
  • 【土木】transit yard
  1. 通过场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征了纳米管阵列表面的网状结构和纳米管的孔径等。

    The structural characterization including the network like structure surface of the nanotube arrays and the diameter of the nanotubes was carried out by field emission scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) .

  2. 本文采用复射线技术的原理和方法,通过场的高斯波束拟合,使这种理论能够用于进气道之类的大口径凹形腔体的雷达截面(RCS)特性分析。

    The elementary principle and method of complex ray have been used for RCS analysis of a large aperture concave hollow target , such as an engine intake by wave expansion with a set of Gaussian beams .

  3. 并通过场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、能量发射能谱(EDS)以及X衍射仪(XRD)研究污泥原料、Al(OH)3(胶体)和α-Al2O3粉体的形貌、成分和结构。

    Morphologies , compositions and structures of the sludge , Al ( OH ) 3 colloid and α - Al2O3 powder were characterized by field scanning electron microscopy ( FESEM ), energy dispersive spectra ( EDS ) and X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD ) .

  4. 功能神经外科手术期间首次通过场变形分析评估脑位移

    The first evaluation of brain shift during functional neurosurgery by deformation field analysis

  5. 通过场发射扫描电镜进行观察,薏米淀粉大多呈多棱形,表面光滑。

    The granular appearance of adlay starch was mainly multi-prismatic with a smooth surface by FESEM .

  6. 他们可以通过场上射门、发惩罚性角球和发点球得分。

    Scoring can be done from the field goal , the penalty corner , and the penalty stroke .

  7. 从时间测量精度出发,通过场的观点说明相互作用瞬时性只是一个近似的概念。

    Proceed from precision of surveying time , explanation of the interaction momentary is a approximate concept only by the view of field .

  8. 通过场发射扫描电镜观察,大粒径金刚石薄膜有少量孔隙,小粒径金刚石薄膜细腻致密。

    By SEM , the crystalline diamond film with large grain has a few interspaces , but the crystalline diamond film with small grain is compact .

  9. 通过场激活加压燃烧合成技术,采用不同钨碳摩尔比例的反应体系,来致密化碳化钨材料。

    The field-activated pressure-assisted combustion synthesis ( FAPACS ) process was utilized to produce and densify tungsten carbides material from tungsten and carbon powders with different mole ratios .

  10. 文章分析了雷击输电线杆塔时产生的感应过电压通过场线耦合机制对输电线路耐雷水平的影响。

    The influence of induced voltage of lightning stroke to the transmission line tower on the lightning withstand level of transmission line through the field-line coupling mechanism are analyzed .

  11. 传统的原子探针是在针状金属样品表面加上了一个正电场,通过场蒸发把表面粒子变成正离子,再通过其飞行时间质谱来加以检测。

    Traditional atom probe applys a positive electric field on metal sample surface to produce positive ions by field evaporation method , and analyses these ions through measuring its flight time .

  12. 通过场分析方法对该种电机进行研究,为电机参数的计算、结构的改进及控制系统的设计提供可靠依据。

    Research to this special kind of motor through field analytical method can offer the reliable basis for calculation of parameters , improvement of structure and design of the control system of the motor .

  13. 处理前后聚丙烯表面的微观结构、表面粗糙度和润湿性通过场致发射扫描电镜、原子力显微镜和接触角分析仪进行了分析。

    The surface properties of the untreated and post-treated samples were studied by means of field emission scanning electron microscope ( FE-SEM ), atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) and water contact angle measurement .

  14. 在开放式圆柱光栅的互作用区中注入纤薄的环形电子注,通过场匹配法建立了开放式圆柱光栅系统的注波互作用线性理论模型。

    The small signal analysis of open column grating structure . A thin hollow electron beam is employed in the open column grating system . Beam-wave interaction linear model of open column grating is obtained by field matching theory .

  15. 提出了通过场致电离传感器的暗电流检测气体的新方法,深入研究出了该方法对气体的敏感响应机理,从理论上分析并预测了暗电流与测试气体浓度的关系。

    A new gas detecting method based on dark discharge current was put out and the response mechanism was deeply discussed that the relation between the dark discharge current and the concentration of detected gas was theoretically established and studied .

  16. 这些条件既包括城市的地理、人口、产业、设施等实体条件,也包括城市的趣味、文化的诉求等意识条件,本文通过场域这一视角展现了上述条件。

    These conditions include both physical ones like the geography , population , industry and facility of cities and spiritual ones like the taste and cultural pursuit of cities . The dissertation describes these conditions through the angle of ' field .

  17. 根据黄河源区水土流失现状,用人工降水方法,通过场降雨溅蚀实验,分析在不同雨强和坡度情况下对土壤溅蚀的影响。

    According to the present situation of soil erosion in Yellow River source region , this article analyzed the influence of the rainfall intensity and slope in different level on soil erosion by the rainfall splashing erosion experiment in artificial precipitation .

  18. 利用具有环形电子注的平衡态模型,通过场匹配法,建立了同轴阶梯形膜片加载慢波系统的注波互作用自洽场理论,得到了此结构在小信号条件下的热色散方程。

    The dispersion of the coaxial step-disc-loaded slow-wave structure with an annular electron beam is obtained according to the self-consistent filed theory . The computation results of the hot dispersion equation indicate the influence of the circuit dimensions and the electron beam parameters on the small signal gain .

  19. 采用有限元分析和能量摄动理论相结合的方法,对异步电机进行有限元计算,并通过场计算器计算电机总的磁场能量。

    The method conjoint of Finite Element Method ( FEM ) and Energy Perturbation Method ( EPM ) is used to study the variable laws of parameters of induction motor when at fault condition . The gross magnetic energy of induction motor is computed by finite element method .

  20. 引入矩形实心的带状电子注,通过场分析方法,建立了带状束矩形螺旋线行波管的注波互作用的小信号理论,推导出这一结构奇模的热色散方程。

    The hot dispersion equations of the rectangular helix slow wave structure with a sheet electron beam which has the same cross section with the rectangular helix is obtained according to self-consistent field theory . And the small signal gain per period of the rectangular helix is also derived .

  21. 要想通过这场考试很难。唉!

    It 's going to be hard to pass this exam .

  22. X射线管的焦点是通过静电场对电子束的会聚作用而形成的。

    The X-Ray tube focal spot is obtained by convergence of static field on the electron beams .

  23. 本文还应用此方法,在理论上研究了通过三色场相位操纵电磁诱导透明,从而实现N型四能级原子系统的从正常色散到反常色散的双重转换行为。

    Using the present numerical method , we also study theoretically the behalf of double switching from normal to anomalous dispersion of N-type four-level atomic system via trichromatic phase manipulation of electromagnetically induced transparency .

  24. 通过上述场与路相结合的设计方法,获得了尺寸小、频率选择特性好的多层LTCC三级带通滤波器。

    We get finally a multilayered LTCC three-stage bandpass filter with a small size and high frequency selectivity .

  25. 通过平均场处理的严格重正化群变换方法对Potts模型的应用

    Application of an exact decimation transformation with mean-field approximation method to the Potts model

  26. 从夸克-反夸克通过介子场耦合的模型出发研究了(ΩN)LST是否存在束缚态的问题。

    The structures of (Ω) LST systems are studied in the SU ( 3 ) quark model , in which the coupling between quark antiquark and the meson fields is included .

  27. 他的赞助商世界摔跤娱乐(worldwrestlingentertainment,简称wwe)将通过这场活动,在令诸多更强有力的媒体巨头折腰的中国市场进行大力推广。

    As he does so , his sponsor , world wrestling entertainment , will take a big swing at a market that has brought more muscular media giants to their knees .

  28. 而SIS模型可以通过平均场的理论得以理解,且知不论在度相关Scale-Free网络中还是度不相关Scale-Free网络中都不存在非零传播阈值。

    SIS model can be understood by the mean field theory , and whether in degree correlated Scale-Free networks or in degree uncorrelated Scale-Free networks , there does not exist nonzero transmission threshold .

  29. 然后通过温度场分析的结论选取了下颌骨作为研究的对象,并且用mimics分析了下颌骨力学分布特性。

    The bone of mandible is selected as the object of study through the conclusion of temperature field analysis , and mechanical distribution properties of the bone of mandible is analyzed with mimics .

  30. 在读取信息时,手机可以通过近场通讯(NFC)技术与PayPass读取设备进行无线连接。

    At checkout , the phone can wirelessly makes the connection to the PayPass reader via NFC , or near field communication technology .