
  • 网络continuation;Going Concern;Going-concern;continuing operations;going concern concept
  1. 企业持续经营风险的加大同样增大了注册会计师的审计风险。

    The increase of risks in going concern also gives an edge to CPAs ' auditing risks .

  2. 本文通过对企业的持续经营能力评估方法的介绍,要求企业及时认识和解决企业持续经营中的不确定性因素。

    By introduction of the ways to evaluate the ability of going concern , require the enterprise to understand and solve the uncertain factors of going concern .

  3. 应用GIS评价土壤质量客观且潜力大,对土壤进行时空动态监测以实现土壤持续经营管理。

    The evaluation method based on GIS was objective , and had greater potential capacity , and soil could be managed continuously with the dynamic monitoring method .

  4. 基于此假设,本文运用了二项logistic回归分析法,将选取好2006-2008年某定义下反映持续经营能力的各个指标与审计意见类型之间的关系通过函数的形式展示出来。

    On this foundation , using the logistic regression analysis , we show the relationship between every index affecting going-concern ability and the types of audit opinion with function .

  5. 这点同样适用于DeRobertisPasticceriaandCaffe等商铺。这家咖啡馆已经在东村(EastVillage)持续经营了110个年头,最近刚刚关门歇业。

    The same is true for shops such as De Robertis Pasticceria and Caffe in the East Village , which just closed after a 110-year run .

  6. 企业持续经营计划(BCP)研究&以中国建设银行为例

    The Research on Business Continuity Plan ( BCP ) & Taking China Construction Bank for Example

  7. 本研究调查了在2002年萨班斯-奥克斯法案(SOX)实施之后,内部控制质量与审计师的持续经营评估之间的关系。

    This study examines whether internal control quality is associated with auditors'going concern assessments following the implementation of the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of2002 ( SOX ) .

  8. 桉树人工林可持续经营3-PG模型的研究

    Study on sustainable management of Eucalyptus plantation using 3-PG model

  9. 独立审计具体准则第17号&持续经营(摘要)

    Specific Independent Auditing Standard No.17 & Going Concern ( Abstaced )

  10. 对东北林区商品林持续经营发展趋势的探讨

    Study on the Sustainable Development Operations Trend of Northeast Commercial Forest

  11. 基于持续经营考虑下非标准审计意见对中国证券市场的市场反应

    A Research on the Market Information Reaction of Going-Concern Audit Opinions

  12. 融资是企业持续经营和发展壮大的基础。

    Financing is the base of development and expanding of enterprises .

  13. 我国会计核算是以持续经营作为假设前提之一。

    Continuous-going is one of the hypotheses of China 's accounting .

  14. 消除不确定性因素,提高持续经营能力

    Eliminate the uncertain factors to improve the ability of going concern

  15. 三是企业持续经营能力不足;

    M-S enterprises are not have full ability of sustaining operation ;

  16. 推进森林产品认证制度,实现商品林可持续经营;

    That forest certification should be advanced and sustainable management be realized ;

  17. 影响杉木人工林可持续经营因素探讨

    View on the factors affecting the sustainable management of Chinese Fir Plantation

  18. 持续经营不确定因素对审计意见影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research of the Impact of Going Concern Uncertainties upon Audit Opinion

  19. 持续经营假设与企业清算假设的选择

    How to choose the going - concern and liquidate assumption

  20. 应用信息技术提升非营利组织的持续经营能力

    Using IT to Promote the Capacity of the NPO 's Sustainable Management

  21. 长江防护林体系持续经营的战略思考

    Strategic Consideration of Continual Management of Yangtse River Shelter-forest System

  22. 商品人工林可持续经营的环境成本研究

    Study on Environmental Cost for Sustainable Management of Commerical Plantation

  23. 木麻黄防护林持续经营问题初探

    A Preliminary Approach to the Sustained Management Problem of Casuarina Protection Forests

  24. 持续经营假设的审计探讨

    Discussion of the Auditing of Continue Operation 's Hypothesis

  25. 房地产开发企业持续经营投资决策研究

    The Study on Investment Decision-making in Sustained Operating Developers

  26. 阐述了人工林的生物学稳定性与森林可持续经营的关系,人工林生物学上的不稳定是人工林可持续经营中存在的突出问题。

    The relationship between plantation biological stability and its sustainable management was studied .

  27. 林权改革对集体林可持续经营的影响&以辽宁丹东为例

    Effects of the Forest Ownership Reform on the Sustainable Management of Collective Forest

  28. 财务危机是企业持续经营能力丧失的前奏。

    Financial crisis is the prelude for enterprise continually losing its business capacity .

  29. 而对各种风险的防范是小额贷款公司持续经营的前提。

    The variety of micro-credit risk prevention is the premise of going concerned .

  30. 来自持续经营项目的净收入:370亿美元

    Net income from cont. operations : $ 37.0 billion