
cuò zhì
  • handle;manage;arrange
措置 [cuò zhì]
  • [handle;arrange] 安排;料理

  • 措置得当

措置[cuò zhì]
  1. 默克公司讲话人暗示,该公司将会妥帖措置FDA此次会议,但不管是否获得FDA核准,葛兰素史克都将接管该药物的市场开发权。

    Merck will handle that FDA meeting , but Glaxo will take over marketing of the drug should the FDA grant approval , the Merck spokesman said .

  2. 这是因为早期的芯片探针和芯片探针接口的设计难于措置在。

    Because the design of inchoate chip bougie and chip bougie interface is hard to handle , this is in .

  3. 如果措置得当,这笔钱够他们用三个月。

    Properly managed , the money can last them three months .

  4. 在信号措置区域不竭立异,成就卓越

    ADI innovates ceaselessly in signal processing area , success is remarkable . ADI

  5. 劳拉•豪沙尔特(LauraHaushalter)的短毛猎狗布赖尔(Briar)帮她措置惩罚掉了前男朋友送的泰迪熊,这个泰迪熊可以播放前男朋友录下来的“我爱你”的话。

    Laura Haushalter got her short-haired pointer , Briar , to help her dispose of a teddy bear that played a recording of her ex-boyfriend saying , 'I love you .

  6. 从他们的表现来看,并不完全支持必要的军事措置。

    They showed some reluctance to support the military measures required .

  7. 你是来措置阿尔萨斯的?

    You have come to bring Arthas to justice ?

  8. 当然,我们也措置单据托收。

    And of course , we deal with documentary collections and so on .

  9. 朝廷措置得当。

    Correct measures taken by the imperial court .

  10. 穿的像个司理人,你将便于严厉地措置工作。

    By dressing like a businessperson , you will have an easier time being taken seriously .

  11. 他微笑地站着,镇静地等候吴荪甫的最后措置。

    He stood there with a faint smile , calmly awaiting Wu Sun-fu 's final disposal of him .

  12. 多年往后,他注重到在新泽西社区旧自行车堆满了旧货措置厂和垃圾场。

    Years later , Schweidenback noticed used bicycles at garage sales and in garbage cans throughout his New Jersey community .

  13. 现阶段,措置赏罚赏罚烦闷的方法都范围关注于个其它症状和诊断,然而却忽视了对家庭更广的影响。

    Current approaches to depression focus too narrowly on symptoms and diagnoses in individuals while ignoring broader effects on families .

  14. 老路刷新工程必需节制好路基,搜罗防护工程、排水机关物和软基措置的质量。

    It introduces quality controls on protection works , drainage facilities and soft soil ground treatment during rehabilitation of existing roads .

  15. 各国针对于未成年人的违法犯罪行为都采取积极的预防措置,对于已经实施了违法犯的未成年人也在进行有效的教育矫治。

    Countries take active preventive measures for the minor criminal behaviors and make effective educational correction for the minor that has implemented crimes .

  16. 马斯特近几年在他的尝试室措置了年夜量的火星航天器和火星试探机械人发还的关于红色星球的数据流。

    His laboratory is among those that in recent years has processed an extraordinary flow of red planet data , returned by Mars-orbiting spacecraft and surface-exploring robots .

  17. 家长们一向不安心让她们自主,他们就永悠久不年夜,永久不会自己措置赏罚赏罚自己的事。

    They 'll never grow up , and never learn to handle their own business , if their parents don 't let them stand on their own feet .

  18. 由银行发下班资不仅简单,而且降低了平安和现金措置方面的费用,也降低了发生抢劫事务的可能性。

    Payrolls are not only simpler , they are also less expensive to the bank in terms of security and cash handling it also reduces the likelihood of robbery .

  19. 假如你坐在一个办公室的格子间里,日复一日地用一样的体例措置本身的事变,那怎样能在2025年景为一个有竞争力的劳动者?

    If you 're sitting in a cube , doing your work the way you 've always done it , how can you prepare to have a viable career in2025 ?

  20. 因此,评价物流的管理业绩和效果的准则,多半是以措置惩罚定单周期时间的速度,供货率及完成质量来量度。

    Therefore , the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion , is mostly by processes the order form period the speed , supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure .

  21. 因为采用了学生事务院长负责制和明智的措置纪律的手段,年夜学生把自己更多地看作是年青的绅士,而不是年青的动物。

    By the appointment of a dean to take charge of student affairs , and a wise handling of discipline , the undergraduates were led to regard themselves more as young gentlemen and less as young animals .

  22. 伴侣们,我的提议便是,没有轻易的义务,可是很年夜概它会给你一些措置赏罚赏罚天下上跨越我们节制领域的愤慨和加害的祈望和但愿。

    What I am suggesting , friends , is no easy task , but perhaps it can give you some perspective and hope for dealing with the anger and aggression in a world that feels out of control .

  23. 要是有人因一些紧张的工作要急于措置赏罚赏罚或接听电话必要当即分开餐桌时,他们是否会说声“对不起”,并评释是什么紧张的工作他们得去做?

    If someone has to leave the table immediately because they have to do some important work or attend a call , have them say " Excuse me " and say what that important thing they had to do is .