
  1. 论房地产资金信托风险的法律防范

    Research on Guarding Risk of Real Estate Investment Trust by Law

  2. 法律方式防范房地产资金信托风险包括信托内部关系和外部监管关系两个方面。

    Guarding risk of REITs by law include interior relations and exterior supervising relations .

  3. 开发商需要转变思路,将原大量原房地产资金投入新的区域。

    A large number of real estate funds need to be invested in new area .

  4. 近10年来,商业银行作为国内房地产资金获得的主要渠道积累了上万亿住房贷款。

    The commercial banks are the major financial channels for the real asset developers and millions private borrowers .

  5. 目前由于立法缺位、金融创新和法律规避、分业监管的监管体制等因素的影响,房地产资金信托面临风险。

    At present because of law 's vacancy , financial innovation and evasion of the law , supervising separately , REITs faced with risk .

  6. 自2001年我国信托投资一法两规的相继出台以来,信托公司在房地产资金融通市场上开始扮演起日趋重要的角色。

    Since 2001 , China Trust and Investment " One Law with two rules " have been introduced since the trust companies in the real estate financing market began to play an increasingly important role to play .

  7. 认识房地产资金信托和探讨我国房地产资金信托的模式、风险揭示及防范、政策措施就成为本文的核心。

    So it become cores of this text to know real estate fund trust and probe into of our country real estate fund mode , risk announcement of trust and to take precautions against , the policies and measures .

  8. 我国房地产开发资金主要来源于商业银行。

    China 's real estate financing mainly comes from commercial banks .

  9. 房地产企业集团资金内部融通研究

    The Research of Fund Flow Inside Real Estate Enterprise Group

  10. 中国房地产企业资金链平衡研究

    A Study on Capital Chain Balance for Real Estate Companies in China

  11. 我国房地产开发资金来源结构状况分析

    Analysis of the Situation of the Real Estate Fund Source in Our Country

  12. 的中国的土地购置和房地产开发资金来自银行信贷。

    Of China 's land acquisition and real estate development financed from bank credit .

  13. 一是加强房地产开发资金的监管。

    The second is to strengthen the supervision of the real estate developing fund .

  14. 观察房地产企业资金链异相

    Observation of Real Estate Enterprise Fund Chain

  15. 众所周知,房地产属于资金密集型行业的代表,其发展需要庞大的资金作为支撑。

    The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry , and it requires huge capital as support .

  16. 房地产信贷资金要被有效率的配置,必须要在这两个环节都有效,任何一个环节出现问题都会影响整个行业信贷资金的有效配置。

    If realestate credit funds can efficient allocation , it must be effective in the two steps .

  17. 通过分析房地产投资资金来源我们发现,银行贷款资金是其主要的资金来源。

    By analyzing real estate investment funds , we find that bank loan funds is the main source of funding .

  18. 实实在在的房子看上去固然令人放心,但没有哪条经济学定律说,投进房地产的资金是安全的。

    Bricks and mortar seem reassuring but there is no law of economics that says money is safe in housing .

  19. 房地产属于资金高度密集的产业,需要不断的进行融资,与金融业的关系密切。

    Real estate industry is highly capital intensive , and it requires continuous financing , close tying with the financial industry .

  20. 但通过空壳公司流入美国并购买高端房地产的资金,并未被要求接受这类审查。

    But such checks are not required on money flowing into the country through shell companies to purchase high-end real estate .

  21. 但是,我国房地产市场资金供给渠道单一,存在较大的系统性风险,开发多元化融资渠道,发展多种风险冲抵工具是房地产行业的内在需求。

    However , there are some serious system risks in the real estate market in China , so real estate industry need various vehicles for resisting risks .

  22. 预售许可制度于1994年建立,是对当时房地产企业资金严重不足的问题提出,有其存在的合理性。

    Pre-licensing system was established in 1994 , when the real estate business is a serious shortage of funding issues , there is where the rationality of its existence .

  23. 看涨者们注意到,挪威5430亿美元的政府养老金(世界上最大的主权财富基金之一)正在开始向房地产分配资金。

    Bulls note that Norway 's $ 543 billion state pension fund , one of the world 's largest sovereign-wealth funds , is starting to allocate money to property .

  24. 限购令接二连三的出台,导致房地产企业资金回笼速度放缓,对房地产企业的资金链来说更是雪上加霜。

    The limitation of the purchase comes up one after another , leading to slower returns of real estate companies ' investment , real estate business face more difficult capital chain .

  25. 房地产作为资金密集型行业,资本的来源和构成对企业经营管理有着巨大的影响。

    As we know , the real estate industry is a capital-intensive one , which means that the capital structure have a tremendous impact on the operation of companies ' business .

  26. 本文第一分析了房地产企业集团资金内部融通的相关理论,研究了房地产企业集团资金内部融通的优势、原则、特殊性,并且结合外部融通和开发策略来进行分析内部融通的特性;

    The thesis firstly analyses the theory of fund flow inside real estate enterprise group , contain the excellence , fundamental , particularity , then research it by combining fund exterior flow and impolder strategy ;

  27. 基于缓解房地产行业资金困难,化解金融系统风险的需求,发展房地产投资信托成为社会各界的广泛共识。

    Based on the demand of easing the difficulties of real estate industry and preventing the risk of the financial system , developing Real Estate Investment Trusts ( REITs ) has became a broad consensus of the community .

  28. 这不仅容易造成中小房地产企业资金链断裂,也容易使得房地产开发的风险向商业银行集中,对整个国民经济的平稳运行造成潜在威胁。

    This will not only easily break up the capital chain of the SMEs , but also force the real estate risks to concentrate on the commercial banks , thus , it poses potential threat to the smooth development of the national economy .

  29. 大小房地产企业资金链或多或少现紧缺态势,都在极力寻找新的融资之道,同时重点做着去库存、以价换量的工作,房地产行业进入了现金为王的时代。

    The real estate business of all sizes more or less now in short of capital supply , struggling to find new financing channels . While focusing on digesting inventory , abandoning price for amount , the real estate industry steps into the era of cash safety .

  30. 本文针对当前房地产企业资金管理中存在的问题,提出从资金预算管理、风险管理、日常管理和监督管理四个面来加强资金管理,促进提高企业经济效益。

    This paper first point out the questions on capital management of real estate enterprise , and then bring forward the strategy to enhance capital management from the four aspects of capital budgeting , risk control , ordinary management , monitoring management to promote and improve enterprise economic benefits .