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lì xià
  • Beginning of Summer
立夏 [lì xià]
  • [Beginning of Summer] 二十四节气之一,在5月5日、6日或7日

立夏[lì xià]
  1. 立夏:立夏是指夏季的开始。

    The beginning of summer : it means the beginning of summer .

  2. 立夏将带来丰富的降雨,并直接带来丰获。

    The Beginning of Summer will bring abundant rain and lead directly to the harvest .

  3. 立夏后,庄稼长势良好。

    When summer began , the crops were doing well .

  4. 下面哪一项不是立夏的传统习俗?

    Which one is NOT the Summer Begins'traditional customs ?

  5. 立夏意味着夏季的开始。

    It means the beginning of summer .

  6. 今天是立夏节气。

    Today is the Beginning of Summer .

  7. 而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。

    Start of Spring , Start of Summer , Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons .

  8. 立春、立夏、立秋、立冬表示四季的开始。

    The Beginning of Spring , Beginning of Summer , Beginning of Autumn and Be-ginning of Winter mark the start of four seasons .

  9. 矮和半矮秆杂交育成品种的系谱分析业已表明,尺八大麦、萧山立夏黄和沧州裸大麦是我国大麦育种的3个主要矮源。

    Pedigree analysis of Chinese modern bred barley varieties showed that Chi Ba Da Mai , Xiao Shan Li Xia Huang and Gang Zhou Luo Da Mai were the three main dwarf gene donors of barley breeding in China .