
  • 网络Reducing atmosphere
  1. 低按发份和低有机硫含量的煤在强还原性气氛下容易生成单质硫。

    Simple sulfur is easily formed in strong reducing atmospheres originating from coals containing little volatile matter and low in organic sulfur content .

  2. 氧化性气氛(O2)及还原性气氛(H2)对V(oc)有较大的影响,不同环境气氛中V(oc)值的大小顺序是氧气>空气>氮气>氢气。

    The oxidizing atmosphere ( O2 ) and the reducing atmosphere ( H2 ) have greater influences on Voc . The order of Voc In different atmosphere is found to be : O2 > air > N2 > H2 .

  3. 还原性气氛下粒径增大会促进燃料N的转化,而氧化性气氛下粒径的影响恰好相反。

    And the effect of char particle size on fuel-N conversion in oxidizing and reducing atmosphere is opposite .

  4. 在微还原性气氛下,有部分Ti3+形成,出现g(?)

    Some part of Ti3 + have been formed in the ambience with deoxidize , so there are two . signal of paramagnetism , g (?)

  5. 还原性气氛下铝热还原法制备Al2O3-TiB2复合陶瓷的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Calculation of Al_2O_3-TiB_2 Ceramic Composites Obtained from Aluminothermic Reduction in Reducing Atmosphere

  6. 本工作采用自行研制的H2S-H2还原性气氛实验装置进行了纯硫化实验方法验证及可靠性研究。

    An experimental technique of pure sulphidation in reducing H_2S-H_2 environment has been investigated .

  7. 氧化性气氛下,温度的提高会促进烟煤焦炭燃料N的转化,而对无烟煤焦炭则基本无影响;还原性气氛下,温度的提高均会遏制燃料N的转化。

    In oxidizing atmosphere , as temperature increases , the bituminous char-N conversion increases . However , it has little influence on the anthracite char-N conversion . In reducing atmosphere , temperature increasing suppresses the fuel nitrogen conversion .

  8. 再燃烧是一种成熟的低NOx燃烧技术,它是利用燃料分级,形成还原性气氛,迫使NOx分解。

    Fuel staged ( reburning ) is a mature NO x control technology that uses fuel staged to forms reductive atmosphere and to forces NO x to decompose .

  9. 研究了烧结气氛对75瓷烧结后致密度的影响,并讨论了还原性气氛(H2)促进75瓷致密烧结的机理。

    The influence of sintering atmosphere on 75 alumina sintering was studied , and influence of reducing atmosphere ( H2 ) on densification machenism of 75 alumina was discussed .

  10. 研究了氧化性气氛、还原性气氛、温度和过量空气系数对稀硫酸分解生成SO2的转化率的影响,并分析了稀硫酸分解的反应机理。

    The reaction mechanism on decomposition of dilute sulphuric acid was analyzed . The effects of oxidizing and reducing conditions , combustion temperature , and excess air on SO2 conversion were obtained .

  11. 对爆炸喷涂WC-Co涂层的工艺研究表明:采用还原性气氛,即C2H2/O2值为1∶113~1∶125范围内,可获得最佳质量涂层。

    Investigation in the WC-Co coating of detonation spraying shows that , by adopting reducing gas atmosphere , i.e. C2H2 / O2 being 1:1.13-1:1.25 , coating with optimal quality can be obtained .

  12. 本实验主要采用氮气和石墨制造还原性气氛,用一次烧成法制备SrTiO3压敏陶瓷。为与之作对比也兼用非气氛石墨还原工艺制备。

    In this experiment , N_2 and graphite are adopted to create reducing atmosphere , and SrTiO_3 ceramics are mainly prepared by single-fired method .

  13. 在300~2000K温度范围内,考察了痕量元素在还原性气氛和氧化性气氛的烟气中的化学形态和物理相。

    The chemical morphology and physical phase of these trace elements in the oxidizing and reducing atmosphere are also studied in a temperature range from 2 000 K to 300 K.

  14. 结果表明:弱还原性气氛下,运用CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三元相图预报煤灰熔点比实验值高是因为忽略了煤灰中其它杂质矿物质组分;

    It is shown that the values predicted by the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 ternary phasic chat are higher than the experimental datum as the other mineral components are ignored under weak deoxidation atmosphere .

  15. 最后对还原性气氛中的共烧结工艺进行了优化。

    Finally , sintering process in reducing atmosphere was optimized .

  16. 还原性气氛下煤中硫热解迁移规律的研究

    A Study on Migration of Sulfur in Coal under the Reductive Pyrolysis

  17. 煤在还原性气氛下热解硫的析出机理研究进展

    Research Progress of Coal Pyrolysis Desulfurization in Reductive Atmosphere

  18. Pt-10Rh/Pt热偶在还原性气氛中的应用

    The Application Study of Pt-10Rh / Pt Thermocouple Wire in the Reduction Atmosphere

  19. 还原性气氛对煤灰熔融特性的促进作用依赖于煤中铁的含量。

    The promotion depends on the content of Fe in the coal ash .

  20. 讨论了不同的炉温下,在还原性气氛的条件下的结焦现象。

    The coke phenomena have been discussed in the reductive atmosphere on different temperatures .

  21. 锅炉还原性气氛结渣特性试验研究

    Test Study on De-oxidation Atmosphere Characteristics in Boiler

  22. 还原性气氛下淮南煤灰行为特征的研究

    Ash Behaviour of Huainan Coal in Reducing Conditions

  23. 而且在还原性气氛增加的情况下,反应时间会减少。

    And in the situation of increasing reducing atmosphere , the reaction time can reduce .

  24. 炉内还原性气氛的研究

    Study on the Deoxidation Atmosphere in Furnace

  25. 阐述了靠近水冷壁的还原性气氛是造成高温腐蚀的重要原因。

    The near wall reducing gas is considered to be the important cause of high temperature corrosion .

  26. 试验所用4种煤的结渣性能为中等,不会引起严重结渣,炉内结渣的主要原因是氧量太低,出现还原性气氛所致。

    This is the main cause leading to slagging in furnace , making reductive atmosphere to be occurred .

  27. 烧结过程中,除要保证还原性气氛外,还要有一定的氧分压。

    Except for reducing atmosphere , definited oxygen partial pressure was also needed in the process of sintering .

  28. 该荧光粉在还原性气氛中,分别在110011501200℃和1250℃下进行焙烧。

    Phosphors were calcined at 1 100 , 1150 , 1200 ℃ and 1250 ℃ under a reducing atmosphere .

  29. 本文提出,在保护气氛或还原性气氛中焙烧可以防止氧化。

    It is point out that baking in the reducing atmosphere or protecting atmosphere can be protected from the oxide .

  30. 将Nb+在不同条件下注入不同晶向的蓝宝石晶体,然后,在还原性气氛下退火,并对退火前后的蓝宝石晶体进行光学分析。

    Sapphire crystals with different orientations were implanted with Nb ~ + ions in different conditions and annealed at reducing atmosphere .