
  1. 立法寻租现象在国外当然也有存在,其中美国对立法游说现象的规范较具有代表性。

    Legislative rent-seeking also exists in foreign countries , the norm to legislative lobbying in America is very special .

  2. 具体到我国立法寻租现象的规制,应当从理念与制度两个层面上来考虑。

    Speak to our country , the regulation of legislative rent-seeking phenomenon can be considered from idea and system aspects .

  3. 立法游说活动与立法寻租行为有着紧密的联系,立法游说活动如果管理不严,会很容易诱发立法寻租行为。

    Legislative lobbying and legislative rent-seeking are closely linked , if legislative lobbying is not supervised well , it can cause legislative rent-seeking .