
yì jūn jì
  • bacteriostat
  1. 抑菌剂在开放组培中的使用及效果研究

    Study on Biology Activity of the Bacteriostat in the Open Plant Tissue Culture

  2. 抑菌剂筛选及对组培污染防治的初步研究

    Bacteriostat Screening and Preliminary Study on Contamination Control

  3. 目的建立测定氯霉素滴眼液中常用抑菌剂羟苯乙酯、硫柳汞的HPLC含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a quantitative analysis of ethylparaben and thimerosal in Chloramphenical Eye Drops by HPLC .

  4. 通过AFM研究抑菌剂萎锈灵和潮霉素对玉米黑粉菌细胞形貌的影响。

    The effects of antibacterial agent hygromycin and Carboxin on morphology of Ustilago maydis were investigated by AFM .

  5. 掺杂Ag纳米BaTiO3抑菌剂的制备及其性能

    Prepartion and Properties of Ag-doped Nano-BaTiO_3 Antibacterial Agent

  6. 作为一种稳定的抑菌剂,PAFC在农业生产上具有一定的潜在应用价值。

    It promises the potential application in agriculture .

  7. 凡是使渗透压升高从而使aw下降至大多数细菌能生长的水平以下的化学物质,都可以用作抑菌剂。

    Chemicals that increase osmotic pressure with reduced aw below the level that permits growth of most bacteria can be used as Bacteriostats .

  8. 结果表明:三种抑菌剂的保鲜效果显著,柠檬酸、双乙酸钠、异Vc钠的有效保鲜浓度分别为0.6%、0.6%和0.4%;

    Results indicated that the three preservatives were obviously effective , with valid preservative concentration of citric acid , sodium diacetate , and sodium erythorbate at 0.6 % , 0.6 % , and 0.4 % respectively .

  9. 文章研究了抑菌剂TCC/TCS在废水生化处理系统的迁移转化规律、与微生物的作用机理及废水生化系统的反馈适应机制,对这类废水的工艺设计、工艺控制提供了有益的参考。

    The transformation and effects on microorganisms of TCC / TCS , and the mechanism for the adaptability of microorganisms to the bio-toxicity of TCC / TCS in waste water treatment system have been studied .

  10. CO2作为乳中天然存在的成分,是一种天然、安全的抑菌剂,此外CO2的成本低、在生产中容易操作。

    As the natural component in raw milk , carbon dioxide is a sort of natural and safe bacterial inhibitor , furthermore , the cost of carbon dioxide is low and it is easy to manipulate in production .

  11. 实验证明,湿面条在pH值为6.2,使用0.05%脱氢醋酸钠防腐防霉剂,结合使用3%乳酸钠抑菌剂,在室温30℃能保鲜24h。

    The results indicate that wet noodle keep pH 6.2 , combine with using , 0.05 % sodium dehydroacetate , and 3 % sodium lactate , the noodle can keep fresh for 24 hours in room temperature 30 .

  12. 抑菌剂对猪胴体表面微生物抑制作用的研究

    Effects of Bacteriostats on Bacteria on the Surface of Pig Carcass

  13. 稀土抑菌剂的研究现状

    The present situation in the study of rare earth antibacterial agents

  14. 保护剂与抑菌剂对生物肥料保存期的影响

    Effects of Nutritious Substance and Bacteriostatic Agent on the Shelf-life of Biofertilizer

  15. 葡萄糖存在下选择性抑菌剂对土壤氮素转化的影响

    Effects of specific microbial biocides on N transformation in soil with glucose amendment

  16. 苹果褐腐病菌中草药抑菌剂的筛选及提取条件研究

    Research on Screening Chinese Herbal Fungicides for Monilia fructigena and Their Extraction Conditions

  17. 抑菌剂和筛选剂对香蕉受体系统的影响

    Effects of Agrobacterium-inhibitors and Antibiotic Selection Agents on Tissue Culture Systems of Banana

  18. 用于俺肉的亚硝酸盐也具有抑菌剂的功能。

    Nitrite , which is used in cured meats , also functions as a bacteriostat .

  19. 溴氯混合卤代羟基二苯醚抑菌剂的合成

    Synthesis of new halogenated hydroxyl diphenyl ethers

  20. 方法:用葡萄糖酸钙替代传统的醋酸钙、氯化钙并加入抑菌剂。

    Methods : Calcium gluconate gel was prepared by use of bulk calcium gluconate and disinfectant .

  21. 这表明卵黄抗体有望作为一种新型的天然抑菌剂应用于水产食品的抑菌防腐。

    This demonstrates the potential application of egg yolk antibody as a natural antimicrobial agent for preservation and bacteria inhibition .

  22. 农杆菌抑菌剂的抑菌效果及其对小黑杨叶片不定芽产生率的影响

    Effects of Antibiotics on Agrobacterium and the Formation Rate of Adventitious Buds from Leaves of Populus simonii × P. nigra

  23. 可望作为抑菌剂用于化妆、保健、医药等领域。

    So argy wormwood dew is expected to be used as antiseptic in cosmetics , health protection and medicine field .

  24. 因此,该复合物在工业上可以用作天然乳化剂,无毒抑菌剂。

    Therefore , the conjugates can be useful for industrial applications as natural emulsifiers , antimicrobial agents devoid of toxicity .

  25. 超高压和天然抑菌剂对低温火腿肠保鲜效果的研究高效谷氨酰胺转胺酶在火腿肠加工中的应用研究

    Effect of High Pressure Processing and Natural Antimicrobials on Preservation of Low-temperature Sausage Application of high activity transglutaminase in sausage products

  26. 由于盐酸纳美芬鼻腔喷雾剂为多次给药的制剂,故本文参照文献报道对喷雾剂的抑菌剂进行了筛选,最终选择三氯叔丁醇作为抑菌剂。

    Since the package of NMF nasal spay was multi-doses , chlorbutanol was selected as the bacterial inhibitor according to the references .

  27. 结论:通过控制焦磷酸盐和三聚磷酸盐使用量,可降低由多聚磷酸盐引起的抑菌剂阳性风险。

    Conclusion : The risk of antimicrobial positivity caused by polyphosphates can be reduced by controlling the amounts of added tripolyphosphate and pyrophosphate .

  28. 以太湖沉积物为研究对象,通过沉积物湖水体系的好氧厌氧连续模拟实验,研究添加和不添加抑菌剂条件下该体系对磷的释放和积聚的影响,以及微生物作用下内源磷的释放过程。

    Microbial effects on phosphorus release were investigated under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in a simulated sediments-lake water system using sediments from Taihu lake .

  29. 采用平板生长抑制法、菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发试验法检测了几种抑菌剂对植物组织培养中常见细菌和真菌的抑菌作用。

    The inhibitory effect of several bacteriostats on bacteria and fungus in plant tissue culture was evaluated by the methods of flat growth restraint , mycelial growth and spore germination .

  30. 在采用的四种抑菌剂中,仲丁胺的保鲜效果最佳。(4)大米的产地及品种是影响大米品质的重要因素。

    From the four bacteriostats , the effect of Sec-Butylamine of storage is best . ( 4 ) Rice production areas and varieties are important factors on quality of rice .