
  1. 自民党负责起草这一立法的研究小组组长野田圣子(seikonoda)表示,目标是在2008年6月下届日本“通常国会”结束前通过相关法案。

    Seiko Noda , who heads an LDP study group that is drafting the legislation , said the target was to pass a bill by the end of the next ordinary diet session in June 2008 .

  2. 人选通常由国会提名。

    Candidates are usually nominated by members of Congress .

  3. 通常石油出口国会接受美元付款,随后再卖掉这些美元,这意味着油价上涨会导致美元贬值。

    Typically oil exporters receive payment in dollars and then sell them , meaning that higher oil prices lead to a lower dollar .

  4. 通常温顺的越南国会否决了一个有争议的高速铁路项目,展现少有的独立性。该高铁项目计划投资560亿美元,将连接首都河内和南部的胡志明市。

    Vietnam 's usually docile National Assembly has mounted a rare display of independence by voting down a controversial $ 56bn high-speed rail project linking the capital Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh City in the country 's south .