
  • 网络Approval authority;granting authority;Power of Certification
  1. 二是增加对使用技术侦查手段的批准权;

    Secondly , increase approval power of utilizing technical investigative means ;

  2. 侦查阶段搜查批准权研究

    A Research on Permitting Right of Search in the Process of Investigation

  3. 第176条也试图否决建设公路和其他各种各样目的的联邦批准权。

    Section 176 also contemplated denial of federal grants for highway construction and various other purposes .

  4. 这些评级机构将成为拥有隐形批准权的受监管机构,而不是与其它研究集团展开平等竞争。

    They would become regulated bodies with implicit seals of approval instead of competing equally with other research groups .

  5. 其次,笔者认为重整制度应慎用法院的强制批准权。

    Secondly , the author believed that the mandatory approval of the court on Reorganization System should be cautiously used .

  6. 美国国会对外贸易方面的权力主要包括立法权、财权、监督权、批准权、授予权。

    The powers of the United States Congress consist of legislative power , fiscal power , supervisory power , approval power , and right of confer .

  7. 拥有强有力的行政权,这主要包括行政强制措施权、审核批准权和行政处罚权;

    < 3 > it owns powerful legislative power , which mainly includes legislative compulsory measure power , examination and approval power , and legislative punishment power .

  8. 核监视委员会,即以前的原子能委员会,对于与民用核原料和设备有关的所有活动行使广泛的管制和批准权。

    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission nrc , formerly the Atomic Energy Commission aec , exercises broad regulatory and licensing authority over essentially all activities related to civilian nuclear materials and facilities .

  9. 我国行政登记制度存在严重缺陷,突出表现在行政登记机关的登记审查批准权很大,几乎不受什么制约,但却不承担相应的义务和责任;

    Serious drawbacks in the administrative registration system of China mainly demonstrate that the administrative registration organizations possess the power of review and sanction that is nearly unlimited , but they need not bear the corresponding obligations and duties .

  10. 不过,根据近期达成的一项弥合分歧的协议,两兄弟放弃了相互之间的一切优先批准权和不竞争协议,为安尼尔开始借信实电信筹措资金扫清了道路。

    However , a recent deal to patch up their differences has led the brothers to relinquish all first rights of approval and non-compete agreements over each other , clearing the way for Anil to begin raising money against Reliance Communications .

  11. 尽管仍然允许任何人提交信息,但词条的批准权将授予那些能证明自己专业知识的编辑和一群志愿警官。志愿警官将负责维持敌对各方之间的和平。

    Though still open to submissions from anyone , the power to authorise articles will be given to editors who can prove their expertise , as well as a group of volunteer constables , charged with keeping the peace between warring interests .

  12. 但为了对检察官的职权进行制约,均没有赋予检察官批准逮捕权。

    But the public procurators are not given the authority to approve arrests .

  13. 二〕经批准有权经营进出口贸易的企业,向海关注册登记时还应交验经贸主管部门的批准文件;

    Approval document of the competent department of foreign economic relation and trade for an enterprise having foreign trade right while registering at the Customs ;

  14. 诱惑侦查是侦查机关设置陷阱而诱使侦查对象犯罪,在侦查对象犯罪时将其逮捕或收集证据的一种特殊侦查方法。但为了对检察官的职权进行制约,均没有赋予检察官批准逮捕权。

    By enticement investigation is meant the method of investigation of criminal offences by means of laying traps for potential criminals . But the public procurators are not given the authority to approve arrests .

  15. 未经批准的平等权的改善。

    The unratified Equal Right Amendment .

  16. 批准设立著作权集体管理机构、涉外代理机构和合同纠纷仲裁机构,并监督、指导其工作;

    To approve the formation of and to supervise the operation of collective administration of copyright , copyright agent business dealing with cross-border transactions and arbitrations scheme for disputes arose in relation to copyright contracts ;

  17. 只要部长批准,他们有权作出决定。

    They have authority to decide , subject to the minister 's approval .

  18. 不过,奥巴马政府及其贸易伙伴认为批准快速通道谈判权是一个重要的先决条件。

    But the Obama administration and its trading partners saw approval of fast-track negotiating power as a vital prerequisite .

  19. 1997年集团公司获得外经贸部批准的自营出口权。

    In1997 , the group was granted independent import & export right for self-manufactured products as approved by the moftec .

  20. 美国财长在总统的批准下,有权在自己认为最有利于公众利益的情况下出售(和买入)黄金。

    The Treasury secretary , with the approval of the president , has the power to sell ( and buy ) gold on terms that the secretary considers most beneficial to the public interest .

  21. 项目前期工作:已取得国家环保总局环境评价报告书、国家发改委项目可行性批准、土地使用权。

    The work for pre-project : the judgement report of the State Environmental Protection Administration has been gained , the permission about the feasibility report and the foundation land using from the development and reform committee have been gotten .

  22. 这项在参议院提出的法案可以批准有效期为三年的临时签证,不像加拿大那样会批准永久居留权。

    The proposed Senate bill would grant temporary visas valid for three years , unlike Canada , which would grant permanent residency .