Competition

  4. 由此构建了商业银行战略竞争力模型和基于战略竞争力的商业银行文化管理模型。

    From this it built the model of strategic competitiveness of commercial bank and the model of cultural management of commercial bank based on the strategic competitiveness .

  5. 在此形势下,中职学校应该提高泛地区化发展的战略竞争力,拓展战略空间,打造战略品牌和构建战略机制。

    Under the trend , secondary vocational schools should enhance strategic competency , broaden strategic space , shape strategic brand and build strategic mechanism for the development of extensive regionalization .

  6. 三是中外比较法,围绕中外经济型酒店品牌战略竞争力问题进行了对比分析,在综合分析基础上,明确长沙东秀便捷式酒店品牌战略实施的现实差距和努力方向。

    Thirdly , the comparison of Chinese and foreign , on the Chinese economy hotel brand strategy competitiveness of a comparative analysis , comprehensive analysis , based on a clear show of Changsha East convenient hotel brand strategy and the implementation of the gap between the reality of direction .

  7. 在企业的所有资源中,人力资源是最根本的、具有决定性意义的资源,只有拥有高素质的人力资源,企业才能具备战略核心竞争力。

    Manpower Resources , with decisive significance , is the fundamental resources in the range of enterprise 's resources .

  8. 通过对BPR战略与核心竞争力理论的深入研究,本文提出BPR是一种有效的战略工具,BPR在战略上就是要增强企业的核心竞争力。

    Through deep study to the theories of core-competence and BPR strategy , this paper expounds that BPR is a valid strategy tool , which can strengthen core-competence on the strategic orientation .

  9. 南建集团;多元化;战略;核心竞争力;

    Nanjian Conglomerate ; diversification ; strategy ; core competitive power ;

  10. 企业整合创新战略与核心竞争力关系研究

    Research on the Relationship Corporate Integral Innovation Strategy and Core Competitiveness

  11. 基于城市战略的城市竞争力的培育与构建

    Cultivation and Building of the City Competence Based on City Competitive Strategy

  12. 其次,在企业战略中引入竞争力管理,使其与战略管理过程紧密结合。

    Should draw the competition strategy combined with management of competence of firms ;

  13. 实施专利战略提高企业竞争力

    Execution of Patent Strategy for Strong Competition of Enterprises

  14. 实施三特战略提升学院竞争力

    Implement the " CFS " Strategy to Enhance the Competitiveness of the College

  15. 金融危机下企业财务战略与财务竞争力研究

    Study on the Financial Strategies and Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Financial Crisis

  16. 实施名牌战略提高核心竞争力

    Actualizing Name-Brand Strategy and Promoting Kernel Competitive Power

  17. 战略选择决定竞争力

    The Strategic Choice Determines the Competitiveness

  18. 企业知识产权战略形成核心竞争力机理及途径研究

    The Research on Mechanism and Channel That Intellectual Property Strategy Formed the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises

  19. 对于企业范围的工作,这些实践可以使一个组织符合其商业战略和保持竞争力。

    For enterprise-scale work efforts , these practices can enable an organization to pursue its business strategy and remain competitive .

  20. 多元化经营战略以核心竞争力的培育提升为基础,核心竞争力战略也须利用多元化经营等战略来扩大竞争优势。

    Diversification is based on foster and improvement of core competence , and core competence also extends advantage through diversification .

  21. 本研究尝试从竞争战略的核心竞争力概念来阐述商业银行的中介功能。

    This research tries to begin with the intermediary function of commercial banks introduced by the concept of core competitiveness of competitive strategy .

  22. 产业整合是企业基于长期的发展战略,培育竞争力,扩大市场规模的根本需要。

    And assumes that integration of industries is mainly for the enterprises ' long-term development , increase in competitiveness , and market expansion .

  23. 同时,信息技术又为制造业实施先进制造战略和提高竞争力,提供了使能工具平台。

    At the same time , information technique increases the development of advanced manufacture stategy for the company and makes it more competitive .

  24. 如果您的企业和大部分企业一样,则您的业务战略和核心竞争力分析已经确定了需要在哪些领域重点关注业务再工程和IT现代化。

    If your business is like most , your business strategy and core-competency analysis have identified where you need to focus on business re-engineering and IT modernisation .

  25. 另一方面,比较分析了美、日、中三国专利和国际市场占有率。实证分析显示高新技术企业专利战略对外贸竞争力的提升具有积极作用。

    On the other hand , a comparative analysis is made of the patents and international market shares of high-tech enterprises from United States , Japan and China .

  26. 首先,本文对核心竞争力、多元化经营战略及核心竞争力与多元化经营的关系等理论进行了概述,为之后的相关研究提供理论依据。

    First of all , the essay summarizes theories of core competence , diversification strategy and relationship between core competence and diversification , provides a theoretical basis for the following relevant research .

  27. 通过与竞争对手组建联盟,成员企业期望借助伙伴的资源提高自身的战略地位和竞争力,并在一定程度上影响和改善所处的行业环境。

    Firms hope to improve their strategic position and competency through forming alliances with competitors by making use of partners ' critical resources , as well as to impact and improve the industrial environment .

  28. 分析了国家经济安全的内涵及战略产业核心竞争力的重要性,就如何培育战略产业的核心竞争力提出了相关的策略。

    The connotation of national economic security and the importance of core competence in strategic industry are analyzed , and some related concrete countermeasures about how to cultivate core competence in strategic industry are proposed .

  29. 不利条件有:缺乏品牌意识;缺乏有效的品牌战略和核心竞争力;国内原材料和能源价格上涨;国家低碳和节能减排政策的实施。

    The weak points include the lack of brand awareness , effective branding strategy and core competence , rising prices of the domestic raw materials and energy , low-carbon economic pressure on national energy emission reduction policies .

  30. 媒介趣味是当代媒介经营战略的核心竞争力与资源之一,是检验媒介定位的重要标尺,也是创造、扩散与延伸媒介品牌的要素。

    Media taste , as one of the core resources and competitiveness of media management strategy is an important measure of the position of media , and a vital element to create , spread and extend the media brand .