
  • 网络salary system;compensation system;payment system
  1. X公司薪酬体系设计初步诊断报告

    Primary Diagnostic Report on Designing Compensation System of X Company

  2. 因此,本文提出了N银行薪酬体系方案实施中应注意的问题和建议。

    Therefore , the paper refers to some problems and suggestions to implement scheme of compensation system of N bank .

  3. 成都H公司薪酬体系的再设计

    Salary System Design of Chengdu H Company

  4. W设计院薪酬体系设计

    Compensation System Design of W Design Institute

  5. 然后,对PT公司及其薪酬体系建设概况进行了概述。

    Then , on the PT and its pay system profiles are outlined .

  6. 最后在岗位评价的基础上设计出新的W钢铁公司中层管理者薪酬体系。

    Last onthe basis of job evaluation it designs a new payment system for middle managers .

  7. H饲料公司的情况具有一定的普遍性,H饲料的薪酬体系的优化方案,对于其他的类似企业有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

    The optimization study of compensation system for H feed company for other similar companies have the certain reference value and significance .

  8. KD公司行政岗薪酬体系再设计

    Study and Redesign on the Compensation System of KD Company

  9. DT成都分公司研发人员薪酬体系设计

    Compensation Systems of DT Branch of Chengdu R & D Personnel

  10. XX研究院薪酬体系设计

    The Design of Compensation System in XX Research Institute

  11. 第二部分对DF公司薪酬体系的现状进行了详细的分析和评价;

    The second section detailed analysis and evaluate the present Compensation System in DF Company ;

  12. 第二部分是介绍了TL公司旧有的薪酬体系,指出其存在的问题和不足。

    The second part introduces the old compensation system of TL , and points out its problems and defects .

  13. 其次,对TX公司的薪酬体系进行诊断与分析。

    Secondly , the paper diagnoses and analyses the present compensation system of TX Company .

  14. LY公司薪酬体系设计

    Compensation System Design of LY Company

  15. 基于胜任力的JM公司研发人员薪酬体系设计

    A Design on Competency-based Compensation System for R & D Staff of JM Company

  16. 本文认为,优化后的薪酬体系将更好地激发员工的工作积极性和创造性,有利于LD烟草公司的进一步发展。

    It can be believed that the redesigned salary system will motivate the employees better , and push forward the development of LD Cigarette Company .

  17. 第四章以薪酬体系优化设计的理论为基础,对G公司的薪酬进行优化设计,首先提出改革的思路、原则,然后进行前期准备工作,最后提出各岗位的薪酬结构方案。

    The fourth chapter is based on compensation system optimization design theory ; propose optimization solution of the salary system , including reform train of thought , the principle and the concrete implementation method and program .

  18. 再次,针对TX公司薪酬体系的问题,提出了优化设计方案。

    Next , the author raises optimization design plan to solve the problems in the present compensation system of TX Company .

  19. 在此基础上,提出了SG公司建立基于能力、绩效和市场三者相结合的宽带薪酬体系的管理模式。

    Based on this , it proposed a management model of broadband compensation system to SG company which is base on the integration of capability , performance and market .

  20. 股票期权(ExecutiVeStockOption)于1952年由美国辉瑞制药公司为避税引入薪酬体系之中。

    Executive stock option which originated from using the Stock Option into the employee 's salary system for the purpose to avoiding the tax law by Pfizer pharmaceuticals company , United States in 1952 has become classic encouraging mode over a long period of time .

  21. 调查表明,目前我国高校教师的薪酬体系为三元结构,薪酬激励机制普遍采用3P模式。

    At present , our investigation demonstrates that university teachere ′ s compensation system uses three yuan structure , and compensation motivation mechanism adopts 3P mode .

  22. 第5章:阐述了薪酬体系在LEWA公司的实施及应用,简单介绍了相关配套的管理体系。

    Part five : The implementation and application of the new compensation system in the company .

  23. JX公司的新方案中,薪酬体系包括四个部分:(1)基本工资,包括保证员工基本生活的基础工资和反映员工工龄和学历情况的履历工资;

    The focus is compensation system . That includes four parts : ( 1 ) Basic Wage , including essential standard of living and employee 's vitae pay .

  24. 方案的一系列调整力图使XY烟草公司的薪酬体系更加科学合理,更好的适应现状和未来的发展,最大程度的提高全体员工的工作积极性。

    The serious adjustment in the new program are aimed at a more scientific and reasonable salary system in XY tobacco companies , To better adapt to the current situation and future development , To maximize the enthusiasm of the staff work .

  25. 第四章,西安KT公司员工薪酬体系设计,阐述了薪酬设计的原则,基本流程,进行岗位分析、设计、评估,结合市场薪酬调查,进行薪酬体系的优化及相应的配套措施。

    The fourth chapter , Xi ' an KT company salary system design , elaborated pay the principle of design , the basic flow , position analysis , design , evaluation , combined with the market salary survey , compensation system optimization and its corresponding measures .

  26. 在变革过程中,BMCC的人力资源管理围绕着公司的经营有效地进行了人员配置、薪酬体系构建、人员培训与开发以及福利分配等诸方面的改革并取得了成效。

    During the reform phase , Human Resource Management reforms included employee configuration , salary system establishment , employees ' training and development , welfare division and so on .

  27. 本文着重理论与实践的结合,旨在通过对AZ职业技术学院教师竞争环境及现状的分析,在其现有薪酬体系的基础上设计出一套适合学院教师实际情况、适应学院发展的薪酬体系。

    This paper paid attention to the combination of theory and practice and design a suitable compensation system both for teachers and college through the analysis of the competition environment and current situation of the teachers in AZ Vocational and Technical College .

  28. 第五部分则探讨了WQ公司智能型员工绩效考核体系的保障要素,观念转变、考核机构设置、完善相关制度、加强培训与宣传、薪酬体系改革和信息支持系统建设都是重要的要素。

    The fifth part researched the protection of performance appraisal system elements , the concept of change , assessing institutional setup , and improve relevant systems , enhanced training and promotion , pay system reform and information support systems are important elements of building .

  29. 第四章为《中源发电公司薪酬体系设计》。

    Chapter 4 , Payoff System Designing In Zhongyuan Power Generate Co.

  30. 论文的第2章主要介绍了薪酬体系的相关理论部分。

    The chapter 2 introduces the relative theoretics of salary system .