
  • 网络flat structure
  1. 把JAR文件展开到文件系统以创建一个扁平结构,这可能非常耗时。

    Expanding the supporting JAR files to the filesystem to create a flat structure can be quite time-consuming .

  2. 扁平结构、放权、跨部门工作努力对质量管理的成功是必须的。

    A flat structure , decentralization , inter-departmental working hard on quality management success is a must .

  3. 基于扁平结构元素的指纹脊检测

    Flat-Structure Element Based Fingerprint Ridge Detection

  4. 同时,对实时生成的差变信号进行短扁平结构元素的梯度运算,能更好地检测和定位奇异点。

    The instant of the disturbances can be located accurately through analyzing the morphologic gradient of the differential signal .

  5. 映射消息实际上是一组键值对,这使它适合携带扁平结构的文档,如前文所述。

    The map message is essentially a set of key-value pairs , which makes it suitable to carry a flattened document , as described in the previous section .

  6. 通过对管理层次的划分和管理宽度的论述,认为扁平结构与直线结构各有利弊。

    By carving up the management levels and expounding the management scales , it deduces that both the flat structure and hierarchic structure have their advantages and disadvantages .

  7. 机群操作系统面临着网格计算对其提出的资源共享、协同工作和自治管理的挑战,现有的扁平结构的机群操作系统不能够适应这种需求。

    Grid computing issues new challenges as resource sharing , coordinate working and autonomous management to cluster operating system ( cluster OS ) . The current cluster OS with flat structure can not meet the requirements .

  8. 同时对差变信号进行短扁平结构元素的梯度运算来检测和定位奇异点,克服了以往方法可能漏检奇异点的不足。

    Meanwhile , the gradient operation of short flat structuring element to differential signal is performed to detect and locate the singular point , thus the defect of possibly undetecting singular point by traditional methods is remedied .

  9. 非执行董事的费用,是否应该从常规的扁平结构演变成很大一部分酬劳延后两三年支付,部分薪酬(或保留退休待遇)由对企业某一阶段经风险调整业绩的衡量结果有条件的发放?

    Should non-executive directors ' fees evolve from the normal flat structure toward deferment of a substantial part of reward for two-three years with payment ( or vesting ) conditional in part on measures of risk-adjusted performance of the entity over the period ?

  10. 该方法先对整流信号(取绝对值以后的信号)进行开运算以滤除尖峰噪声,再用长度为1/2工频周期的扁平结构元素进行膨胀运算提取其幅值特性;

    In this method the opening operation of rectified signal 's absolute value is performed to filtrate the spike noise , then the dilation operation of flat structuring element , whose length is one half of the period of power frequency , to extract the magnitude characteristic of the signal ;

  11. 设计工况下,当蛇形翅片扁平管结构凝汽器积灰厚度达到1.2mm时,汽轮机背压将增加50%左右。

    Under design operating conditions when dust accumulation on finned spiral flat tube-structured condensers has a thickness of 1.2 mm , the steam turbine back pressure will increase by about 50 % .

  12. 改革学校管理结构:变科层制结构为扁平式结构;

    Reform the schools ' management structure : change the current ladder structure to a flat structure .

  13. 研究型大学,应该打破大学垂直型学术组织结构,建构以多形态课题组为核心的扁平网络结构&这有利于大学精神的延续,既与时俱进,又不丧失传统;

    The university should change the vertical academic organization structure and build a network structure whose focus is diversified academic group .

  14. 另将组织结构形式归结为塔式结构和扁平式结构。

    At the same time , the models of enterprise 's organizing structure are sorted into two varieties , that is , tower structure and flat structure .

  15. 宽带薪酬支持扁平型结构,鼓励员工努力学习,但是如果不注意其存在的问题,将会影响组织的长远发展。

    Broad-Band Salary supports a flat structure , and encourages employee to study hard , but if we don 't pay attention to its problems , it will influence long-range development of organization .

  16. 相对于传统组织结构,新型组织结构的显著特点是扁平化结构以及自我管理团队和跨职能团队的工作方式,但其设计核心是为了提高组织的实时决策能力。

    Comparing with traditional organization structure , the outstanding characters of new-type organization structure are their horizontal structure and self-managed team multi-functional team , but its core is enhancing the ability of real-time decision-making .

  17. 并且由于决策机制和组织结构的紧密联系,为满足决策的实时性要求,组织结构也随之要产生根本性的变革,即从金字塔层级结构向扁平化结构转换。

    Moreover , organization structure must be changed radically from hierarchical structure to horizontal structure in order to meet the demand of real-time decision-making because of the close relationship of the organizational mechanism and structure .

  18. 网页使用扁平式结构,添加了面包屑路径和网站地图,合理设计主导航以及页面静态化处理。(3)关键词策略。

    The pages use a flat structure , add the path of the " crumbs " and site map , the rational design of the main navigation and static pages . ( 3 ) Keywords strategy .

  19. 企业由传统的金字塔型的组织结构向扁平化结构转变的过程中,有助于信息在企业内部上下、左右的传递,也减少了信息的失真。

    Enterprise have the traditional pyramid structure to flat structure in the process of transformation , really help information in enterprise internal fluctuation , left and right sides of the transmission , and also reduces the information distortion .

  20. 学习型组织为扁平型结构,该结构模式相比其它组织结构具有组织层次明显减少、组织机构人员更为精练、降低信息失真度、加快信息传递速度等优势。

    Learning-type organization is of a flat structure , which , compared with other organizations , has the advantage of apparently less organizational level , selected personnel , less distortion of information , quickening pace of spreading information , etc.

  21. 扁平的层次结构(Flattenedhierarchy):关系数据库以表的形式来表示数据。

    Flattened hierarchy : Relational databases represent data in the form of tables .

  22. 这是一个库存linguisticsgem,被修改来扁平化目录结构。

    This is the stock linguistics gem , modified to flatten out the directory structure .

  23. 美国高校图书馆扁平化组织结构对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Flattening Organizational Structure of American University Library on Our Country

  24. 扁平化组织结构抗风险的分析

    Resistance to a type of risk of flat organization structure

  25. 你是如何引入扁平化管理结构的?

    How do you create that flat management structure ?

  26. 扁平化组织结构作为一种对金字塔式组织结构的改进形式,可以避免一些问题的出现。

    Flattening organizational structure which improved form pyramid organizational structure could avoid some problems .

  27. 矿用高强度扁平接链环结构参数的有限元优化设计

    Finite element optimization design of the structure parameters of the flat type connector units for mining

  28. 一个扁平的组织结构更可能鼓励员工间的共同掌权和共同合作。

    A ' flat ' organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees .

  29. 企业扁平化组织结构的研究

    Enterprise Flat Organizational Structure

  30. 扁平化组织结构和跨职能工作团队在提高行政效率和员工积极性方面具有独特作用。

    Work team characterized by flat organization and multi-function plays an important role in improving the efficiency and enthusiasm .