
zhī chéng
  • fulcrum bearing;pecker block;bearing;support;hold up
支承 [zhī chéng]
  • [support] 支持承担

  • 这几根柱子支承着房屋全部重量

支承[zhī chéng]
  1. 高速转子支承反力的计算与研究

    Research and calculate of fulcrum bearing reaction on high-speed rotor

  2. 本文讨论了现行规范梁端有效支承长度αc计算公式存在的问题。

    The problems existing in the formula of α _c the effective supporting length at the end of a beam , in current code are discussed in this paper .

  3. 带有间隙支承的CT机回转系统的非线性动力学

    Nonlinear dynamics of a rotating system with supporting-clearance in CT machine

  4. 异形内R型螺栓头部支承面压力有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of Bearing Pressure at Bolted Joint for the Heterogeneous Bolt with the Internal Radius

  5. 基于PLC的汽车曲轴支承座砂带研磨机的研制

    Study on sand belt grinding machine of automobile bent axle support saddle based on PLC

  6. 采用整体索网作为大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面的支承结构,网格划分形式为短程线型。

    The geodesic meshed cable-net structure was used to support the reflector of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope ( FAST ) .

  7. NR支承及其在建筑物抗震上的应用

    NR Bearing and Its Application to Anti earthquake of Buildings

  8. 支承环材料FH&857的极限PV曲线测试方法研究

    A Study of the Measuring Method for the Limit PV Curve of Bearing Guide Material FH & 857

  9. 利用Newton-Fox打靶法和伪弧长连续算法计算了非线性转子&SFD支承系统的周期解。

    Periodic solutions of nonlinear rotor-SFD supporting system are calculated by using Newton-Fox shooting method and pseudo-arc length continuation procedure .

  10. 非均匀曲线支承矩形Mindlin板的自由振动

    Free vibration of rectangular Mindlin plate with nonuniform curve supports

  11. 120t炼钢转炉托圈支承结构改造

    Bracket-quoit supporting structure of 120t steel-making convertor 's reconstructing

  12. 使用三维造型软件UG(Unigraphics)进行辅助支承零部件的造型设计;

    Using 3-dimensional plotting software UG ( Unigraphics ) to sculpt all parts of the assistant support ;

  13. 通过Ra、表面轮廓、支承长度率曲线、轮廓高度幅度分布图、轮廓峰谷比等粗糙度参数评定其加工表面的耐磨性。

    The surface roughness parameters , surface profiles , Abbot curves and the profile ratio of peak-to-valley are applied to analyse the wear resistance of the above material .

  14. 阐述了NR支承系统的隔离原理,介绍了NR支承的结构、设计参数、生产工艺、实际应用及研究和应用新进展。

    The structure , design parameters , processing technology , new progress in application and research , anti earthquake mechanism of NR bearing are introduced .

  15. 机械装置转子支承系统临界转速估算K3法

    An Estimated Method for Calculating the Critical Speeds of a Rotor & support System of Mechanical Equipment

  16. 对武钢冷轧厂冷连轧机和HC轧机支承辊剥落特征的研究表明,冷连轧机支承辊剥落类型有深层次剥落和辊面型剥落两种;

    An investigation is made of flake off features on back up roll of both tandem mill and HC mill in the Cold Strip Rolling Mill Plant .

  17. 并联机构机电耦合动力学计算结合定参数PID控制器方程和具有陀螺效应的不对称转子运动方程形成了电磁轴承支承的转子系统的机电耦合动力学方程。

    The Electromechanical coupling dynamic equations of the rotor system supported by electromagnetic bearings are obtained by combining the equations of the PID controllers with invariable parameters and the motion equations of the un-symmetric rotor with gyro effect .

  18. 某引进大型化肥装置中CO_2再生塔在初次开车过程中,其底部塔盘发生了严重的挠曲破坏,紧固在支承环上的钩头螺栓,有一半被拉脱。

    Uring the first time commissioning of an imported large-scale chemical fertilizer plant , the bottom tray of CO_2 re-generator was seriously curved , wherein nearly half of the lock bolts connected with the support ring were pulled away from it .

  19. 磁悬浮轴承(MB)是一种新型的机电式轴承,是利用电磁场对导磁体的作用力而实现对转子的无接触支承。

    Magnetic Bearing ( MB ) is a kind of new typical mechatronics product which utilizes the electromagnetic attractive force exerting on a magnetic conductor to suspend a rotor without any contact .

  20. 木文采用了应用较为广泛的Kantorovich法求解四边固支承均布载荷下的矩形层合板的弯曲问题。

    In this paper , the widely used Kantorovich method is adopted to solve the rectangular laminated plates under the constant lateral load and clamped boundary conditions .

  21. 目前NC机床正向高速度、高精度、高效率及高度自动化方向发展,主轴系统高速化是数控机床高速加工的主要标志,主轴支承技术则是其关键技术之一。

    Now the development of NC machine tools is forward high speed , high precision , high efficiency and supermatic . The speed-up of spindle system is the main symbol of high-speed machining of NC machine tools , and spindle bearing technology is one of its key technologies .

  22. 兰州炼油化工总厂200kt/a润滑油苯酚精制装置将原萃取塔以阶梯环填料为主的混装填料改造为THⅡ型双鞍环填料,填料采用波纹状填料支承;

    The 200 kt / a lube phenol extraction unit in Lanzhou Petroleum Processing and Chemical Complex was revamped . The previous mixed packing mainly containing ladder ring was replaced by TH ⅱ type double saddle ring packing . A ripple shape packing support was adopted .

  23. 机场主航站楼屋面采用双曲面空间管桁架结构以及人字型柱支承体系,管桁架截面为倒三角形,连续跨度220m。

    The main building consists mainly of space pipe trusses as the roof structure with a continuous span length of 220m and the 3 pipe shuttle shaped steel latticed columns as support members of the roof structure with a maximum height of 35m .

  24. 分别对一个5支承的模型转子系统以及国产200MW汽轮发电机组进行了数值计算,结果表明本文的计算结果与机组的实测结果比较一致。

    Numerical examples are carried out for a model rotor-bearing system with five bearings in a domestic 200 MW turbine generator set , which shows that the calculated results are in good agreement with those measured for some actual rotating machinery . Furthermore .

  25. 提出工作面与巷道合理布局,选取错距为50m-100m,加快工作面推进,尽量缩短侧向支承压力对保留巷道的作用时间。

    It designed program proposed to layout face and roadway , and selected the distance about 50m-100m . It speed up the face forward to try to reduce the pressure on the abutment time to retain the role of the roadway .

  26. 拱脚支承条件对拱片内力的影响

    How Arch Footing Bearing Type Affects Internal Force on Arch Leaf

  27. 硅藻土-莫来石复合陶瓷膜支承体的制备及表征

    Preparation and characterization of the kieselguhr mullite composite ceramic membrane support

  28. 卵形(蛋拱状)断面隧道拱圈支承力衰减规律的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Decay in Supporting Forces of Oval Tunnel Arches

  29. 双层弹性点支承连续梁的静力计算

    The static calculation of double continuous beam on discrete elastic supports

  30. 磁力轴承转子系统非线性支承特性的研究

    Study on Nonlinear Bearing Characteristics of an Active Magnetic Bearing-rotor System