
wù zī ɡuǎn lǐ
  • material management;handling of goods and materials
  1. 深化物资管理提高企业效益

    Deepening Handling of Goods and Materials Increasing Enterprise Benefit

  2. 该系统是一个纵向集成的物资管理信息系统。

    This is a longitudinal integrated system for handling of goods and materials information .

  3. 加入WTO以后物资管理工作的信息化趋向

    The Informational Trend of Material Management after Taking part in WTO

  4. 基于J2EE构建多层分布式物资管理信息系统

    Build Multilayer Distributed Material Management Information System Based on J2EE

  5. RFID在电力物资管理系统中的应用研究

    Study and Application on RFID for Electric Power Material Management System

  6. 基于ASP的物资管理系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of goods and materials management system based on ASP

  7. 基于Excel上的医疗物资管理系统的构建

    The construction of medical material management system base on Excel

  8. 本文利用ERP理论建立大庆电泵公司物资管理系统。

    The material management System for daqing pump is established by ERP theory in this paper .

  9. RUP软件工程过程在企业仓库物资管理系统中的应用

    Application of RUP Software Engineering Process in Industrial Warehouse Material MIS

  10. 这是一个用JSP是现代物资管理系统。

    This is a JSP modern materials management system .

  11. 基于BPR的物资管理流程重组

    Material Management Process Reengineering Based on BPR

  12. MRPⅡ在机械制造业企业物资管理系统中的应用开发

    Development and Application of MRP ⅱ in Material Supply Management System of Mechanics Manufacturing Enterprises

  13. 本文提出了一种基于FLEX和J2EE技术架构的发电企业物资管理与电子商务采购平台解决方案。

    This paper puts forward a method based on J2EE and FLEX technical architecture of power generation enterprise material management and e-commerce purchasing platform solutions .

  14. 本文以SqlServer2000为数据库平台,构建了后勤物资管理系统,完成了后勤物资管理系统主要四个模块的功能。

    This thesis constructs the logistics management system and completes functions of the main four modules in logistics management system with SQL Server 2000 as a database platform .

  15. 介绍一种基于Client/Server(C/S)和Browser/Seaver(B/S)模式,设计和开发某火电厂物资管理系统的方法。

    The paper introduces a way , based on Client / Server and Browser / Server , by which MIS of a Power Planet is designed and developed .

  16. 这个研究分为两个部分,一个部分是对信息系统开发流程的认识,另一部分是使用基于MDA的开发工具进行的物资管理系统开发实践过程。

    The research is divided into two parts , one part is the understanding of information system development process , and the other is the practice of system development process based on the MDA .

  17. 基于SH模型的物资管理信息系统,能够有效地解决传统Web应用开发中存在的高耦合、不易维护的问题,分层体系结构使得系统流程清晰,易于扩展和维护。

    The material management information system based on SH model can effectively solve the problems of high-coupling and complicated maintain in traditional Web application development , layered architecture allows the system process clear , easy to extend and maintain .

  18. 本系统以WINDOWSnt为操作平台,基于B/S模型,采用ASP-SqlServer作为Web数据库的开发技术,结合实际工作环境,开发了一套基于Web技术的高校设备物资管理系统。

    This system , based on B / S model , with WINDOWS NT as its platform , develops an Web-based system for the facility managing system at colleges and universities by applying into practice the ASP + SQL SERVER as the technology for Database .

  19. 此外,文章的最后设计了Web数据库的安全模型,并且开发了一个基于RBAC模型的物资管理系统,实现了身份验证和访问控制模块,保障了整个Web数据库系统的安全。

    Furthermore , we design a security model in Web database system ; develop a resource management system which is based on RBAC model . In this management system , we apply identity validation module and access control module to ensure the security of the whole Web database system .

  20. 在系统网络结构方面,分阶段分别采用Intranet、EDI技术和VPN为基础的Extranet技术,使物资管理者可以省时省力高效率地完成物资管理工作。

    Intranet , EDI technology and Extranet technology based on VPN are used in different stages in the system network structure , which enable the manager of material to accomplish their management work effectively with less labor and time .

  21. 在论文最后,按照基于设计模式的软件开发方法,通过一个典型的J2EE应用的实例&物资管理信息系统的设计和实现,说明了基于设计模式软件开发方法的可行性。

    In paper final , according to based on design pattern software method of exploitation , through a typical J2EE application example - " goods and material handling information system " the design and the realization , showed based on the design pattern software method of exploitation feasibility .

  22. 论文在分析建筑业物资管理系统的现状和实施CIMS的必要性的基础上,研究了建筑业物资管理CIMS工程的总体方案设计,以及计划决策子系统和质量管理子系统的开发问题。

    After analyzing the actuality of material management system and the need to apply CIMS in building industry , the design of collective scheme of CIMS engineering in material management of building industry and the design of planning and decision-making subsystem and quality management subsystem are studied in this paper .

  23. 青海移动物资管理工作中存在若干问题,需要通过物资管理信息系统(MMIS)进行企业信息化改革。

    There exist plenty of problems in the material management of china mobile group Qinghai co. , ltd. So that material management information system ( MMIS ) is needed to carry out reforms of enterprise informationalization .

  24. 创建逆向物流体系,完善物资管理机制

    Create a Reverse Logistics System and Improve the Materials Management System

  25. 中小型企业微型机物资管理系统的开发

    A microcomputer material management system developed for moderate and small enterprises

  26. 现代物流思想在施工企业物资管理中的应用

    Discussion about Applying Logistics to Materials Management of Construction Engineering Enterprise

  27. 建筑物资管理信息系统浅谈项目施工的物资核算

    Architectural Material Management Information System On materials accounting of construction project

  28. 狠抓物资管理降低采购成本

    Improvement of the Material Supply Management and Decrease in Purchasing Cost

  29. 设备物资管理数据仓库的数据采集策略

    Data Acquisition Strategy of Equipment and Materials Management on Data Warehouse

  30. 关于当前煤炭企业物资管理工作需解决的问题

    On Problems to be solved in Material Management in Coal Enterprise