
  1. 利益返还请求权是票据法在持票人票据权利消灭后,为实现持票人与出票人或承兑人之间的利益平衡而规定的一种补救措施。

    The claim of the return of the voucher benefit is a remedial measure stipulated by the voucher law to achieve the benefit equilibrium among the voucher holder , the voucher provider or the voucher acceptor since the invalidity of the voucher holder 's privilege on voucher .

  2. 空白票据遗失救济问题研究有利于保护持票人的票据权利、维护交易的安全和稳定性。

    The study of the redress of the lost blank bill helps to protect the bearer 's note right , security and stability of the trade .

  3. 第二十七条持票人可以将汇票权利转让给他人或者将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使。

    Article 27 A holder may transfer his rights on the bill of exchange to another person or authorize another to exercise certain part of the rights on the bill .