
  • 网络Pay equity
  1. 种植你食物的人得到的报酬公平吗?

    Is the person who grew your food being paid fairly ?

  2. 三是人力资本特征,是影响劳动报酬起点公平的因素。

    The third one is the human capital characteristic , which is the factor influencing the starting point equity of the earning .

  3. 如果员工认为他们的报酬是公平的,他们不会专注于他们的工资报酬,而公司可以更多从非物质奖来奖励。

    If employees believe they are compensated fairly , they won 't be preoccupied with their paychecks , and a company can get the most from its nonfinancial awards .

  4. 良好的工作环境是指对人的尊重、公平竞争氛围、信任机制、合作氛围、报酬制度的公平、挑战性工作机会等。

    The good work conditions includes respect for everyone , fair environment for contest , function of confidence , cooperation of each other , impartial reward , opportunity for provocative tasks , etc.

  5. 所以初次收入分配总量上的不公平,具体表现为不同产业内部及产业间初次分配的不公平,即我们一直关注的基于不同产业的劳动报酬分配不公平。

    Therefore , the inequity of the total income from primary distribution detailed shows as the inequity of primary distribution among different industries and industries ' interior , that is the inequity of earning distribution based on different industries as we concerned .

  6. 我们保证尊重个人,提供合理的报酬,真诚而公平的对待每个人。

    We pledge personal respect , fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment .

  7. 以服务结果之价值提供服务报酬体现了正义或公平,以品行为依据提供服务报酬是不公平的。

    Service recompense according to service end products is fair , while according to serving conduct is not .

  8. 组织、团队和个人三个层面是决定研发团队成员报酬的要素,而报酬影响其满意度主要通过报酬绝对值、报酬结构、报酬公平性及客观性等。

    Three elements-organization , team and individuals are decisive of remuneration for R & D team members , which influences their satisfaction through its absolute value , structure , equity and objectivity .