
wù quán
  • real right;interest;right in rem;in rem of property
物权[wù quán]
  1. 物权的保护方法有待加强。

    The ways to protect right in rem shall be strengthened .

  2. 论物权行为的法律地位

    On the Legal Position of the Act of Right in Rem

  3. 按揭是不动产的一种物权担保。其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。

    Mortgage is a security interest in real property . The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor .

  4. 政府还制定了物权法,使合法的私有财产得到法律保护;修改了选举法,使城乡选民具有平等的权利;废除了收容遣送条例,使农民自由进城务工。

    The government has also formulated3 the Property Law to protect the legal property rights of the people , amended4 the Election Law to ensure equal rights of election of urban and rural residents , and abolished the regulations that restrict the freedom of mobility5 of rural residents into the cities .

  5. 物权变动是物权立法的核心问题。

    Property ownership change is the core of property ownership legislation .

  6. 债权、知识产权与物权的界分

    Division of Creditor 's Right , Knowledge Ownership and Real Right

  7. 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。

    At present , our government is making property right law .

  8. 论担保物权期间的效力

    On the Efficacy of Time Period in Real Rights for Security

  9. 我国法律对物权的保护是多元的、综合性的。

    The protection of property rights law is diverse and comprehensive .

  10. 我国物权变动模式争议之评述

    Comments on the Controversy of Real Right Alteration Mode in China

  11. 关于物权行为的无因性原则的探讨

    The Discussion about Noncausal Relationship Principle In Juristic Act of Real Right

  12. 文章通过一系列的考察和分析认为:租赁权物权化是确实存在的法律现象,它有自身产生、发展的原因和过程。

    The author think that the development trend of leasehold is existing .

  13. 关于中国物权法制定的几个问题

    A Few Problems on Making the Law of Real Right

  14. 文章对物权契约作了全面剖析。

    So this article makes comprehensive analysis on the real right contract .

  15. 关于物权法中空间权若干问题的探讨

    On the Questions about the Space Right in the Law of Property

  16. 我国物权立法应设立优先权制度

    Priority System Should Be Set Up In China 's Real Right Legislation

  17. 论涉外动产物权的法律适用

    Application of the Law Over the Foreign Moveables Real Right

  18. 论物权法定主义与私法自治精神

    On Legalism of Jus in Re and the Autonomy of Private Law

  19. 论自然资源的物权法调整

    The Regulation of Real Right Law in the Area of Natural Resources

  20. 论破产重整程序中的担保物权

    On the Security Interests in the Bankruptcy Process of Reorganization

  21. 破产保护效力是最能体现物权性的一项效力。

    This effect can most reflect the real right nature .

  22. 我国他物权制度理论构建之研究

    A study in the theory of other property rights institution

  23. 论区分原则&对我国物权立法的一点建议

    The Distinguishing Principle & Advices on laws of property right

  24. 船舶物权保护法律制度之研究

    On the Legal System to Protect the Right of Ship in Rem

  25. 让与担保的物权法空间

    The Struggling Prospects of " Transferring Guarantee " in the Property Law

  26. 我国物权变动立法模式研究

    Study of the Alteration of Real Rights and Legislative Pattern of Our Country

  27. 再谈物权行为

    Re-discussion about the juristic act of right in rem

  28. 环境污染侵害之物权排除请求权是物权请求权在环境法领域的具体实现。

    Right of the real elimination claim is the character of real right .

  29. 我国物权法中应规定间接占有制度

    Indirect Possess Regulation Should be Formulated in Property Law

  30. 公共利益界定&兼评物权法草案第四十九条

    Public Interest Identification & Reviewing Item 49 of the Draft of Property Law