首页 / 词典 / good

  • smooth out with the fingers;stroke

  • rub sth. long
  • 用手握着条状物,顺着移动、抚摩:~起袖子。~桑叶。

  • 用手轻轻摘取:~取。

  • 用手指顺着抹过去,整理:~胡子。


(用手指顺着抹过去,使物体顺溜或干净)smooth out with the fingers; stroke:

  • 捋胡子

    stroke one's beard;

  • 捋平头发

    smooth down one's hair


(用手握住向一端滑动) rub sth. long:

  • 捋树叶

    strip a twig of its leaves;

  • 捋胳膊, 挽袖子

    push and roll up one's sleeves

  1. 晚上熄灯前,它甚至允许我轻轻地抚捋它的脯毛。

    He even let me stroke his breast in the evening before I turned out the lights .

  2. 可是这位尚仲老神色很安详,翘起三根指头在那里慢慢地捋胡子。

    But the old man looked perfectly at ease and raised three fingers to stroke his beard .

  3. 加里坐着用手捋着胡子,一言不发。

    Gary sat fingering his beard , saying nothing .

  4. 他捋平头发,整了整领带。

    He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie .

  5. 他朝后捋了捋头发。

    He smoothed his hair back .

  6. 特迪用自己的粗手指头捋了一下浓密蓬乱的头发。

    Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair .

  7. 他捋平了自己仅剩的几绺白发。

    He slicked down his few remaining wisps of gray hair

  8. 爸爸用他的一双大手捋平了地图上的折痕。

    Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands .

  9. 他用手把她脸上的头发捋到脑后。

    His fingers smoothed the hair back from her face .

  10. 他用两手把头发往后捋。

    He brushed his hair back with both hands

  11. 你得退居二线,把过去和将来都捋清楚。

    You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future

  12. 我轻抚着捋平她的头发。

    I petted and smoothed her hair .

  13. 她用手指捋了捋头发。

    She ran her fingers through her hair

  14. 克莱尔捋了捋凯蒂如丝般的秀发。

    Claire smoothed Katy 's silky hair .

  15. “我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。

    ' I don 't understand , ' the Inspector mumbled , passing a hand through his hair

  16. 吉姆沉思着捋了捋胡子。

    Jim stroked his beard reflectively .

  17. 他捋了一把他那美丽的白髯,淡淡地笑了一笑。

    He stroked his beautiful white beard , and smiled faintly .

  18. 我们最好把所有相关事宜都捋顺再采取行动。

    We 'd better get everything straight before taking any action .

  19. 旁白:杜梅尼科和斯蒂芬诺维捋恋人的关系直到2005年结束。

    NARRATOR : Domenico and Stefano were romantically involved until 2005 .

  20. 弗兰克用疲倦的手捋了捋湿胡子。

    Frank passed a tired hand over his wet beard .

  21. 他看见他的女朋友时下意识地把头发往后捋了捋。

    He smoothed back his hair unconsciously when he saw his girlfriend .

  22. 穿两个衣袖可以捋过胳膊肘的衣服。

    Wear clothing with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow .

  23. 一看见她,他赶快把头发往后捋平。

    Seeing her , he quickly smoothed back his hair .

  24. 捋穗式牧草种子收割机梳脱台参数研究

    Studies on the parameters of the stripping header for forage grass seeds harvester

  25. 然后将头发捋到后面,扎一个低马尾。

    Then pull back hair into a low ponytail .

  26. 捋清软件测试与评价之间的关系是做好软件评价的基础。

    It 's essential to clear the relationship between software testing and evaluation .

  27. 他转过头来,把一边太阳穴上的发丝向后捋捋平。

    He turned his head and smoothed back the hair over one temple .

  28. 海茨帕跳起身,紧张地捋着头发。

    Hesper jumped up and nervously smoothed her hair .

  29. 鲍勃捋着山羊胡子,对我的困惑大声笑了起来。

    Bob , stroking his goatee , laughed out loud at my confusion .

  30. 然后我只好低下头,重新去捋一捋此时已经乱作一团的思路。

    Then I had to look down , to reassemble my now-tangled thoughts .