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  • Add;press and smooth
  • 用卵形或弧形的石块碾压或摩擦皮革、布帛等,使紧实而光亮:~光。~绫。

  1. Ellen的耳环掉了,她戴着耳环的砑!

    Ellen lost an earring . - She 's wearing her earrings .

  2. 造纸时,在打浆机内混入含大量瓷土的填料,经砑光机打磨平滑而成。皮革打光机(不包括砑光机型)

    It is made by adding a large quantity of mineral loading such as china clay , to the pulp in the beater and made very smooth by calendering . glazing machine for leather ( excl. calender-type )