- sponge;get petty advantages at the expense of other people or the state;get petty advantages at expense of other people or the state;pocket;find pickings;get what one wants by taking it without permission or by trickery;make some outside gains

[get petty advantages at expense of other people or the state] 比喻占别人或公家的便宜
He 's joining the club in order to take advantage of the others .
THERE is a lingering assumption among Britons that their country stands for probity and fair play .
Not one of those who seize the opportunity to touch .
Sponge a fiver from an old friend .
There were a hundred ways to do it-men , materials , you name it .
" Because , I suppose , it is his nature to do so , for the love of robbing . "
I always behave myself with women : I don 't flirt with them and I don 't take advantage of them !
Not only did the sector expand at a startling rate in recent decades but the " investment chain " that links those supplying capital with the people who ultimately use it has become fiendishly complex , riddled with agents creaming off fees along the way .