
  • 网络Real Estate;Real estate finance
  1. 加入WTO给我国房地产金融带来的挑战和机遇

    The Challenge and Chance of China 's Real Estate Finance for WTO Entry

  2. Excel财务函数在房地产金融课程中的应用

    The Application of Excel Financial Function in " Real Estate Finance " Course

  3. WTO与我国房地产金融业

    WTO and Finance of Chinese Real Estate

  4. 本文运用VAR模型协整关系的递归估计方法,对我国房地产金融结构和房地产经济增长的关联性进行了分析。

    By using recursive estimation in cointegrated VAR model , we analyze the relationship between real estate financial structure and growth of real estate economy in China .

  5. 本文通过对我国正处于经济发展前沿的房地产金融业的现实考察,分析加入WTO对我国房地产金融业带来的挑战和机遇,并提出了相应的发展对策。

    Through inspecting the reality of the real estate finance of China and analyzing the challenge and chance for WTO entry , this article tells us the countermeasure for development of China 's real estate finance .

  6. 加入WTO后,这种落后现象不仅会使我国的房地产金融保险业付出沉重代价,也会很大的阻碍房地产业的健康发展。

    After joining the WTO , this kind of fall behind the phenomenon to not only will make our country of real estate financial insurance industry pay a heavy price , but also baffle the healthy development of the real estate industry .

  7. 本文针对我国房地产金融存在现状和问题,分析了发展国内REITs的必然性;

    This article in view of our country real estate finance existence present situation and the question , Analyzed development domestic REITs to result in the inevitability ;

  8. 在2008年席卷全球的金融危机爆发之前,REITs的高流动性、风险规避性、高收益性对全球房地产金融市场产生了深远的影响。

    Before the 2008 financial crisis throughout the world , the high liquidity , risk aversion , together with the high profitability of REITs produced far-reaching effects to the global real estate financial market .

  9. 自1970年第一笔MBS证券发行以来,这项创新相继被许多国家引入房地产金融领域,对这些国家房地产业的起飞、金融与经济的发展起了巨大的推动作用。

    Since the first MBS was issued in 1970 , this innovation has been introduced into real estate finance field by many countries in succession and played an important role in booming national real estate and developing finance and economy .

  10. 住房抵押贷款证券化(以下简称MBS)是近年来我国房地产金融界最关注的热点,国家为了扩大内需,拉动经济增长,必须改革传统房地产金融体制。

    Mortgage-backed Securitization ( MBS for short ) is the focus of real estate finance field in recent years . In order to enlarge effective demands and boom national economy , our country must innovate the traditional real estate finance system .

  11. 通过证券化的方式来活跃和完善我国的房地产金融市场已得到了广泛认同,REITs所需的市场基础也正在逐步加强,也就是说发展REITs的外部条件已经成熟。

    It has been approbated widely to activate and perfect the real estate financial market through securitization . The market REITs needed is gradually strengthened , in other words , the outside condition for REITs ' development has already matured .

  12. 房地产金融风险防范的再思考

    A New Idea on the Avoidance of Real Estate Financial Risks

  13. 由金融危机反思我国房地产金融系统

    Reviewing China 's Financial System of Real Estate from Financial Crisis

  14. 房地产金融调控政策事件的经济效应

    The Economic Impact of Financial Regulation Policies in Real Estate Industry

  15. 房地产金融报道强调政策性和服务性;

    Real estate finance report lays stress on policy and service .

  16. 房地产金融的快速增长与风险防范

    Rapid Increase of Financing in Real Estate and Its Risk Prevention

  17. 从系统的角度认识和防范房地产金融风险

    Understand and Prevent Financial Risks in Land and Housing Business Systematically

  18. 二是实行适度的房地产金融政策。

    Second , implement the moderately real estate financial policy .

  19. 美国次贷危机与中国房地产金融风险防范

    Subprime Loan Crisis and Precaution on Real Estate Financial Risks of China

  20. 银行信贷与房地产金融风险管理研究

    The Research on Bank Credit and Financial Risks Management of Real Estate

  21. 房地产金融是地产开发与金融资本的互利共赢活动。

    Real Estate Finance is the win-win activity between developer and capital .

  22. 房地产金融市场发展的探讨

    The discussion on the development of real estate finance market

  23. 我国台湾地区房地产金融证券化立法的启示

    Lessons form the Real Estate Securitization Legislation in Taiwan Region

  24. 第三,发展房地产金融中介机构。

    Third , the development of real estate financial intermediaries .

  25. 从而进一步揭示了房地产金融系统风险的形成机制;

    Then further reveals the mechanism of the risk formation .

  26. 房地产金融风险的评价与控制研究

    Research on the Appraisal and Control of Real-Estate Financial Risk

  27. 我国商业银行房地产金融业务的风险及其防范

    Risks of Estate Finance in China 's Commercial Bank and Its Prevention

  28. 房地产金融创新,在今天比什么都重要。

    Real estate financial innovation , today is more than anything else .

  29. 建行哈分行房地产金融业务发展战略研究

    Real-Estate Financial Business Research of Development Strategy for Harbin Branch of Construction Bank

  30. 房地产金融新工具&房地产投资信托

    New Financial Tool of Real Estate-Real Estate Investment Trust