
  • 网络Pay grade
  1. 宽带薪酬结构是指对多个薪酬等级及薪酬变动范围进行重新组合,从而变成只有很少的薪酬等级以及相应较宽的薪酬变动范围。

    Broadbanding salary structure is more than one pay grade and salary changes in the scope of re-combination into only a few pay grades and wide changes in the pay range .

  2. 通过减少薪酬等级,调整薪酬水平和薪酬结构我们确定了薪酬体系调整方案。

    By reducing the pay levels , pay levels and pay structure adjustment of our pay system to determine the adjustment program .

  3. 在被问及职业发展的障碍时,12%的人认为是婚姻,19%的人认为是生育政策,30%的人认为是薪酬等级。

    When asked to rank barriers to their careers , 12 percent cited marriage , 19 percent said maternity policies and30 percent named pay scales .

  4. 这实在是一个太合适的报章杂志式小说了。乱翻一通然后终于找到在维卡拉格路的迟来的入球,某种程度上实在有失这些球员的水准和薪酬等级。

    It 's an all too convenient journalistic fiction that grubbing around for a late winner at Vicarage Road is somehow beneath players of this calibre and wage bracket .

  5. 在劳动合同和职工档案管理、合理划分薪酬等级、提升员工素质等方面提出创新管理之策。

    Innovative management strategies have been setted up in the labor contract management and employee files management , rational division of salary levels , improving staff quality , etc. The paper also mentioned the obstacles in the implementation of " Labor Contract Law " .

  6. 它的突出优势就是通过减少薪酬等级拉大薪酬变动范围来引导员工关注自身能力的提高和技能的增长,同时增强组织适应外部环境的灵活性和有效性。

    Its outstanding advantage is that by reducing the pay grades and widening scope of the changes to encourage their employees to pay attention to their capabilities and skills growth , while enhancing the organization to adapt to the flexibility and effectiveness of the external environment .

  7. 一个完整的宽幅结构包括薪酬的等级数量、薪酬等级内部的薪酬变动范围,相邻两个薪酬等级之间的交叉与重叠关系。

    A whole Bound Band Salary structure includes the quantity of the level of salary , the range of the band and the lap between the two band nearby .

  8. 企业员工薪酬实行岗位等级工资制的探索

    Exploration of Station-graded Wage System Instituted in Enterprises for the Workers ' Salary

  9. 然后提出改进措施,通过建立岗位评价体系,调整薪酬系列和等级,增加地区调节系数和对各系列特点针对性的调整来完善现行薪酬体系。

    Then the thesis proposes improving measures , which are by the establishment of post evaluation system , adaption of salary series and level , amplifying modulation on different regions and targeted adjustment on the features of all series .

  10. 在物质薪酬方面,从提高薪酬外部竞争力和内部公平性方面着手,并对各岗位设置不同的固定薪酬等级,预留薪酬的上升空间。

    In the way of material compensation system , from an increase in pay of external competitiveness and internal equity aspects , and the positions set different levels of fixed pay , reserve pay up space .