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jīng zhé
  • Awakening of Insects
惊蛰 [jīng zhé]
  • [the Waking of Insects] 二十四节气之一,在3月5、6或7日

惊蛰[jīng zhé]
  1. 惊蛰表示春雷响过以后,冬眠的昆虫被惊醒了。

    The Waking of Insects indi-Gates that the spring thunder awakens hibernating insects .

  2. 惊蛰:表示冬眠的动物开始慢慢苏醒。

    The Waking of Insects : It means the hibernate insects begin to wake up gradually .

  3. 节气“惊蛰”是什么意思?

    What does the solar term Insects Awaken mean ?

  4. “惊蛰”通常在公历哪天到来?

    When will Insects Awaken come in Gregorian calendar ?

  5. 惊蛰的意思是春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。

    Awakening of Insects mean spring 's move , awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals .

  6. 在每年的3月5号或6号,中国传统文化迎来二十四节气的惊蛰。

    On March 5 or 6 each year in China , people celebrate the Feast of Excited Insects .

  7. 惊蛰始雷的说法则与沿江江南地区的气候规律相吻合。

    Awakening of Insects only mine is the Jiangnan region and along the river coincide with climate laws .

  8. 惊蛰的春雷刚刚掠过乡间的池塘,久违了的蛙鸣声便开始在田野中唱响。

    Soon after the spring thunder passed by the rural ponds , the sound of frogs was awakened in the field .

  9. 惊蛰标志着春天的到来,昆虫们从都冬眠的状态初次醒来。

    This celebration is a sign of the coming spring season , when the insects first awaken from their wintertime slumber .

  10. 惊蛰开始,大家都会第一次注意到昆虫从柴堆里、石头下和其他地方冒出来。

    Everyone first notices the insects come forth from the woodpiles , rocks , and any other place where they might live .

  11. 从《秋菊打官司》到《惊蛰》论张艺谋与王全安在相似文本中相异的女性观念及艺术态度

    From The Story of Qiu Ju to The Story of Guan Ermei : Similar Contexts but Different Concepts on Women and Art

  12. 这时正值惊蛰、春分时节,民俗认为蛰伏一冬的龙,在这一天开始抬头活动,从这以后雨水也就多起来了。

    This occurs during the spring equinox season , and people believe this is when the dragon wakes up from its winter hibernation .

  13. 中国人还是很重视惊蛰节气,特别是在以农业生产为主的农村地区,与节气周期的关系似乎更为紧密。

    China still observe this holiday , especially in agrarian , rural areas that tend to keep closer to the cycles of the seasons .

  14. 惊蛰这一天,住在中国北方的人们习惯把冰块放在粪堆上,防止昆虫在家中肆虐。

    People living in north China have the practice of placing blocks of ice upon dung heaps to stall the insects from ravaging their homes .

  15. 惊蛰期间,雷雨增多,因此冬眠的虫类会被惊起,这也意味着天气会越来越暖。

    The traditional Chinese farming culture said that during Jingzhe , thunderstorms will wake up the hibernated insects , which also means the weather is getting warm .

  16. 今天惊蛰日的庆祝方式多种多样,但是人们仍然保存着像吃春饼和面条这样的传统。

    Today , Longtaitou Festival is celebrated in various ways , most of which are still identical to those practiced in the ancient times , including eating Chinese pancakes and noodles .