
  1. 本文从纳税筹划基本理论出发,在对房地产企业筹资、投资和运营过程中涉及到的财务行为全面分析的基础上,为房地产企业勾画纳税筹划思路,设计纳税筹划整体方案。

    Based on comprehensive analysis of finance doing referred investments raise ( money ) and business of real estate , this article draw the outline of tax-planning project , design one whole tax-planning project .

  2. 主要从房地产成本风险分析、房地产开发筹资风险分析、金融风险与政策性风险分析三个方面对该项目进行了综合评述。

    Mainly from the real estate cost risk analysis , real estate development financing risk analysis , financial risk analysis and policy risk analysis carried out three aspects of the project reviewed .

  3. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)一直是日本房地产业中的一个主要投资者,目前,该公司仍在为一只房地产基金筹资,总额为数十亿美元。预计这只基金主要将针对亚洲市场进行投资。

    Morgan Stanley , which has been a big investor in Japanese property , is still in the process of raising several billion dollars for a real estate fund that is expected to target Asia .