
  • 网络Import costs;cost of import
  1. 日本央行(BoJ)忽视一些商人和政客对进口成本上升的抱怨是正确的。

    The Bank of Japan was right to ignore complaints about higher import costs from some businessmen and politicians .

  2. iea称,原油价格高涨造成的石油进口成本上升,相当于约为oecd国内生产总值(gdp)0.5%的收入损失。

    The increase , due to high crude prices , is equal to a loss of income of about 0.5 per cent of OECD gross domestic product , according to the IEA .

  3. IEA的一项分析指出,过去一年,经合组织(OECD)成员国的石油进口成本已从2000亿美元飙升至2010年底的7900亿美元。经合组织共有34个成员国,大多为富裕国家。

    Over the past year the oil import costs for the 34 mostly rich countries that make up the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development have soared by $ 200bn to $ 790bn at the end of 2010 , according to an analysis by the International Energy Agency .

  4. 美国高额的棉花补贴降低了我国棉花进口成本,有益于我国棉花的进口商和消费者。

    Its high cotton subsidies will reduce the cost of imports .

  5. 美元越强势,进口成本越低。

    The stronger the dollar , the lower the cost of imports .

  6. 石油进口成本正在变成对经济复苏的威胁。

    The oil import bills are becoming a threat to the economic recovery .

  7. 全球化及其带来的有益影响通胀降低和进口成本下降也推动了消费。

    Globalisation and its beneficial effects lower inflation and lower-cost imports also boosted consumption .

  8. 人民币升值有助于抑制原材料进口成本。

    Appreciation of the renminbi helps keep a lid on the imported costs of raw materials .

  9. 降低了原油进口成本,让人们有了更多的钱可以花在其他消费品上。

    cutting the cost of crude oil imports , and leaving people with more money to consume .

  10. 相对于货币贬值获得的回报出口更富竞争力以及经济的反弹,付出进口成本更高昂的代价还是非常值得的。

    The rewards more competitive exports and a bouncing economy were well worth the cost of more expensive imports .

  11. 与此同时,近期全球油价下跌导致进口成本下滑,继续令制造业企业受益。

    Meanwhile , manufacturing companies continued to benefit from falling input costs , stemming from the recent global oil price decline .

  12. 中国需要改进购油作业,以便更好地规避价格风险,降低进口成本。

    China needs to improve its oil purchasing procedures , so as to avoid price risks and to cut import costs .

  13. 卢比的贬值推高了印度企业的实际进口成本,并提高了外币贷款的偿还成本。

    The rupee 's fall has driven up real import costs for Indian companies and made foreign-currency loans more expensive to service .

  14. 作为世界第二和第三的大能源消费国,中国和日本在分散竞争的条件下承受了过多的进口成本。

    China , the second consumer-country , and Japan , the third consumer-country , endure excessive import cost because of individual competition .

  15. 原因是,冰岛货币冰岛克朗大幅贬值,麦当劳的食材进口成本不断提高。

    " The reason is the rising cost of imported supplies following the collapse of the Icelandic krona ," said the report .

  16. 日元贬值提高了进口成本,来自更便宜的三文鱼的竞争也推动了金枪鱼进口量的下降。

    The weaker yen has made imports costly and competition from cheaper salmon has also contributed to the fall in tuna imports .

  17. 分析师认为,美元的主导地位给美国带来了两个好处:进口成本与政府借款成本双双下降。

    Analysts argue that the predominance of the dollar gives the us two : reduced cost of imports and lower government borrowing costs .

  18. 在原材料进口成本不断上涨的情况下,钢铁企业的利润空间不断被压缩。

    Under the case of rising costs of imported raw material , the profit of iron and steel enterprises are being squeezed continually .

  19. 它有助于中国降低进口成本,增加石油储备,从而提高能源安全性。

    It helps the country reduce the cost of imports and shore up oil storage that will in turn beef up energy security .

  20. 分析师们表示,拥有巨额外币债务和高进口成本或海外支出的行业尤其容易受到汇率波动的影响。

    Analysts said sectors with significant foreign currency debt and high import costs or overseas expenses are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in the exchange rate .

  21. 人民币升值,将降低进口成本,使家庭的收入增加,但也会削弱出口的盈利能力。

    Raising the value of the renminbi increases household income by reducing the cost of imports , although it also lowers the profitability of exports .

  22. 分析师表示,新加坡央行可能会允许新加坡元进一步升值,以控制食品及燃料进口成本。

    Analysts said that the central bank would probably allow the Singapore dollar to appreciate further to curb the costs of imports of food and fuel .

  23. 与普通贸易相比,加工贸易对人民币升值的敏感度较低,因为企业可节省进口成本,即便在出口环节少赚一些钱。

    This is less sensitive to the appreciation of the currency than ordinary trade because companies can save on the imports , even while exports suffer .

  24. 人民币走强降低了进口成本,全球橡胶价格上涨对中国制造商的影响也因此得到了缓解。

    The effect of rising world rubber prices on Chinese manufacturers has also been mitigated by the strengthening of China 's currency , which reduces the cost of imports .

  25. 人民币走强在抑制通胀方面也可发挥关键作用,因为它将降低进口成本,并通过减少外汇储备增量来遏制货币增长。

    A stronger renminbi also has a crucial role in easing inflation , as it would reduce the cost of imports and restrain money growth by adding less to foreign exchange reserves .

  26. 由于美元不断下跌加大了进口成本并提高了对美国产品的出口需求,美元走软本身就令美国通胀面临上行的压力。

    Since a falling dollar raises the cost of imports and increases the export demand for us products , a dollar decline by itself puts upwards pressure on the US inflation rate .

  27. 许多国家因地处偏远,难以融入全球供应链,进口成本上升,能源尤甚,并限制了他们在旅游业中的竞争力。

    For a significant number , their remoteness affects their ability to be part of the global supply chain , increases import costs especially for energy and limits their competitiveness in the tourist industry .

  28. 中国对美国大豆征收的25%报复性关税会导致美国大豆进口成本每吨增加700至800元,合101至116美元。

    China 's 25 % retaliatory tariffs on American soybeans will increase the price per ton of beans from the United States by between 700 and 800 yuan , or 101 to 116 U.S. dollars .

  29. 尽管自2008年以来中国制造业工资水平上升了46%,但美国的进口成本仅上升了2.6%,这反映出企业提高生产率、消化利润率降低的能力。

    Despite a 46 % increase in manufacturing wages in China since 2008 , the cost of U.S. imports has only risen 2.6 % - reflecting firms ' capacity to improve productivity and swallow smaller margins .

  30. 此外,货币贬值对其他亚洲经济地区所造成的影响,很可能导致这些地区的通胀率、进口成本和利率向上攀升,从而推高制造成本。

    On the other hand , the effect of devaluation on the other Asian economies is likely to lead to higher inflation , higher import costs and higher interest rates which will push up manufacturing costs .