
  • 网络salary reform
  1. 通过上述理论的分析,用于指导散热器厂的薪酬改革方案的设计及实施。

    Analysis of above theory can direct design and implement of salary reform of DFR .

  2. 人力资源管理方面侧重于绩效考核及中、高层管理人员的薪酬改革。

    Human resource management focuses on the performance evaluation and salary reform of the managerial staff .

  3. 德意志银行(deutschebank)采取最新的薪酬改革行动,该行在全球银行中率先出台严厉规则,使其能够剥夺员工在前雇主那里挣得的奖金。

    Deutsche Bank has become the first global bank to introduce rules allowing it to strip staff of bonuses they earned at previous employers in the latest crackdown on pay .

  4. 据熟悉fsa的人士表示,即使无法达成国际共识,fsa仍将加紧推行薪酬改革。

    People close to the FSA say it will press on with compensation reform even in the absence of international consensus .

  5. 第二章介绍了JY建筑公司的基本状况及薪酬改革的必要性。

    Chapter 2 introduces the basic situation and the necessity of revolution of the pay system .

  6. 据了解劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)薪酬改革计划的知情人士透露,该行正在研究是否摒弃向资深员工发放年度奖金的做法,并将长期激励的支付期限延长到至多10年。

    Lloyds Banking groupis examining whether to ditch the concept of annual bonuses for senior staff and extend the timeframe of longer-term incentives to up to 10 years , according to people briefed on a project to overhaul remuneration .

  7. 新泽西州州长、共和党人克里斯克里斯蒂(chrischristie)断定,公共部门薪酬改革对于该州的财政健康至关重要,即使这意味着要与公务员工会爆发激烈对抗。

    Chris Christie , the Republican governor of New Jersey , decided that even if it took bruising clashes with public worker unions , public service compensation reform was essential for the fiscal health of the state .

  8. DCMC公司作为一家传统的集装箱制造企业,在当前的形式下进行薪酬改革不仅是迎接挑战的需要,也是企业自身发展的需要。

    As a traditional container manufacturer , DCMC carries out the reform of wage system under the current situation not only for the sake of facing challenges but also for sake of self-developing .

  9. 宁夏石化公司薪酬改革之探讨

    Discussion about Compensation Reform of NingXia Petrochemical Branch Establishing Motivation-oriented Compensation

  10. 引入劳动力市场价位深化企业薪酬改革

    Introduce Price Levels of Labor Market and Deepen Reform of Emoluments in Enterprise

  11. 散热器厂薪酬改革实施方案

    Salary Revolution in Plan of Dong Feng Radiator Plant

  12. 企业基层员工薪酬改革效果评估研究

    Research of Evaluation for Common Staff Compensation Reform Effect

  13. 在这一过程中,薪酬改革是其中的重点和难点。

    During the process , TV stations have to attach importance to compensation reformation .

  14. 进行薪酬改革;

    Carry on the reform of the salary ;

  15. 制定薪酬改革方案、构建薪酬激励与约束机制模式。

    Drawing up the remuneration reform program . Formulating the mode of remuneration incentive and restraint mechanism .

  16. 总之,薪酬改革应该在平衡教师收入的高层次的稳定性和激励性方面寻求突破。

    In short , teacher pay reform should balance the high level of income stability and incentive to seek a breakthrough .

  17. 参与讨论的人士提醒称,该行的薪酬改革过程处于相对初级的阶段,相关构想仍有可能被束之高阁。

    People involved in the discussions warned that it was relatively early in the process and the idea could yet be shelved .

  18. 通过介绍国内地方政府的公务员薪酬改革,笔者提出了完善湖北省公务员薪酬的若干建议。

    Through introducing the reformation of civil servant pay in some local governments , author puts forward some advice to improve the civil servant pay in Hubei province .

  19. 以天津石化公司为例,重点探讨引入劳动力市场价位的实践效果、存在的主要问题和应对措施,分析薪酬改革的发展方向和趋势。

    Taking a certain company as an example , studied practical effects , main problems and measures of introducing price levels of labor market , analyzed direction and trend of emoluments reform .

  20. 但在第四次工资改革后,如何在新形势以及新的政策指导下进行高校教师的薪酬改革仍未有统一模式。

    However , after the fourth salary reformation , there is still not a unified pattern on how to process the high school teacher salary reformation in the new situation and new policy .

  21. 本文对转制中的国有企业在薪酬改革中遇到的诸多问题进行了探讨,对国有企业,特别是药品生产企业有一定的参考和借鉴意义。

    In this thesis , many problems of state-owned enterprises in the course of compensation reform have been explored , which would be helpful in state-owned enterprises reforms , especially in medicine production enterprises reforms .

  22. 在文章的最后指出方案实施过程中遇到的障碍,提出了解决措施,并对薪酬改革方案运行效果作出预期估计,总结分析了改革过程中获得的启示。

    In the end , the author gives an estimation of the effect of the compensation reform program , points out the challenge arising in the program implementation and summarizes the enlightenments obtained during the reform course .

  23. 由于本次研究只是提出建设性方案,薪酬改革方案的具体细节还有待于在改革的实践中不断摸索,找出符合企业现实和企业文化的路子来。

    Because this research only is proposed the constructive plan , the salary reform plan concrete detail also waits for unceasingly tried to find out in the reform practice , discovers conforms to the enterprise reality and the enterprise culture pathway .

  24. 中苏俄高等教育宏观管理制度比较研究最后从政府对企业工资分配宏观管理制度的改革和企业薪酬改革的微观实践两个方面介绍了国内企业薪酬变革情况。

    A Comparative Study of the Macro Management of Higher Education in China , the Former Soviet Union and Russia Enterprises are all faced huge changes from society and economy aspects that bring new challenges to its operation and compensation management .

  25. 通过中国石化工程建设公司(SEI)薪酬体系改革实例,分析原有薪酬制度的缺陷所在;

    From reform of wage and reward system in SEI , analyzed shortcomings of traditional one ;

  26. 曾任德国央行(bundesbank)行长的韦伯去年加入瑞银,并在过去几个月里向瑞银大股东征集了关于薪酬结构改革的想法。

    The pay overhaul has been masterminded by Axel Weber , the former Bundesbank president who joined as chairman last year and who has spent the past few months garnering ideas from major shareholders on how to change pay structures .

  27. 第五部分则探讨了WQ公司智能型员工绩效考核体系的保障要素,观念转变、考核机构设置、完善相关制度、加强培训与宣传、薪酬体系改革和信息支持系统建设都是重要的要素。

    The fifth part researched the protection of performance appraisal system elements , the concept of change , assessing institutional setup , and improve relevant systems , enhanced training and promotion , pay system reform and information support systems are important elements of building .

  28. 高校教师薪酬制度改革

    Study on the Compensation System of Teachers of Colleges and Universities

  29. 宁夏煤业集团薪酬制度改革与实践

    Reform and practice on salary system of Ningxia coal industry group

  30. 吉林省邮政局薪酬体系改革研究

    The Study of JILIN Province Post Office Salary System Reformation