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pī zhù
  • Annotations;endorse;note;annotate and comment on;annotate with comments;marginalia
批注 [pī zhù]
  • (1) [annotate and comment on]∶加批语和注解

  • (2) [marginalia]∶批评和注解的文字

  • 书眉有小字批注

批注[pī zhù]
  1. 收到问卷反馈后,评审人员将对质量保证(QA)问卷作出批注,并将供应商详情填入已认可核产品供应商名册中。

    Subject to acceptance of the response , the reviewer will endorse the QA questionnaire and arrange for vendor details to be included on the nuclear approved vendor list .

  2. 变更保险合同的,应当由保险人在原保险单或者其他保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单,或者由投保人和保险人订立变更的书面协议。

    Should there be any amendments to the insurance contract , then the insurer shall endorse the original policy or any other insurance certificate , or issue an endorsement slip attached to the insurance contract or insurance certificate , or have a written agreement of amendment with the applicant .

  3. 每页边上都有批注。

    There are notes in the margin on every page .

  4. 基于Internet的三维模型协同浏览与批注系统

    A Collaborative 3-D Model Viewing and Mark-up System Based on Internet

  5. 基于Web三维产品模型浏览与批注系统的研究

    Web-Based 3D Dynamic Browsing and Markup System of Product Model

  6. 一种基于Word文档的手写批注实现方法

    A Method of Implementing Manuscript Remark Based on Word

  7. 请按enter键,在工作表上列出命令的批注。

    Press enter to post instruction note on worksheet .

  8. 总之,论文为模型信息的重构提供了新的解决方案,为基于Web浏览器的模型信息协同浏览、查询和批注提供了新的技术方案。

    New solution technology about collaborative viewing , querying and annotating of model information based on Web is submitted .

  9. 保罗·德·拉加德的反犹的“德国论文”被全面地批注过,而一本汉斯·F。

    Paul de Lagarde 's anti-Semitic German Essays have been thoroughly annotated , and Hans F.

  10. 在“对office副本进行个性化设置”下,更改您要在自己的批注中使用的姓名或缩写。

    Under personalize your copy of office , change the name or initials that you want to use in your own comments .

  11. word不能在批注窗格中删除批注,而需在主文档窗口删除批注标记。

    Word can 't delete a comment in the comment pane . instead , delete the comment marker from the main document window .

  12. 在第一页上,有一个大大的红色F,并带有一条批注:‘课后来见我。’

    On the front page was a large red F with a note that read , ' See me after class . '

  13. 2.endorsementn.支持,认可,背书,批注例句:Afterthe得到了本州的支持后,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。

    endorsement of his home state , the candidate campaign in the neighboring state .

  14. 该审查计划由主审查员批注,并由质量保证经理(QA)核准。

    Is endorsed by the Lead auditor and approved by the QA Manager .

  15. 无法获得选定的ocr批注类型。

    Unable to get the type for the selected OCR annotation .

  16. 投资组的领导,以及CEO,给出简短的批注,以为将来鼓舞工人。

    The leader of the investment group , and the CEO , deliver short remarks to inspire the workers for the future .

  17. 该系统使工程图档的信息能够在Web页中进行录入、查询、批注、修改等操作并对产生的版本进行有效的管理,可以解决动态联盟企业之间技术、资源共享问题。

    The system makes it possible for input , query , browse , postil and amend in the web and efficient management to the edition . It can solve the shared problems of technology and resource among dynamic alliance enterprises .

  18. 研究了网络浏览批注技术,提出了B/S结构的协同浏览框架,采用JAVAapplet技术实现了基于浏览器的协同浏览与批注。

    Thirdly , the framework of this system is based on B / S. It implemented collaborative viewing and markup of two dimension drawing through Java Applet technology .

  19. 本文介绍了传统OA的主要功能及其现存问题,给出了一个有效的解决方法。并论述了电子文件批注的6种功能。

    This paper introduces the main function and existing problems of traditional OA , and then suggests an effective resolution It finally discusses 6 functions of E-text postil .

  20. 重点讨论了面向对象图文档管理技术;基于互联网的工程图在线显示、浏览、批注技术与在线协同讨论技术;Web程序开发技术等系统实现的关键技术。

    The key technologies to realize the function of the system are discussed . Especially the technology of object-oriented engineering drawing and files management ; the technology of displaying , viewing and marking up engineering drawing based on internet and the technology of web programming are mainly discussed .

  21. 例如,可能会声明一个批注,可以协助处理未分析的外部实体,例如jpeg或gif文件格式的图像文件。

    For example , you might declare a notation to assist in handling an unparsed external entity , such as an image file in JPEG or GIF file format .

  22. 以学生的成绩表为例,分析了XML的映射架构,描述了默认映射和批注映射的使用方法和二者之间的区别,探讨了映射架构在SqlServer检索XML数据的应用。

    This paper gives a example of student 's achievement , describes the mapping framework of the XML . We also expound the differences between the default mapping and the postil mapping and discuss the using of the mapping framework in SQL Server querying XML data .

  23. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张。

    The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiffs claim .

  24. 使用“上一个”与“下一个”按钮在批注之间移动。

    Use the previous and Next buttons to move between comments .

  25. 讨论服务器无法连接到批注服务器。

    The discussion server could not connect to the comment server .

  26. 单击“审阅”工具栏上的“插入批注”按钮。

    Clicking Track Changes ( Tools menu ), clicking Highligh Changes .

  27. 无法获得选定批注的填充色。

    Unable to get the fill color for the selected annotation .

  28. 用来给绘图添加批注和向连接器添加具体行为的形状。

    Shapes for annotating drawings and adding connectors with specific behavior .

  29. 书中到处都是一个女士手写的批注。

    Throughout the book were notes in a woman 's writing .

  30. 这也会方便面试官做笔记或批注。

    It also gives the interviewer something to take notes on .