
pī pàn
  • criticize;critique;judge;comment on;repudiate;debunk;make comments and judge
批判 [pī pàn]
  • (1) [make comments and judge]∶批示审断

  • 批判案件

  • (2) [comment on;judge]∶评论;对于是非的判断

  • 批判罪恶

  • (3) [criticize]∶对被认为是错误的思想或言行批驳否定

  • 批判错误言行

批判[pī pàn]
  1. 戏拟(parody)是一种古老而崭新的艺术手法,它通过对原有艺术作品的戏谑性模仿,来实现对传统艺术形式的批判与更新。

    Parody is an ancient art technique , and it is a forceful critic tool to criticize the conventional art genre and regenerate them .

  2. 儒学解构时期是批判人格;

    The Confucianism solve Construct period has the " criticize personality ";

  3. 严厉批判政治人物乃是新闻界常事。

    Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press .

  4. 这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。

    This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically

  5. 他们的首席谈判代表以批判的眼光看美国。

    Their chief negotiator turned his critical eye on the United States

  6. 我们是英国唯一一家坚持批判这些浅薄的谎言和半真半假的报道的报纸。

    We are the only paper in Britain that has consistently ripped apart these shallow lies and half-truths

  7. 凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,都应当批判地继承。

    All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited , but in a critical way .

  8. 中国需要大量吸收外国的进步文化,但决不能无批判地兼收并蓄。

    China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture , but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically .

  9. 我们要以批判的方式继承。

    We must inherit in a critical way .

  10. 批判并不意味着谩骂。

    Criticism does not mean hurling abuse .

  11. 到了现代,科学主义又以逻辑实证主义、经验批判主义和实验主义等形式出现。

    Up to modern times , scientism again exists as the forms of logical positivism , empiric-criticism and experimentalism etc.

  12. 民主党人和共和党人可以并且将会在一些问题上采取偏袒立场,但更为关键的担忧是,他们都是根据猜测做出重大政策决定,而不是以批判的眼光和开放的心态看待大量原始数据。

    Democrats and Republicans can and will take sides on a number of issues , but a more crucial concern is that both are basing major policy decisions on guesstimates rather than looking at the vast wealth of raw data with a critical eye and an open mind .

  13. 然而,在批判中,我们放弃了自认为已经达到的完美状态,以变得更好。

    In critique , however , we are forced to depart , to give up the perfection we thought we had achieved for the chance of being even a little bit better .

  14. 如果我们愿意用批判的眼光来评价自己,了解这些原因将控制我们自己的愤怒。

    Understanding these reasons will control our own anger if we are willing to evaluate ourselves with a critical eye .

  15. 这位剧作家受到新闻界的无情批判。

    The playwright was slaughtered by the press .

  16. 在竞争对手们批判了她的商业模式之后,她决定以牙还牙,继而公开谈论了她对这些人的看法。

    After her competitors criticised her business approach , she decided1 to fight fire with fire and go public with her own criticisms of them .

  17. 马克思主义者通过技术与社会关系的研究,在批判技术决定论的基础上初步形成了技术的社会形成思想(SST)。

    By studying the relationship between technology and society , Marxists initially form the thought of Social Shaping of Technology ( SST ) on the basis of criticizing the theory of technological determinism .

  18. J.Cohen归纳概率逻辑批判

    Critique of J. Cohen 's Inductive Logic

  19. 从反抗到媚俗:反美主义叙事与当代文化批判

    From Defiance to Kitsch : Anti-Americanism Narration and Contemporary Cultural Critique

  20. 批判与超越:新公共服务理论及其启示

    Criticism and Transcendence : New Public Service Theory and Its Inspiration

  21. 邵雍的天人关系说&兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判

    SHAO Yong 's Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man

  22. 马克思和海德格尔的技术批判思想之比较

    A Comparative Study of Marx and Heidegger 's Critiques of Technology

  23. 冷战史新研究:源起、学术特征及其批判

    The New Cold War History : Formation , Character and Critiques

  24. 社会发展与理论的指导、批判和创新

    Social Development and the Guidance , Criticism and Innovation of Theory

  25. 批判对中国传统数学的一些错误观点;

    - criticism of various wrong views about Chinese traditional mathematics ;

  26. 康德《未来形而上学导论》对《纯粹理性批判》的理论超越

    Theoretical Transcendence of Kant 's Prolegomena over Critique of Pure Reason

  27. 第二部分主要对主流工业化理论进行了批判。

    The second part makes an animadversion on mainstream industrialization theory .

  28. 知识批判及对知识教育改革的启示

    Knowledge Criticism and Its Enlightenment to the Reform of Knowledge Education

  29. 德国教育界批判线形教学的十条论据

    Ten Arguments of Critique on Linear Teaching in German Educational Field

  30. 现代性的自我确证与批判理论的规范基础

    Self-Verification of Modernity and the Basis of Criteria in Critical Theories