
zhé zhōnɡ zhǔ yì
  • eclecticism
  1. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  2. 所有的乐队都朝着更广泛的折衷主义和结合主义的方向前进。

    All of the groups moved towards a broader eclecticism and synthesis .

  3. 我们接触到的好坏越多,我们就越善于分辨。折衷主义者就是这样。

    The more we 're exposed to the good and the bad , the better we are at telling the difference . The eclecticists have it .

  4. 从折衷主义的思想谈建筑创作中的形式问题

    Discussion on the formal problems of architectural creation from compromising thinking

  5. 我们在前面已着重提到民粹主义理论中的折衷主义。

    We have noted before the eclecticism of the populist theories .

  6. 进而,许多外语教学研究者提出折衷主义的教学原理以及根据原理教学。

    Thus principled eclecticism and teaching by principles are pursued .

  7. 结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。

    The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best .

  8. 折衷主义教学法在综合英语课程教学中的应用

    Application of Eclectic Methodology in Teaching of Integrated English Course

  9. 论媒介的折衷主义特征及其与全球化趋势的关系

    Several Viewpoints about Media 's Eclecticism Characteristic and the Tendency of Globalization

  10. 你是否认为你所采用的方法具有折衷主义倾向?

    Do you consider yourself and your approach eclectic ?

  11. 历史的情结&论折衷主义建筑美学思想

    Love knot to the history & on the thought of eclecticism architectural aesthetics

  12. 哲学课上,我们连续用折衷主义分析题目。

    In philosophy class , we 're practicing eclecticism .

  13. 最终清政府采取了折衷主义的立法体例。

    Finally the qing government chose the eclecticism style .

  14. 生命伦理学与科学实验之间的一种折衷主义选择&3R理论在动物实验应用中的启示

    The Eclecticism for Dealing with the Confliction between Life Ethics and Scientific Experiment

  15. 晚清早期维新思想家的文化折衷主义

    Culture Eclecticism of Late Qing Dynasty 's Early Reformers

  16. 这一概念的教学方法导致倡导折衷主义在上世纪80年代。

    This concept of teaching methods led to the advocacy of eclecticism in the1980s .

  17. 西方犯罪论中的折衷主义及其与刑法现代价值的契合

    Eclecticism in Western Criminal Law and its Correspondence to the Modern Value of Criminal Law

  18. 我们在处理这一矛盾时,是采取折衷主义办法。

    Our attempt to deal with this conflict has resulted in something of a compromise .

  19. 中庸、折衷主义与价值判断

    Middlebrow , Eclecticism and Value Judgment

  20. 西方关于刑罚目的的思想主要有报应主义、预防主义、折衷主义。

    The main thoughts of penalty objectives in the west are retributionalism , precautionalism and eclecticism .

  21. 你是一个真理,导引头,爱学习和您的利益,是折衷主义和多样化。

    You are a truth seeker , love to learn and your interests are eclectic and varied .

  22. 折衷主义风格流行于19世纪,尽管贬低了很多,但还是存活了下来,出现在现代防卫型社区和郊外屋村住宅中。

    Eclecticism flourished in the19th century and survived , though much debased , in gated communities and suburban tract housing .

  23. 宝洁致力于培养聚焦于共同目标泊多元化和折衷主义的公司文化。

    P & G is devoted to fostering a diverse and eclectic company culture that is simultaneously focused on common goals .

  24. 风格上呈现折衷主义的面貌,比较完整地体现了当时的西方建筑特征。

    The style of the building takes on an eclecticism look , which perfectly incarnates the characteristics of western architecture then .

  25. 从心理咨询与治疗的整合研究中获得的“折衷主义的元理论态度”对于教学知识体系的整合研究是可行的。

    The meta-theoretical attitude of eclecticism attained from the study on integration of consultation methods may be feasible to systematize the course .

  26. 各种学派都是从自己的理论体系出发来理解咨访关系的,当前咨访关系具有折衷主义的趋势。

    Each school understands the relationship between consultants and visitors from its own theory system and it tends to be a compromise .

  27. 当时西式建筑都是沿用欧洲流行的风格建造,有新古典主义、折衷主义及浪漫主义等风格;

    The western architecture always provide popular styles from Europe , such as Neoclassicism , Eclectic , and Romanticism styles among others .

  28. 有的坚持艺术直接与折衷主义变动时,表现主义、塞尚,等等。

    Some insist on the direct correlation with the eclectic art movements of the time , Expressionism , Fauvism , and so on .

  29. 简单的形式审查或实质审查无法解决登记机构所要面对的复杂情形,折衷主义从现实主义出发,具有相对的实用性和合理性。

    The formal review and real review can not resolve complex situations , so the eclectic departure has a relatively practical rationality from realism .

  30. 目前学界对农村集体经济组织成员资格的界定标准主要有三种观点:登记主义、事实主义和折衷主义。

    There are three kinds of views to the standards of how to identify the qualification of rural collective economic organization mainly at present .