
zhàn chē
  • chariot;tank
战车 [zhàn chē]
  • (1) [chariot]∶用于作战的车辆

  • (2) [tank]∶旧称坦克

战车[zhàn chē]
  1. 那辆青铜战车证明是有价值的发现。

    The bronze chariot proved to be a valuable find .

  2. 一辆被燃烧的蜥蜴覆盖的青铜战车

    A bronze chariot ridden by chameleons radiating flaring lights .

  3. 能和德国战车乐队相提并论是极大的荣耀。

    Being compared to Rammstein is a great compliment .

  4. 金属轮战车是现代战争中坦克的原型。

    Metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare .

  5. 我再也听不到时间高速战车催促迫近的声音,至少不再像以前我感觉到的那么多。

    I no longer hear time 's winged chariot drawing near , or at least not as much as I did before .

  6. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  7. 等到敌军入侵,越人的战车刚刚上阵,就残破得不堪使用,结果被敌人打得大败。

    Later when the enemy army invaded them , the chariots of Yue were all broken when first brought to the battlefield and were useless . Thus , the state of Yue was hadly defeated .

  8. 一种应用于战车GPS差分快速定位系统设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation for Application in GPS Differential Rapid Positioning System in Combat Vehicle

  9. RBF网络用于战车火控系统弹道解算的方法

    Ballistic Resolving Algorithm of Fire Control System based on RBF Neural Network

  10. 一个轮子滚动400次就等于战车行进了一个Romanmile的距离。

    A wheel had to turn 400 times to complete a Roman mile .

  11. 修正了将NPC卡在战车区域里的错误。

    Correction of a bug that locks NPCs in chariot 's area .

  12. 基于HLA的两栖步兵战车CGF研究

    Research of Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle CGF Based on HLA

  13. 基于H∞混合灵敏度优化控制对坦克装甲战车瞄准线双轴稳定系统进行了设计。

    Based on H ∞ hybrid sensitivity optimization control , a biax LOS stabilized system for the tank and armored fighting vehicle is designed in this paper .

  14. 最后我们给出了在某战车中RTOS的一个应用实例。

    At last we give a practical case of RTOS in one certain combat vehicle .

  15. 利用ADAMS二次开发语言,设计了一个可视化界面,可对步兵战车的重要参数进行修改。

    With the developing language of ADAMS software , it also designed the interface to modify the important parameters of infantry fighting vehicle .

  16. 通过对各种战车火控系统建立精确的仿真数学模型,构建一个基于HLA的综合性和开放性的半实物仿真试验平台。

    This paper establishes accurate mathematic model of fighting vehicle Fire Control System and constructs a synthetic and opening man-in-the-loop simulation platform based on HLA .

  17. 战车火控半实物仿真平台1553B总线系统软件设计

    The Software Design of 1553B Databus System in The HIL Simulation of Tank Fire Control System

  18. 电影导演休•赫德森(作品有火战车(ChariotsofFire),泰山王子(Greystoke),革命(Revolution))的短袖也是限于特定背景。

    Film director Hugh Hudson ,( Chariots of Fire , Greystoke , Revolution ) also restricts his short sleeves to a specific context .

  19. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词&想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics & think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .

  20. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词——想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics -- think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .

  21. 该装甲战车虚拟仪表系统架构是基于CAN总线,以嵌入式计算机PC104为核心。

    This virtual instrument system of armor vehicles is based on the CAN bus with the embedded computer PC104 as its center .

  22. 为了提高解算精度、战车首发命中率和解算的实时性,基于RBF网络的函数逼近及预测能力,将RBF网络用于弹道解算,对传统算法进行优化,得到了新的弹道解算方法。

    In order to improve the accuracy , hit rate and synchronism , based on the approach and predication ability of RBF neural network , a new ballistic resolving method is proposed , which optimizes the rational algorithm with RBF .

  23. 中美合作的NFV-1型步兵战车

    NFV-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

  24. 并导致那辆二轮战车坠毁了,然后,在我们听到Hippolytus的遭遇之后,他又被抬回了舞台上他死去的地方。

    and caused the chariot to crash , and then , after we hear what happened to Hippolytus , he 's carried back on stage where he dies .

  25. 但就我的理解,TG-1只是打算用来教会苏联的工程师如何发展重型坦克,没有想要把它作为完全实用的可以生产的战车。

    As far as I understand , the TG-1 was intended only to teach Soviet engineers how to develop a heavy vehicle , it was not intended as full-functional production vehicle .

  26. 针对陆地战车的自主性定位需求,提出了一种新型光纤捷联惯导系统(FSINS)/DR/北斗双星组合导航系统方案,研究了多种子导航系统的测量信息融合技术。

    The fiber strapdown inertial navigation system ( FSINS ) / dead reckoning ( DR ) / Beidou double-star integrated navigation scheme is proposed aiming at the need of land fighting-vehicle independence positioning .

  27. 我找到一栋历史建筑里的小套房公寓,和西班牙阶梯(SpanishSteps)相隔短短几条街,被博盖塞花园(BorgheseGardens)典雅的阴影所笼罩,就在人民广场(PiazzadelPopolo)街上,古罗马人从前在这广场举办战车比赛。

    The apartment I 've found is a quiet studio in a historic building , located just a few narrow blocks from the Spanish Steps , draped beneath the graceful shadows of the elegant Borghese Gardens , right up the street from the Piazza del Popolo , where the ancient Romans used to race their chariots .

  28. 在飞弹基地被击毁以后,这辆战车就失控了。

    Out of control after being destroyed at the missile base .

  29. 战车指控系统的综合化设计研究

    The Research of Integrated Design of Combat System Command Control System

  30. 把火的战车带给我&论中国啤酒工业的国情与发展

    National Conditions & Development of China Beer Industry Worship of fire