
guǎi zi
  • kidnapper;cripple;abductor;shaped reel
拐子 [guǎi zǐ]
  • (1) [cripple]∶跛子,残废的人

  • 脊髓灰质炎使那个青年成了拐子

  • (2) [abductor;kidnapper]∶拐卖人口的人

  • 因那日买了个丫头,不想系拐子拐来卖的。--《红楼梦》

  • (3) [shaped reel]∶一种简单的木制工具,形状略像工字,两头横木短,中间直木长。把线纱等绕在上面,拿下来就可以成桄

拐子[guǎi zi]
  1. 虽然他死了,可我还是个拐子。

    He 's dead , and I 'm still a cripple .

  2. 2007年,他在此开建了一处远离尘世的度假地——拐子角农场酒店(TheFarmatCapeKidnappers),酒店由他儿子杰伊(Jay)负责打理。

    In 2007 he opened an isolated lodge there called The Farm at Cape Kidnappers , run by his son Jay .

  3. 从拐子角农场酒店,我坐飞机抵达皇后镇(Queenstown),这儿基本上是全球毫无争议的冒险游圣地。

    From there I flew to Queenstown , the more or less undisputed global capital of adventure and adrenalin .

  4. “他是被拐子打怕了的,万不敢说”

    She 'd been beaten so much she was afraid to talk

  5. 他和吉姆遇到了两个拐子。

    He and Jim are joined by two tricksters .

  6. “只说拐子系他亲爹,因无钱偿债,故卖他。”

    " She just insisted that he was her father , selling her to clear his debts . "

  7. “那日冯公子相看了,兑了银子,拐子醉了”

    " The day that young Feng met her and paid down his silver , the kidnapper got drunk . "

  8. “偏生这拐子又租了我的房舍居住,那日拐子不在家,我也曾问他。”

    " As the kidnapper happened to rent rooms from me , one day when he was away I asked her outright . "

  9. 拐子角农场酒店房间参照19世纪剪羊毛工人住所打造,是对文化遗产兼具品位与爱心的亿万富豪的呕心沥血之作。

    The rooms are what you 'd expect a billionaire with taste and a care for heritage to make of a 19th-century sheepshearer 's farmhouse .

  10. 后来这女人被亲眷拐子卖到他乡外县去作妻,又几次三番地被转卖,经过无数的惊险的风波,

    Later , the girl was abducted by a swindler in the family and sold as concubine in some far-off town , then sold several times more , passing through any number of trials and ordeals .

  11. 在整个酒店协会内,有几家精选出来的极品(拐子角农场酒店无疑是其中之一),它们具有更好的隐秘性、更宽敞的房间、更为大胆的建筑风格以及布料更优质的床单。

    Within the lodges " association there 's a select group of " super lodges " ( of which Cape Kidnappers is one ) , with more privacy , a bigger room , more daring architecture and higher thread count on your sheets .