
  • 网络continuous improvement;Continual improvement;Continues Improvement;Kaizen
  1. 这个品质文化强调的是质量的持续改善,实现持续改善的要求是比较零散的,EP公司通过对这些零散的要求进行整合,归纳出自己的供应商质量管理要求。

    This culture is emphasized to the quality continuous improvement , and the requirement is relatively fragmented .

  2. 从这些根基出发,涌现了抓住工业化世界想象力的各种实践,例如将库存降至最低的“恰好及时”生产(justintimeproduction),以及车间第一线的“持续改善”(kaizen)。

    From these roots came practices that caught the imagination of the industrialised world , such as " just in time " production to minimise inventories , and " Kaizen " , or continuous improvement on the factory floor .

  3. PCB插装生产线效率持续改善研究及应用

    Application of Productivity Continues Improvement to the PCB DIP Production Line

  4. 冲压制程包装设计并持续改善,评估和制作包装规范(POP)。

    The press system range packing design continues the improvement , and assesses and makes the Procedure of packaging ( POP ) .

  5. 每个员工是否明白5S和持续改善的含义?

    Does every team member understanding the idea of5S and continue improvement ?

  6. 72h后所有指标持续改善。20例治疗有效,8例治疗失败需有创通气。

    72 hours after MV , all indices improved continuously , 20 patients were treated effectively , and 8 patients needed invasive ventilation .

  7. 在综合ERP的计划性,JIT的车间作业控制和TOC对瓶颈环节的持续改善的优势后,提出了集成ERP、JIT、TOC三者的生产计划与控制系统以及利用仿真实施集成系统的过程。

    After considering ERP planning , JIT workshop homework control and TOC continuous improvement of bottleneck link , puts forward an integrated ERP , JIT and TOC three production planning and control system .

  8. 这些API具有灵活的可重用性,既降低了成本和风险,也使得整个系统在确保短期效益和持续改善企业IT环境之间找到了一个完美的平衡点。

    The API set has a flexible reusable , not only reduces the cost and risk , but also makes the whole system to ensure that short-term benefits and long-term improvement of corporate IT environment are found a perfect balance .

  9. 在推出LPS实施TPM的总体规划后,逐一介绍了持续改善,行政事务管理,培训和教育,自主维护,计划性维护等5大支柱的实施和成效分析;

    Then the deployment of TPM 5 pillars in LPS , including Continues Improvement , Office TPM , Training & Education , and Autonomous Maintenance , Planned Maintenance was introduced in details .

  10. 本文将介绍如何以PDCA持续改善的架构来贯穿高科技行业环安卫风险管理流程与风险管理概念。

    This article introduced how to use the PDCA continuous improvement structure and mechanism for implementing risk management flow and concept of environmental protection , industrial safety and occupational health .

  11. SQE主管工作职责:1。领导供应商管理团队管理供应商的品质,督促并帮助供应商进行持续改善;

    SQE Supervisor Roles and responsibilities : 1.To lead the SQE team in managing suppliers , developing and driving suppliers for continue improvement ;

  12. 未来5年间,那里的情况将持续改善,因此,现在就在那儿占有一席之地是很重要的。经纪公司Needham的互联网分析师克里·赖斯(KerryRice)表示。

    Over the next five years , things will continue to progress in a positive fashion over there , so it 's important to be there today , said Kerry Rice , an Internet analyst at Needham , a brokerage firm .

  13. 具体介绍了HOS系统的推行和成熟度评估体系,辅助HOS推行的培训体系,标准化管理,持续改善和全员参与的企业文化。

    And the article also introduced some detailed HOS system implementation contents , such as corresponding maturity assessment procedure , Honeywell training system , standardization management , continuous improvement and full participation of company culture .

  14. 并建立健全精益生产管理的评估绩效系统,保障企业持久长期的持续改善以满足客户的最大需求。最后总结研究的成果和实践效果,并将所应用到精益生产方法推广到类似的EMS生产企业。

    Create and complete the measurement system for keep lean production system running smoothly and make sure the enterprise developing continuously to meet customer demand . The final part is summarizing the success and study result and spread the lean production to the similar EMS enterprises .

  15. 看着红色和橙色的灯光交相辉映,却没有大量的人过来检修,我们也很难搞清楚所谓的“Kaizen(持续改善)”如何实际发挥效用。

    It was hard to figure out how Kaizen ( continual improvement ) really worked in practice as we saw orange and red lights go off but it wasn 't some dramatic swarming event .

  16. 构建持续改善领导小组,授权QC小组开展改善活动,并扩大到产品全生命周期,形成持续改善的文化。

    Through building leading team for Continue Improvement , authorizing quality continuous groups to carry out Continue Improvement activities and expanding Continue Improvement activities to the whole product life cycle , it would become possible for the formation of enterprise culture of Continue Improvement .

  17. 植物黄金体P.G.B调理系统,持续改善粗糙暗哑肤质,使肌肤新生白皙。

    P.G.B.conditioning system can improve the roughness and dullness of the skin and make it white just like newly born .

  18. 通过对剑光酒厂采购物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流四个方面的具体分析,提出实施5S持续改善、定量订货、共同配送等优化策略,合理改善剑光酒厂的企业物流。

    Analyzing the procurement logistics , production logistics , marketing logistics and recycling logistics , the paper puts forward the optimized strategy as implementing five S , quantitative order and joint delivery etc. in order to improve the business logistics of the Brewery .

  19. 作业成本管理(ABM)设定成本标准,Kaizen控制改善成本标准,作业基础成本改善控制整合ABM的作业、过程管理观和Kaizen控制的持续改善管理理念。

    Activity-Based Management ( ABM ) establishes cost standard , while Kaizen control improves cost standard . Activity-Based Cost Kaizen Control combines the activity and process management perspective of ABM and the management philosophy of continuous improvement of Kaizen control .

  20. 现代企业在激烈的竞争下要在市场中保持竞争力,企业的业务过程就要不断地适应外界的变化,这就是业务过程持续改善(BPCI)的内涵。

    To keep indefectible in the competitive market , modern enterprises must change its ' business process to adapt to the change of the outside . It is just what 's the meaning of BPCI .

  21. 本文提出了DAIC(定义、分析、改进和实施、持续改善)模型来进行服务业顾客满意度改进的实施。

    This paper propose DAIC model ( definition , analysis , improvement and implementation of continuous improvement ) as a conduct improvement of the traditional six sigma process when implement six sigma to improve customer satisfaction in service .

  22. 精益生产是一个需要长期坚持,持续改善的过程,通过对SHVS公司精益生产的应用研究,总结其成功背后的一些经验,希望对其他相关企业类似问题具有指导意义。

    Lean production is a long-term process with continuous improvement , Through the practical study of lean production in SHVS company , explore the scientific management experience of its success and in the hope that guide the other enterprises with similar problem .

  23. 按揭贷款质素持续改善。

    The improvement in the quality of the mortgage portfolio continued .

  24. 持续改善是解决上述问题的有效途径。

    Continuous improvement is a suitable approach to tackle this problem .

  25. 建立人力资源管理制度和流程,并持续改善。

    Establish the HR management system and flow , keeping improving .

  26. 支持业务过程持续改善的工作流仿真工具设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Workflow Simulation Tool Supporting Business Process Improvement

  27. 严格遵守品质政策,协助实施质量持续改善工作。

    Follow up quality policy , assist execution of continuous quality improvement .

  28. 一项全球调查显示,中国国家形象在持续改善。

    A global survey shows that China 's image continues to improve .

  29. 摘要策略导向乃是组织效能的中心课题,并有助于绩效的持续改善。

    Strategic orientation is central to organizational effectiveness and continuing performance improvements .

  30. 质量为根,服务为本;持续改善,追求卓越!

    Quality and Services are foundations , Continuing Improvement up to Perfection !