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  1. 同时还对感潮河段在计算设计通航水位时所需样本年限问题进行了探讨。

    Meanwhile , the age of data for calculation of design navigable stage was discussed .

  2. 另外,背上披着牛皮,背架背米可以避免磨损衣服,同时还可以隔潮保暖。

    In addition , the back wrapped in leather , back rack back m to avoid wear clothes , but also can be Gechao warmth .

  3. 此外,本文还就绿潮与海水营养环境的关系以及绿潮的防治等进行了较为深入的探讨,指出了绿潮防治的两条途径。

    In addition , it is also discussed for the relationship between green tide and nutrient environment , and two ways were points out for the green tide control .

  4. 事实上,当时我的还觉得还挺潮的。但是,呃。

    I actually thought I looked hot at the time .

  5. 她还像其他很潮的女生一样把一头棕色的头发染黑烫卷。

    She dyed her brown hair black and got a perm like the other popular girls .

  6. 在其他国家,人口统计学家还坚持着婴儿潮与特定事件有关联的理论。

    In other countries , demographers have also grappled with theories of baby booms linked to specific events .

  7. 现在对其评价有不同声音,甚至有的地方还出现了退保潮,其中的误解应当消除。

    However , it is doubted by various circles , and a tide of surrender exists in some places .

  8. 五年前,投资者曾在东京市中心的珠宝行外排起长队,而这一景象在2011年9月金价达到峰值时再次出现。不过这次到目前为止,还没有出现抛售潮。

    investors formed queues outside jewelers in downtown Tokyo five years ago and again in September 2011 , when gold prices hit peaks , though that hasn 't yet happened this time around .

  9. 2003年10月11日发生在河北省中南部地区的特大暴雨是京津冀近50年来同期所罕见的,同时渤海湾还出现了风暴潮过程。

    A heave rain event appeared in the middle and southern area of HeBei Province accompanied with storm surge in Bohai Bay on 11th October 2003 . This was very rare in North of China in autumn .