
yán mǐ
  • linear metre;running metre
  1. 完成加筋挡墙约32延米。

    32 linear meters of reinforced retaining wall have been completed .

  2. 货车发展与货车每延米重量

    The Development of Freight Wagon and The Weight Per Extended Metre

  3. 涵洞:累计完成涵洞255.6延米,占总工程量的88%。

    Culvert : 255.6 linear meters of accumulated length of culvert has been completed , accounting for88 % of total quantities .

  4. 从深孔爆破工艺出发,分析了提高延米爆破量的主要途径;

    Based on deep hole blasting technology , the main ways of raising blast quatity per metre of hole are analyzed .

  5. 分析其变化的原因,综合考虑出口温度和每延米换热量,给出各个参数的优化设计意见。

    Analyzed the reasons for the change rule , consider both the outlet temperature and quantity of heat exchange , were given the parameters of the optimal design advice .

  6. 每延米孔深换热量越大,埋管周围土壤的热堆积程度越高。

    The greater the heat per meter depth of the hole is , the higher the average temperature of the soil around the pipe and the higher the degree of heat accumulation of the soil around the pipe .

  7. 按照夏季平均延米换热量为30W/m的设计条件,模拟了热泵系统在砂岩地质下运行10年的地下温度场变化情况。

    According to the summer design conditions of average meter of heat exchange in 30 W / m , the change of underground soil temperature is simulated during 10 years of running of the heat pump system in the sandstone .

  8. 结合桩基施工终压力和每延米压桩耗能的对比分析,表明桩的竖向极限承载力与终压力存在一定的比例关系,但与压桩耗能不存在比例关系。

    In combination with comparison analysis of construction end pressure and combustion in pressing pile proportion relation . The result shows that limit bearing capacity on end has a certain proportion relationship with end pressure , but has no proportion relationship with combustion of pressing pile .