
biǎn gǔ
  • flat bone;os planum
扁骨 [biǎn gǔ]
  • [flat bone] 扁而略显平的骨头,如肋骨、腕骨、颅骨等

扁骨[biǎn gǔ]
  1. 结果:患者年龄16~68岁,平均37岁,以男性多见(67例),好发于扁骨(骼骨2例,胸骨1例,37例)。

    Results : The average age of the 7 patients was 37.The tumor were prevalent in men ( 6 / 7 cases ) and mainly occurred in flat bone ( 2 cases in ilium , 1 case in sternum ) .

  2. 人扁骨膜性骨发生中的哈氏系统

    The Haversian system in the intramembranous osteogenesis of human flat bone

  3. 本文报告25例扁骨结核。

    This paper reported 25 cases with tuberculosis of plate bone .

  4. 扁骨结核的X线诊断

    The X - ray Diagnosis of Tuberculosis of Plat Bone

  5. 扁骨病变呈不规则溶骨性破坏,边界清楚。

    The lesions of EGB found in flat bone presented irregular lytic destruction with clear border .

  6. 牛的肩膀扁骨上的肉块。他身高肩宽,肌肉发达。

    A cut of beef from the shoulder blade . He is tall , broad and muscular .

  7. 同时都有骨外脓肿形成,好发生于扁骨和下肢关节;

    Osteolytic lesion and arthritis are liable to develop at flat bones and joints of the leg .

  8. 3例同时累及长管状骨和短管状骨者为同侧发病,而同时累及扁骨和椎体者2例为双侧发病。

    And 3 cases involved long bone and short bone simultaneously had pathosis in unilateral limbs , 2 cases involved plat bone had pathosis in bilateral .

  9. 多因素回归分析显示:转移在周围扁骨,骨磷治疗,无症状为有益的预后因素(P<0.05)。

    Multivariables analysis showed that asymptomatic bone metastasis , flat bone metastases , therapy with disodium pamidronate were significantly good prognostic factors , respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 管状骨和扁骨等其他骨共同的骨改变是病变区的骨密度,均可分为单纯溶骨型、硬化型和混合型。

    The same bone changes of all tubular and flat bones and other shape bones were that the bone density could be classified into three patternss : Osteolytic , osteosclerotic and mixed type .

  11. 报告4例全身性骨纤(选自一组356例骨纤维异常增殖症,发病率约占1%),3例以病理证实,病变侵犯全身所有长、短、扁骨和不规则骨。

    This is to report 4 cases of systemic fibrous dysplasia selected from a group of 356 cases of the disease with a incidence of 1 % . 3 of them were proved pathologically .