
  1. 改革学校管理结构:变科层制结构为扁平式结构;

    Reform the schools ' management structure : change the current ladder structure to a flat structure .

  2. 另将组织结构形式归结为塔式结构和扁平式结构。

    At the same time , the models of enterprise 's organizing structure are sorted into two varieties , that is , tower structure and flat structure .

  3. 网页使用扁平式结构,添加了面包屑路径和网站地图,合理设计主导航以及页面静态化处理。(3)关键词策略。

    The pages use a flat structure , add the path of the " crumbs " and site map , the rational design of the main navigation and static pages . ( 3 ) Keywords strategy .

  4. 比如,需要实现企业管理从高塔式组织结构向扁平式组织结构转变,提高企业对市场动态变化的响应速度。

    For example , the enterprise 's organization systems need to be transformed from tower style to flat style so as to speed up the responses to the market changes at any time .

  5. 介绍了美国高校图书馆的扁平式组织结构,提出我国高校图书馆传统的金字塔型组织结构应借鉴美国高校图书馆的组织结构,以更好地为教学科研服务。

    This paper introduces the flattening organizational structure of American university library , and advances that Chinese university library with the traditional pyramid-type organizational structure should use the flattening organizational structure of American university library for reference in order to provide better service for teaching and scientific research .

  6. 中国大学扁平网状式组织结构与学术管理

    The Flat Netlike Organization Structure of Chinese University and Relevant Academic Management

  7. 平台软件架构设计为可插接的扁平化模块式结构,便于不断的系统扩展。

    The platform software construction design for the flattening module type structure which may peg graft , is advantageous for the unceasing system expansion .

  8. 扁平网状式组织结构作为大学学术管理的载体有一定的合理性。

    With the founding of the modern organization theory and the convenience provided by the modern internet technology , the structure of the enterprises tends to develop into a flat netlike form .