
  • 网络Byzantine Cavalry;Hippo toxotai
  1. 在整个战役中,拜占庭骑兵和弓箭手将是取得战斗胜利的关键。

    Throughout the campaign it will be the Byzantine cavalry and missile troops that will be crucial to success in battle .

  2. 拜占庭骑兵战术灵活,属于略微轻装的中型骑兵,无论远程射击还是近身格斗都颇为出色。

    Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry , equally able shooting their bows , or fighting with their swords .

  3. 拜占庭弓骑兵身穿镶甲或链甲,装备复合弓和长剑。

    They wear padded or mail armour and are equipped with a composite bow and sword .

  4. 拉丁骑兵是服役于拜占庭军中的西欧骑兵,装备链甲和长剑,训练有素,作战经验丰富。

    Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire , these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords .