
  • 网络Technical type of work;trade skill
  1. 机械化为农业的技术工种开辟了道路。

    Mechanization opens the way for skilled jobs in agriculture .

  2. 四个机械技术工种应知应会的相关性研究

    Researches on the Correlativity Between Theoretical Knowledge and Operative Skill of Four Types of Mechanical Work

  3. 从事技术工种的职工,上岗前必须经过培训;

    Any worker who is to do a technical type of job must undergo training beforehand ;

  4. 所以说剪辑也不单单是一个技术工种,更重要的是一种艺术上的再创作。

    So that the clip was not merely a technical trades , more important is a art of creation .

  5. 但是与此同时,对包括数据分析以及专业销售代表在内的技术工种的需求也将越来越大

    At the same time , however , there will be a growing demand for certain skilled workers , including data analysts and specialist sales representatives .

  6. 对从事技术工种或有特殊技能要求的职工,须经过培训后,持证上岗。

    Those who are required to do technical work or to have special skills must receive training and be certified capable for the job before they assume the posts .

  7. 技术工种人员基本报酬工资以月计算,每月为美金,于当月统一的工资发放日发放。

    The basic payment salaries of personnel of technical work posts are counted on a monthly basis and it is USDs per month , and it shall be paid on the uniformed salary payment day .

  8. 发展教育事业和增加对教育事业的支出,可以使劳动力的结构适合于经济增长对不同技术水平和不同工种的劳动力的需要。

    Developing education and spending more on it can help dovetail the workforce structure with a growing economys need for workers at different technical levels and in different fields of work .

  9. 但即使失业人数与职位空缺额基本上相符,它们也不可能彼此抵消,因为在现代生产技术条件下,不同技术水平和工种的劳动力往往不可能替代。

    However , even if the two numbers match each other , they cannot offset each other , because workers of different proficiency levels and fields of work are not interchangeable under modern production and technological conditions .