
  • 网络payment and settlement;payment;payment settlement
  1. 按照支付结算制度的规定签发银行汇票;

    Issue bank bills as per payment and settlement rules concerned ;

  2. 借记卡是目前国内最重要的个人支付结算工具。

    Debit cards are currently the most important personal payment and settlement tools .

  3. 我单位以POS机刷卡的电子结算方式,代替现金结算的实践,至今三年有余,取得了良好的效果,工作效率大大提高,减少了支付结算时间,减少了支付转移差错;

    The practice to use POS instead of cash settlement has more than three years , and achieved good results .

  4. 信用证是国际贸易中的重要支付结算工具,而独立性原则又是信用证制度得以正常运作的基石。

    Letter of Credit is important tool of payment and settlement .

  5. 这是银行支付结算系统的创新。

    This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system .

  6. 结合工作实践对农村支付结算体系建设提出了思路。

    Proposed ideas to construct rural payment channel-system combined with work practice .

  7. 我国银行支付结算扫描

    A Scanning on the Payment and Settlement System of Banks in China

  8. 支付结算是商业银行传统功能之一。

    The payment settlement is one of tradition functions of commercial banks .

  9. 金融支付结算系统四大领域问题的理论前沿

    Frontiers in Payments and Settlement Systems : Four Research Themes

  10. 关于广西农村支付结算体系建设的调查与思考

    Study and Proposals on the Development of Rural Payment System in Guangxi

  11. 构建适合中国国情的外汇交易同时支付结算机制

    Construction of PVP Settlement on China 's FX Transaction

  12. 网上银行支付结算中的法律问题

    Law Problems on Payment and Settlement at Web Bank

  13. 银行支付结算业务中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems of Bank Payable settlement and the Countermeasures

  14. 商业银行人民币对公支付结算业务风险点及对策

    The Countermeasure and Risk Point of Payment Settlement Business of RMB-to-Public of Commercial Bank

  15. 作为电子支付结算方式的主要载体,信用卡得到了广泛应用。

    Electronic payment as the main carrier settlement , the credit card has been widely used .

  16. 即时支付结算系统属单层结算架构。

    The RTGS system is a single-tier settlement structure with all banks maintaining settlement accounts with the HKMA .

  17. 至此,花旗的人民币跨境支付结算速度已处于市场领先地位。

    Up to now , Citigroup 's cross-border payment and settlement rate of RMB has been the market leader .

  18. 美元即时支付结算系统自推出以来,深受本港金融界欢迎。

    The RTGS payment system for us dollars has been well received by the financial community in Hong kong .

  19. 中国人民银行会同国务院银行业监督管理机构制定支付结算规则。

    The PBC shall formulate rules for settlement of payment together with the banking regulatory organs of the State Council .

  20. 第四,支付结算体系是商业银行财富管理业务的工具。商业银行应当加强和完善支付结算体系。

    Fourthly the commercial banks should strengthen the paying and settlement system which is the tool of wealth management service .

  21. 银行支付结算一直是我国银行领域研究和关注的重心。

    Bank payment and settlement has always been the focus of attention and research in the bank field of our country .

  22. 银行支付结算工作是银行会计工作的基础,银行支付结算工作质量的好坏直接影响会计工作质量好坏。

    Settlement is the fundation of bank accounting work . The quality of settlement may be directly related to accounting quality .

  23. 按照支付结算制度的规定审核支付结算凭证和填制有关凭证;

    As per payment and settlement rules , check and review vouchers of payment and settlement , and complete vouchers concerned ;

  24. 信用卡的功能众多,比如说:支付结算、消费信贷功能等,优点也很多,譬如使用方便可靠等特点,受到了广大大学生消费者的信赖与追捧。

    It is well received with advantages of payment , settlement , consumer credit and convenient , reliable application among college students .

  25. 人民币离岸金融基础设施建设主要包括市场交易体系、支付结算体系和支持保障体系的建设。

    The offshore infrastructure construction includes the market trading system , the payment and settlement systems , the support and the security system .

  26. 为进一步提高即时支付结算系统的可靠程度,金管局在九龙设立应急后备电脑中心。

    With a view to further improving the reliability of the RTGS system , a hot back-up centre was set up in Kowloon .

  27. 信用卡作为一种先进的消费信贷工具和支付结算手段,在国民经济中已经具有十分重要的地位。

    Credit card , as an advanced tool and means of payment , has been a very important position in the national economy .

  28. 从交易流程来看,网上购物可以分为两个基本环节&交易环节和支付结算环节。而支付结算环节是由包括支付网关、收单行和发卡行在内的金融专用网络完成的。

    According to trade procedure , the online shopping can be divided into two basic links & Trade link and paying the settlement link .

  29. 中国央行一直在敦促中国各银行建立一个自己的统一在线支付结算平台,与支付宝竞争。

    The central bank has been pushing Chinese banks to set up a common online payment settlement platform themselves that would compete with Alipay .

  30. 本文主要就网络消费中存在的交易双方的信用确认问题、网络消费的支付结算问题、网络消费的税收流失问题等进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses mainly the credit recognition between the consumer parties during the net consumption , the payment and the loss of revenue .