
  • 网络APPROVAL;Approved by;approved
  1. 一经批核,贷款将于扣除手续费后直接存入您指定的银行账户。

    On approval , we will disburse the fund to your designated bank account directly .

  2. 总数量不在定货数量-0%内需要批核。

    Quantities not within-0 % of quantity ordered require approval .

  3. 所有上述修订文件将由管架集团工程总监(PSG)或技术总监批核。

    All such revisions will be approved by the PSG Engineering or Technical Director .

  4. 明天又有一批核废料要运来。

    Another consignment of nuclear waste is due to arrive tomorrow .

  5. 逾时工作是否由一名批核人员预先批准?

    Is overtime work approved in advance by an authorized officer ?

  6. 您希望继续此交易,并由经纪批核吗?

    Do you want to continue with broker 's approval ?

  7. 还有就是新的泳装来了需要您的批核

    Also the new swimwear is here for your approval .

  8. 苏黎世保险保留对有关保险计划最终批核权;

    Zurich Insurance Company reserves the final right of approval of the plan .

  9. 责任覆盖由样板发展、批核及至准时提交报告。

    Covering from sample development up to approvals and presenting reports on time .

  10. 检具设计的批核不构成被保证或批准的检具。

    An approved gauge design does not constitute a certified or approved gauge .

  11. 请购单上应对供应商不合格产品处理的汇报和批核程序进行规定。

    The PR shall specify requirements for the reporting and approving disposition of vendors Nonconformance 's.

  12. 批核折扣率及适用货品?

    Approving discount rates and applicable goods ?

  13. 如要移除批核人,客户须交回密码机予本行。

    To delete authorizer , customers are required to return the token to the bank .

  14. 1信用卡付款须在信用卡中心批核后,登记方可作实。

    Registration is confirmed only after the credit card transaction approved by the card center .

  15. 好。我会先拟好电子邮件,然后再呈报执行长批核。

    OK . I 'll draft ane-mail and send it to the CEO for approval .

  16. 参赛者必须取得通利老师签署批核,申请才可作实并进一步处理。

    Application is considered valid only with signature of a Tom Lee Music Centre teacher .

  17. 对免检(直接)入仓物料之清单作定期检讨,批核,更新资料并有效使用。

    Ship-to-stock material list is regularly reviewed , approved , for updated and proper application .

  18. 有关批核样品作清楚标识,维护及使用于工位中。

    Approval samples are well identified , maintained and displayed in the place of use .

  19. 注意:香港生产力促进局保留对任何申请者的会员资格批核的最终决定权。

    Note : Hong Kong Productivity Council reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any applicant organization .

  20. 提供网上信贷预先批核,透过互联网的互动渠道促销及降低成本。

    Offers online loan approval preliminary , driving new sales and cutting costs via an interactive Internet channel .

  21. 了解阁下意见后,我们会给你一个电脑图像作检视,当得到阁下批核后,便会开始制作程序;

    After confirm your order , we will send you a computer graphic for your approval before engraving production ;

  22. 美国能源部出售这批核燃料,是为了偿付“受污染铀库存”的清理费用。

    The DOE is selling the nuclear fuel to help pay for a clean-up of " contaminated uranium inventories " .

  23. 如申请获初步批核,您更可于网上即时得悉初步批核之贷款额及个人化息率。

    If it is in-principle approved , you will get an in-principle approved loan amount and personalized interest rate on-line .

  24. 英国计划开发新一代核电站,这批核电站将从2020年开始发电。

    The Government is planning a new generation of nuclear power stations which are due to begin generating power by 2020 .

  25. 国务院会议上批准的一批核电厂项目,其中至少有一部分也已经规划多年。

    At least some of the nuclear power plants approved at the State Council meeting have also been planned for years .

  26. 对经认可的设计输入资料的变更,包括变更的原因,因进行说明、接受批核、并记录和控制。

    Changes to approved design input , including the reason for the changes , shall be identified , approved , documented and controlled .

  27. 备注:会籍一经批核,已缴交的入会费、年费及手续费,在任何情况下将不予退回。

    Remarks : once the membership is confirmed , the entry , annual and handling fee will not be refunded for any reasons .

  28. 香港医学专科学院是独立法定机构,获授权批核、评估和评审所有驻院实习后的医疗训练课程。

    The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve , assess and accredit all post-internship medical training .

  29. 如果未收到供应商的正式订单或最小订单量,那么购买原材料须得到海关的书面批核。

    Raw materials purchase authorisation must be given by customer in writing if no firm purchase order is received or MOQ from supplier is required .

  30. 虽然发展速度较快,但是存在业务流程繁琐,批核时间长,客户体验差、质量不同步,重量不重质、市场饱和程度较大,发展空间受限等问题。

    Although the development of faster , but there are complicated business processes , approval for a long time , the customer experience is poor , the quality is not synchronized , quantity over quality , a greater degree of market saturation , limited space for development and other issues .