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zhū luó
  • pig;swine;Swine!;hog
猪猡 [zhū luó]
  • (1) [pig;swine;hog] 〈方〉∶猪

  • (2) [Swine!]∶詈词

  • 猪猡!那女子轻声骂。--茅盾《子夜》

猪猡[zhū luó]
  1. 你这个猪猡!又把我的夹克拿走了。

    You pig ! You 've taken my jacket again !

  2. “而且,我宁愿吻一只猪猡。”

    " Besides , I 'd just as soon kiss a pig . "

  3. 猪猡,猪一样的人被认为象猪一样的,贪婪的或肥胖的人。

    A person regarded as being piglike , greedy , or gross .

  4. 不爱猪猡的安逸,本拉丹;

    Dislike the ease of the swine , Bin laden .

  5. 噢,在我们地盘上有一只猪猡。

    Oh . oh , local smokeys on our turf .

  6. 你这只贪心的猪猡,你把所有的食物都吃光了。

    You greedy pig-you 've eaten up all the food .

  7. 这会儿连猪猡都送过来了.琼恩!

    Now they send us squealing bloody pigs . Jon !

  8. 这就像往猪猡身上洒香水。

    It 's like putting perfume on a pig .

  9. 他一个人对付了一大帮猪猡。

    He single-handedly averted another Bay of pigs .

  10. 这些猪猡怎么到处乱扔东西?

    These packrats throw anything away ?

  11. 你们俩一组.你们仨应该足够够猪猡小姐受的了.

    You two . Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal .

  12. 我还以为是猪猡闯进了花园呢,原来只不过是咖苔琳夫人母女俩。

    I expected at least that the pigs were got into the garden , and here is nothing but Lady Catherine and her daughter !

  13. 人们称之为交情者,不外是横七竖八地躺在一起的猪猡,为了保暖而彼此靠近的那种美德罢了。

    What men call good fellowship is commonly but virtue of pigs in a litter which lie close together to keep each other warm .

  14. 你觉得那些东西也会害怕吗?可能跟我们一样,他们只是被拉到战场的猪猡。

    You think those things get scared too ? Probably just like us . They 're probably just grunts that get told to go fight .

  15. 从这一意义上看,我永远不会把安逸和享乐当成人生目的本身—我认为这种伦理基础更适合于一群猪猡。

    In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves-such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine .

  16. 格里菲安慰道:“马塔阿腊,他们不是我的兄弟。他们是强盗,是猪猡,我会把他们从这个岛上赶出去的。”

    " They are no brothers of mine , mataara ," grief consoled . " they are robbers and pigs , and I shall clean the island of them . "

  17. 迈阿密古巴人的政治过去总是涉及暴力:从1961年入侵猪猡湾未遂,到据估计为638次的暗杀菲德尔卡斯特罗行动。

    Politics in Cuban Miami always used to involve violence : from the failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs in 1961 , to the estimated 638 attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro .

  18. 他说,他的光荣就在发生的这些事情里,说善是在间接中实现的;可是我希望他不要老是这样自找苦吃,他已经渐渐老了,就让那些猪猡在污泥中打滚好了。

    He says he glories in what happened , and that good may be done indirectly ; but I wish he would not so wear himself out now he is getting old , and would leave such pigs to their wallowing . '