
  • 网络organizational authority
  1. 国际铜研究组织职权范围

    Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group

  2. 这一过程将在修订的世卫组织实验室职权范围中予以记录。

    This process will be documented in a revised Terms of Reference for the WHO laboratories .

  3. 至于如何准确的解释该组织的职权,大部分代表团赞成第一种意见。

    As for the precise interpretation of the mandate of the organization , most delegations prefer the first option .

  4. 检察院的组织、职权和运作由法律规定。

    The structure , powers and functions as well as operation of the procuratorates shall be prescribed by law .

  5. 刑事裁判权的主体是裁判机关,但其又依靠具体裁判组织行使职权。

    The subject of criminal judging power is judging organs , but it employs its power by concrete judging organizations .

  6. 第九十八条区域组织的职权和组成方法由法律规定。

    Article 98 The powers and functions of the district organizations and the method for their formation shall be prescribed by law .

  7. 澳门特别行政区法院的组织、职权和运作由法律规定。

    The structure , powers and functions as well as operation of the courts of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be prescribed by law .

  8. 正文分为三部分,第一部分用详尽的史料介绍了国民参政会时期的社会背景,并分析了国民参政会的组织、职权和性质及国民参政会时期的宪政运动。

    The text is divided into three parts , First part introduced the social background , the organization , functions and powers of national meeting with the exhaustive historical data .

  9. 决定说,香港特别行政区区域组织的职权和组成方法,依《基本法》规定将由香港特别行政区的法律规定。

    The resolution states that , the authority and formative methods of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region 's regional organization , according to the " basic law ", will be stipulated by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region .

  10. 由于行政院机构庞杂,目前尚没有专著和文章对行政院作系统论述,对行政院组织和职权的论述多散见于各种政治制度史中并都属于介绍性质的。

    Because of the numerous and jumbled organization of executive yuan there have not being monograph and articles at present , which dissertate systematically executive yuan . A lot of dissertations about organization and authority of executive yuan exist in political system history , and these dissertations are always introductive .

  11. 组织设计中职权和职责分析组织机构和职责

    Distribution of Power and Responsibility in Designing Organization Structure and Responsibility

  12. 最后从企业的管理跨度、组织层次和职权授于等方面提出确定企业管理模式的要点。

    At last , it puts forward the main point for determining enterprise management mode from the aspects such as the management span , organization level and authority conferment etc.

  13. 然后,将与制药公司共享这些病毒种株以研制疫苗,并且将在世卫组织合作中心职权范围中概述这一机制。

    Those seed strains will then be shared with pharmaceutical companies to develop vaccine , and that mechanism will be outlined in the terms of reference of the WHO Collaborating Centres .

  14. 企业在成长发展的过程中,在人员、观念和文化,组织结构和职权,组织的任务和流程等方面都要面临创新的问题。

    During the course of the growth stage there are many things to be innovated for the employee , vision , culture , organizational structure and position , tasks and process , etc.

  15. 公文是党政机关、社会团体、企事业单位以及其他社会组织行使法定职权、处理日常事务时经常使用的书面文字工具。

    Documentary writing is a practical written tool for the exercise of lawful duties as well as the handling of daily pursuits in the Party and government organs , social groups , enterprises and institutions and other social organizations .

  16. 在职权设置问题上,有些国家或地区采用委员会式的组织形式,职权范围较为广泛,具有行政权、准立法权、准司法权,其能充分展现反垄断行政执法主体的权威性。

    In the power issues , some countries or regions with " the Committee " type of organization , have wide scope of powers with executive power , quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial power , it can fully display authority of the subjects of anti-monopoly administrative enforcement .

  17. 在美国是司法性组织行使政治性职权,在法国是政治行为被赋予司法特征。

    In USA judicial organization performs political function , whereas , in France all the political behaviors are entrusted with judicial characteristics .

  18. 该项战略建议世卫组织应在其职权范围内,在公共卫生、创新和知识产权的关系上发挥战略性核心作用。

    The strategy proposes that WHO should play a strategic and central role in the relationship between public health and innovation and intellectual property within its mandate .

  19. 处罚权,只能由行政机关或司法机关或其他有处罚权的组织在其法定职权范围内行使。

    Punishment counterpoises , can by executive authority or judiciary or other the organization that has condemnatory right is in its are legal the exercise inside limits of one 's functions and powers .

  20. 税务执法是指国家税务机关及其公职人员,以及依法被授权的组织依照法定的职权和程序,贯彻和执行税法规范的行为。

    The tax law enforcement refers to that the national tax authority , its servants and the organization authorized in accordance with the law carry out the norms of the tax law according to the legal authority and the procedure .

  21. 这意味着政府、大企业和非政府组织之间的紧密合作,同时赋予国际组织更多职权。

    That means strong co-operation among governments , big business and non-governmental organisations , and extra authority for international institutions .