
mò huī
  • plastering;bring shame on;render
抹灰 [mò huī]
  • [bring shame on] 丢脸

  • 我们绝不能给祖国抹灰

抹灰[mò huī]
  1. 为避免将来出现额外的开支和不必要的麻烦,尽量在抹灰完工之前把固定设施确定下来。

    To avoid extra expense and mess later on , try to decide on fittings before the plastering 's finished

  2. TG胶在抹灰工程中的应用

    Application of TG glue in the plastering engineering

  3. 墙上不平处可用灰泥抹平EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统应用技术

    Application Technology of Exterior Wall External Insulation System with EPS Plate Thin Plastering

  4. EPS板薄抹灰系统饰面涂料的选择及施工控制

    The Selection and Construction Control of Decorating Coating in EPS Plates Thin Plaster System

  5. EPS板薄抹灰外保温系统在建筑节能改造中的应用

    External insulating system with EPS sheet and thin plaster used in building 's energy-saving renovation

  6. 浅析XPS板薄抹灰保温体系中砂浆与XPS板粘结性能的影响因素

    Influence factors of adhesive property between mortar and XPS board in external thermal insulation composite systems based on XPS

  7. GRC板应用中抹灰面层裂缝的防治措施

    Prevention and control of cracks in floated cost of GRC board

  8. 石家庄某高层住宅楼外保温采用EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统。

    Outer insulation system of external wall of thin-plastered EPS board was used in a high rise residential building in Shijiazhuang .

  9. 阐述了EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统主要质量病害,探讨了各种病害的防治措施,以提高工程质量。

    Explained EPS plates thin plaster external wall insulation systems major quality defects , and proposed control method against each defect .

  10. 严寒地区粘贴EPS板外墙外保温薄抹灰面层施工质量控制

    Control on construction quality of exterior thermal insulation thin plaster finish coat on external wall of EPS board in cold region

  11. 浅谈GRC轻质隔墙板抹灰的裂缝控制

    A Discussion on the ControL of Crack about GRC Light-weight Partition Wallboard Plastering

  12. 某小区现浇EPS钢丝网架保温板外抹灰裂缝原因分析

    The Analysis of Causes Why the External Plastering Cracks Occur on Cast-in-site EPS Insulated Board with Metal Network in a Certain Residence Community

  13. 山东烟台同化防水保温工程有限公司结合多年硬泡聚氨酯建筑施工经验,在总结EPS板薄抹灰外墙保温做法的基础上,研发出防水保温一体化的TH硬泡氨酯复合板外墙外保温系统。

    TH polyurethane hard foam composite board as external insulation technology on exterior wall was developed and manufactured by Yantai Tonghua Water-proof and Hear-insulation Project Co . , Ltd.

  14. 对GS的扩建区及改建区的所有区域进行抹灰,对扩建区及改建区涂刷覆盖性涂层及无覆盖型涂层;

    Inside plaster in all areas and levels of the building extension and rebuilding of the GS to receive covering and non-covering paint coats ;

  15. 本试验研究了两种有机硅基粉料对砂浆体积密度、吸水率、3d强度的影响,为降低抹灰砂浆吸水率和提高墙体抗渗性能提供解决方法。

    This paper presents the influence of two kinds of organic silicon powder on volume density , water absorption and 3d strength of mortar . Also offers some suggestion to reduce the water absorption of finishing mortar and improve the impermeability of wall .

  16. 填充墙砌筑完成后60d左右进行墙面抹灰和构造柱施工;

    The mortar for coating and configuration column should carry through when the infilled wall was masonry sixty days .

  17. ZS-4型强力灰粉在负温条件下的抹灰试验及应用

    Experiment and application of ZS-4 strengthened plaster under negative temperature condition

  18. 粉刷石膏随保水剂黏度和用量的增加,其抹灰性能增强,对保水率的测试确定了MC(4万)的保水剂掺加量为0.2%;

    The plastering performance of wall plaster increases with increasing of viscosity and content of water retention agent and the mensuration of retention rate determines the adding amount of MC water retention agent with viscosity of 40,000 is 0.2 % ;

  19. GRC轻质隔墙板是一种轻质高强的新型建筑材料,具有施工工艺简单、操作方便、无需抹灰、成本较低、施工效率高等特点,指出了其具体的施工工艺与应用分析。

    As a new building material , GRC light-weight partition board has many advantages , such as simple construction technology , convenient operation , without plaster , low cost and high efficiency .

  20. 主要研究了羟乙基甲基纤维素醚(HEMC)和羧甲基纤维素醚(CMC)对加气混凝土用抹灰砂浆性能的影响。

    The influences of hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose ( HEMC ) and carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) on performances of plaster for aerated concrete have been researched in the paper .

  21. CCW-2002型外墙外保温抹灰材料

    CCW-2002 Outer-wall Exterior-insulation Plastering Materials

  22. 掺ZS-4型强力灰粉砂浆在冬期冷作抹灰施工中的应用

    The Application of Mortar Mixed with Brute-force Plaster , Type ZS-4 to The Plastering Construction in Cold Mode in Winter

  23. 保水剂对抗裂抹灰砂浆性能的影响

    Influence on performance of water-retaining to crack - resistant plastering mortar

  24. 浅谈聚苯板薄抹灰外保温施工中的技术问题

    On technical problems in exterior insulation construction by thin-plastered poly-phenyl plate

  25. 膨胀聚苯板薄抹灰外墙保温系统的质量控制

    Quality control of polystyrene board thin plaster external wall insulation system

  26. 机械喷涂抹灰技术规程喷涂造衬技术在湘钢3号高炉上的应用

    Practice of spraying lining technique at No.3 blast furnace in Xianggang

  27. 塑料阳角基准条在抹灰工程中的应用

    The Application of Plastic Datum Line in Plastering Positive Wall Corner

  28. 人工砂在抹灰砂浆中的应用研究

    Study on the use of the manufactured sand in the plaster

  29. 内墙抹灰工程施工监理质量控制

    Talking about the Construction Supervision Quality Control in Internal-wall Plastering Work

  30. 轻质墙体表面抹灰技术研究

    Study on the Plastering Technique to the Light Weight Wall Surface