
  1. 让创意更加具有立体感,让广告诉求更加具有穿透力。

    To be more creative with the three-dimensional , so that advertising appeals more penetrating .

  2. 乱花渐欲迷人眼的楼盘展示会、立体平面面面俱到的广告轰炸,看买房的人们心猿意马。

    Squandering is charming eyes to the real exhibition , three-dimensional , two-dimensional aspect of the advertising bombardment , watching people floating houses .

  3. 更近期发送的无线电信息有:美国宇航局向北极星传送的一支甲壳虫乐队的歌,向北斗星座一个行星系发送的一段“立体脆”食品广告,以及通过在克里米亚的一部天线向近地恒星发送的一系列无线电信号。

    More recent radio transmissions include a Beatles song beamed by NASA to the North Star , a Doritos advertisement launched to a planetary system in the Big Dipper , and a series of broadcasts sent to nearby stars using an antenna in Crimea .