
  • 网络Rushton;impeller;paddle;propeller
  1. 采用多重参考坐标法(MRF)描述挡板与搅拌桨之间的作用。

    Multiple reference frames ( MRF ) is used to model the action between baffles and impeller .

  2. Sauter平均直径随搅拌桨转速增加而减小;随粘度增加而增大。

    The Sauter mean diameter is found to decrease with the increasing of impeller speed and increase with the increasing of dispersed phase viscosity .

  3. 搅拌桨衬PO材料防腐技术的应用

    Anticorrosion technology practice : agitator blade lined with PO material

  4. 以UG集成软件为平台,建立了搅拌桨铸造模型的三维数据模型;

    The 3-D data model of the propeller casting was built based on UG ;

  5. 基于UG的螺旋搅拌桨CAD/CAM技术

    CAD / CAM for propeller by UG software

  6. 实验结果表明,搅拌桨的转动对最小流化速度没有影响,但使B类和D类颗粒呈现了A类颗粒特有的散式流态化现象。

    Experimental results show that the minimum fluidization velocity has no effects on the rotation of stirrer blades , while particle B and D appear inherent particulate fluidization of kind A.

  7. 本研究旨在通过系统研究了活化CFB灰渣盐酸浸取动力学,为酸浸工艺工业化提供工艺参数和理论指导,并进行反应器设计及搅拌桨选型。

    This research proposed operation parameters and theoretical guidance for industrial application after investigating the acid leaching kinetics of CFB ash .

  8. 利用UG的CAM模块完成搅拌桨的数控编程,实现了搅拌桨CAD/CAM集成。

    The NC program is generated based on CAM module of UG software for the propeller , and CAD / CAM integration of the crystallizer propeller was realized .

  9. 在所有几何因素中,搅拌桨径d和导流筒内径D(ti)对传热膜系数影响最大。

    The heat transfer film coefficients were greatly influenced , among all geometrical parameters , by the agitator diameter ( d ) and the inside diameter of draft tube ( Dti ) .

  10. 利用UG的CAM模块,生成木模的数控加工程序,研究了多轴数控铣削加工工艺,应用五轴联动铣削搅拌桨毛坯木模;

    NC program of wood-model was generated with CAM module of UG , Multi-axis NC milling process was also discussed , and propeller casting wood-model was machined by five-axis milling .

  11. 为验证JH型轴流式搅拌桨的应用效果,进行了中试放大。

    A prior test is made to verify the stirring effect of Model JH axial flow stirring paddle .

  12. 由此可见,CFD技术优化高粘体系中搅拌桨的方法是可行的,这对搅拌混合设备的设计、放大和优化具有十分重要的指导意义。

    Therefore , CFD technique is effective for the optimization of agitator in high viscous system . It can be applied to guide the design , scale-up and optimization of mixing plant .

  13. S-NPK生产中,KHSO4反应釜搅拌桨材质的选择

    Selecting the materials for construction of KHSO_4 reactor in production of Sbased NPK fertilizer

  14. 提出具有导流筒、W型槽底和螺旋搅拌桨固液悬浮搅拌槽的放大,以及槽内流体速度分布的数学模型。

    Scale up of stirred-tank with a draft-tube and a W shaped bottom , agitated with a pro-peller impeller for suspending solids in liquid ( DWT ) was studied and a mathematical mod-el of the velocity distribution of fluid in DWT was presented .

  15. 介绍了JH-2型轴流式搅拌桨叶面曲面的设计、桨叶根部弯曲应力的校核、功耗实验以及制造方面的内容。

    Presents the design , manufacture , intensity calculation and power-consuming experiment of JH-2 axial-flow stirrer .

  16. 对于CBY型搅拌桨,离底距离对絮凝效果影响不大。

    The distance of the CBY propeller from the bottom of the tank has no considerable influence on the results of flocculation treatment .

  17. 利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件,采用标准κ-ξ紊流模型,分析了非稳态非等温情况下,涡轮搅拌桨混合过程中搅拌槽中流体的三维紊流流场和温度场的分布。

    Utilizing computing flow hydrodynamics software ( CFD ), a standard κ - ξ turbulent model was adopted . Under the non-isothermal and astable condition , three-dimensional flow field and temperature field 's distribution in agitating trough was analyzed in the mixing process of turbine agitating paddle .

  18. 应用旋转参考坐标系处理搅拌桨与挡板之间的相对运动,建立液固两相双流体模型,采用有限体积法(FVM)求解流体流动控制方程组。

    A turbulent two-fluid model was established by using a rotating coordinate system to describe the relative motion between impeller and baffles and the control equations was solved with the finite-volume method ( FVM ) .

  19. 对于窄叶翼型CBY搅拌桨,在相同的搅拌输入功率下,单层、双层以及三层CBY搅拌桨的混合时间基本相同;

    For the multiple hydrofoil impeller agitators , the mixing times of triple narrow-blade hydrofoil CBY impellers are almost the same as the dual and single CBY impellers .

  20. 通过测定不同温度不同搅拌桨转速下的液滴的粒径分布及Sauter平均直径,分析搅拌桨转速和粘度对液滴破碎和粒径分布的影响。

    Drop distribution and Sauter mean diameter at different impeller speeds at every experimental temperature are measured . The effects of impeller speed and dispersed phase viscosity on drop breakage process and drop size distribution are analyzed .

  21. 新型搅拌桨在环己烷氧化生产环己酮中的应用

    Application of novel stirring impeller in cyclohexanone production from cyclohexane oxidation

  22. 基于流体分析的工业结晶器搅拌桨结构优化

    Optimum Design of Industrial Crystallizer Impeller Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics

  23. 搅拌桨组合的构型对螺旋霉素发酵合成的影响

    Influence of Combination of Agitator Types to Fermentation Synthesis of Spiramycin

  24. 不锈钢材料高速切削技术在搅拌桨加工中的应用

    Application of Stainless Steel High Speed Machining on Stirring Paddle Machining

  25. 反应器不锈钢搅拌桨的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion and Protection of Stainless Steel Agitating Blade of Reactor

  26. 分体式不锈钢搅拌桨设计改进

    Design Improvement on Stainless Steel Mixer Oar of Several Parts

  27. 不同叶片形状盘式涡轮搅拌桨的气-液分散特性

    Gas-Liquid Dispersion by Hollow-blade Disk Turbines with Different Blade Shapes

  28. 不锈钢搅拌桨铸造毛坯的CAD/CAM

    CAD / CAM of the Casting for Stainless Steel Propeller

  29. 新型穿流式搅拌桨在湿法磷酸反应器中的应用

    Application of a New Type of Punched Agitator to Phosphoric Acid Reaction

  30. 黑曲霉发酵生产壳聚糖的搅拌桨选择

    Selection of Agitating Vane While Chitosan Fermented by Aspergillus Niger