
  • Technology import;import of technique
  1. 研究发现,我国的总技术进口技术依存度在50%以上,但已进入下降期;

    The results presents that the FDT by the total technology import is above 50 % , while has been descending ;

  2. 身处绝望中的俄罗斯,甚至将亚美尼亚视为自己技术进口的一个通道。

    In a sign of desperation , even Armenia is seen as a channel for the transfer of technology to Russia .

  3. 建国五十年来,我国的技术进口取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    In the past five decades since the founding of the People 's Republic of China , China 's technology import has made eye-catching progress .

  4. 经许可或者登记的技术进口合同终止的,应当及时向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。

    Any licensed or registered technology import contract which has terminated shall be submitted with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council for filing .

  5. 对于符合规定的技术进口合同,外国企业可以享受减免企业所得税的优惠。

    For the technology import contracts that comply with relevant regulations , the foreign enterprise may enjoy the benefits of enterprise income tax reduction and exemption .

  6. 技术进口合同的受让人按照合同约定使用让与人提供的技术,侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人承担责任。

    Where the receiving party to a technology import contract infringes another person 's lawful rights and interests by using the technology supplied by the supplying party , the supplying party shall bear the liability therefore .

  7. 从今年初开始,对鼓励投资行业的设备和高技术进口,实行减免关税政策。

    At the beginning of this year , the government put into practice the policy on reducing or exempting the import tax and VAT on equipment imported by sectors encouraged by the state and high-tech industries .

  8. 简要分析了我国加入WTO以后,高校资产管理工作,特别是技术装备进口工作面临的新形势。

    This article analyzed the new situation after Chinas entering WTO that universities assets management such as importing equipment have to face .

  9. 表面技术在进口设备零配件修复中的应用

    Application of surface technology in spare parts repair of imported machines

  10. 表面强化技术与进口发动机气缸的修复

    Surface Hardening Technology and Renewal Technology of Imported Engine cylinder

  11. 高技术产品进口的技术外溢效应研究

    Research on Technology Spillovers by High-tech Products Importing

  12. 应用氨基酸分析技术识别进口鱼粉掺假的方法研究

    Study on method of identifying adulteration of imported fish meals with amino acid analytical techniques

  13. 固相分离净化技术在进口药品爱维治注射液中的应用

    The Application for the Imported Actovegin Injection By Technique of Solid Phase Separation And Clean up

  14. 谈谈技术服务进口合同的履约

    Fulfillment of technical service contract

  15. 政府花了大力气来复制欧洲的技术、进口德国的工程师、机器和设计。

    The government went to great lengths to replicate European technology , importing German engineers , machines and designs .

  16. 采用国内外先进技术及进口材料,集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体。

    Using advanced technology and imported materials , research and development , production , sales and service in one .

  17. 进口方:指买方,其应自行履行热镀锌和镀锌技术的进口;

    The Importer : Shall mean the Buyer who shall perform import of the Equipment and Galvanizing Technology by himself .

  18. 此外,选择意义重大的重大技术装备进口和装备出口问题展开实证分析。

    Besides , problems of important technique equipment import and equipment export that is of great significance are selected to carry on empirical analysis .

  19. 广东省对于国际市场的信赖性日益提高,但在大量资源型产品出口和高技术产品进口的不等价交换中处于实际的亏损地位。

    This Province was increasingly relied on international market , and actually , under the status to the bad in exporting primary products and importing high-tech products .

  20. 剖析了高校技术装备进口工作中存在的问题和注意点,并就应对的思路和对策谈了一些看法。

    The article analyses the existent problems and the noticeable points on the work of importing equipment in college , and brings forward some thoughts and countermeasures .

  21. 国际贸易(技术品进口)、外国直接投资、技术购买以及各种非市场方式是发挥技术后发优势的主要渠道。

    International trade ( technology goods imports ), foreign direct investment , technology purchase , as well as non-market approach are main channels to realize technological backwardness advantage .

  22. 从国外引进技术或进口产品时,要全面了解有关技术或产品的知识产权状况,避免发生侵权纠纷或引起其他损失;

    Where an item of technology or a product is imported from abroad , a comprehensive investigation should be carried out of the status of the relevant technology or product in respect of intellectual property in order to avoid infringement disputes or other losses .

  23. 他们采用多种灵活的经济合作方式,有针对性地引进适用的先进技术,进口一些关键设备,使现有企业的经济效果得到充分发挥,加强了一些薄弱环节,提供了一批新产品。

    By means of a variety of flexible forms of economic cooperation , local departments concerned have selectively imported advanced technical know-how and some major equipment which has enabled enterprises to obtain optimum economic results , strengthen weak links , and turn out some new products .

  24. 利用MPCR技术快速检测进口大豆转基因背景

    Rapid Detection of Imported Genetically Modified Soybean ( Glycine max ) with MPCR

  25. 她表示,尽管由于不得不引进中国技术人员和进口配件,管理和物流成本很高,但抵消这些不利因素的是,这里的劳动力成本较低,而且非洲向美国和欧盟(EU)出口可以享受优惠关税。

    She said that while management and logistics costs were high because she had to bring in Chinese expertise and also components , this was countered by lower labour costs and preferential tariffs for African exports to the US and EU .

  26. 化学镀镍技术用于提高进口发动机气缸耐磨性的探讨

    An Approach to the Wear-resistance Improvement of Engine Cylinder by Chemical Plating Nickel

  27. 用电刷镀技术快速修复进口冷轧机厚度测定辊

    Quickly Repairing the Thickness Measurement Roll of the Imported Cold Rolling Mill Using Electro-brush Plating

  28. 我们采用特殊的升降技术,精选进口高速轴承,赋予产品轻巧与灵活。

    We adopt special lift technology ; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility .

  29. 单面焊双面成型焊接技术在大型进口汽车部件上的应用

    Application of Welding Technique of Single Face Welding with Double Face Completion to Large Components of Imported Motor Vehs

  30. 司可丽耐实体面材加工技术和韩国纯进口的石英石加工技术为客户服务。

    Secretary Corian solid surfaces processing technology and the Republic of Korea imported pure quartz processing technology for customer service .